Water shadow is right.

Qin Xiaobing didn't realize that she ran into Fang Yuan again. Out of some beautiful memories, her "generous help" to him would really change her ordinary life.

Because Shuishui feels that no one knows the surrounding area better than her: This is the Lord who has never been willing to suffer losses, but will not owe human kindness.

According to Fangyuan's style, Qin Xiaobing will definitely be surprised by his gorgeous transformation as long as he has a chance in the future.

But Fang Yuan really didn't think so.

He cherished Qin Xiaobing's concern, but did not intend to change her fate. He just wanted to maintain the purest feelings. In this way, every time he recalled that nagging girl, no matter how unhappy he was, he believed that he would get better.

Seeing that Fang Yuan was a little upset, Shuishui wisely changed the topic: "tell you something, I'm sure you're interested."

"What's up, say."

Fang Yuan dropped the window and lit a cigarette.

The water shadow asked, "do you remember the gorilla like man with a machete in the dark world of Lop Nur?"

The dark world of Lop Nur is not willing to recall at all.

He admitted that this is an escape, very not a man.

He escaped not because the place was evil and terrible, but because of his own problems.

For example, why does he have an ugly other shore flower under his shoulder after he has been to that world; Why did he become a brother and sister with Xia Xiaoyun for no reason.

"Stop ahead."

Fang Yuan didn't immediately answer Shui Shui's words. He stared at the front and said softly after a long silence.

At this time, the car had left the airport and came to the Northeast suburb of Beijing.

The hill in front is the source, or tail, of the rolling mountains.

The hill is not big. There are few trees. It is full of weeds and has spit out buds.

Fang Yuan took his clothes, walked up the half of the hill, stopped and said to Shui Shui, "I want to change my clothes."

"Do you want my help? It's such a big man."

Shuishui asked, frowning at her beautiful eyebrows.

Fang Yuan said he wanted to change clothes. Of course, he didn't ask her to help, but wanted her to avoid it for a while.

Men and women are different, even in the deserted countryside.

Shuishui didn't bother to avoid: for several nights in a row, she slept naked with this naked guy and watched him change clothes. If she avoided again at this time, it would be ridiculous.

Fang Yuan said so out of respect for women.

After all, there is some suspicion of blasphemy when watching a beautiful woman change clothes.

Since she is willing to watch, let's see. Anyway, some things are too much and are not worth money.

"Ho Ho, I didn't expect that the child's eyes were OK. The clothes given to you fit well."

After seeing Fang Yuan throw his changed clothes on the nearby grass, the water's eyes were dim: she gave Fang Yuan this clothes.

Now, when Fang Yuan threw it away, he didn't have the slightest nostalgia, so he changed into the clothes Qin Xiaobing gave him.

Although the clothes were dirty and rotten, they were the spiritual sustenance of sister Shuishui.

From this point of view, regardless of any change in sister Shui's attitude towards him, she is always the object of some kind of transaction in his heart, which can't be compared with the feeling given to him by Qin Xiaobing.

Brothers are brothers, women are clothes.

Just listen to the new people laugh, but you can't hear the old people cry!

I don't know why, Shuishui thought of these words and felt that he was the clothes abandoned by Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan is not as sentimental as she is. She will think of these from her rags.

After changing his clothes, he lay on the grass: "of course I will remember that man. There was a moment when I thought I would fight with him, but he left. "

Water shadow thought for a moment and asked, "can you tell me what happened to you and Xia Xiaoyun after I left the dark world?"

"Can I not say?"

Fang Yuan picked a blade of grass, held it in his mouth, looked at her and asked.

"Don't say pull down."

Shuishui also imitated his appearance. He lay down with his back brain in his hands. Just about to play with a blade of grass, he coughed again.

"No medicine?"

Fang Yuan asked with concern.

Water said faintly, "you can't die."

"Why ask that man?"

"He is the man of the wind. He had been there as early as more than ten years ago."


Fang Yuan was surprised and immediately sat up.

His reaction had long been expected by Shuishui. He didn't even look at him. After coughing a few times again, he told her in detail what Lao Li had said to her.

She said it for a long time, and Fang Yuan didn't say a word.

Water shadow also knew that the news was enough to shock him.

In particular, after saying that Sirius may fall, Lao Li and others have to stop an evil substance at all costs and set foot in the land of the Central Plains.

"What on earth is that thing?"

A long time later, when sister Shui narrowed her eyes and was about to fall asleep in the sun, Fang Yuan finally asked slowly.

"Who knows, the only one who escaped alive only said before he died that it was a very young and beautiful girl. As for who she is -- perhaps some little stewardess? "

Shuishui murmured, opened his mouth, yawned, raised his hand to block his eyes, and fell asleep.

She hasn't slept well for two consecutive nights.

In addition, he had a cold and was weak all over. Moreover, the appearance of Qin Xiaobing made him extremely depressed. Sleepiness poured in like a tide, and he could no longer keep awake.

In his sleep, Shuishui vaguely heard that he seemed to cry low, scolded a shameless woman, scolded a smelly man who couldn't understand her heart, and scolded himself for being cheap.

In the most vicious language in the world.

Still in her sleep, in a trance, she could detect that a hand was touching her forehead, something was covering her, and she heard an extremely complex sigh.

It's strange that when the hand is placed on her forehead, even in her sleep, she can feel very at ease. She subconsciously raised her hand and pressed the hand, just want it to stay there for a lifetime.

But the hand was unwilling to meet her little wish and walked away slowly, regardless of how much she was nostalgic and reluctant to give up. Then she trembled and cold, and her whole body curled up like an abandoned kitten.


It was never too cold, which made her teeth tremble.


It was hotter than when she died of thirst in Lop Nur. It made her cheeks red. She wanted to jump into the river for three or nine days.

I don't know how long it took, the feeling of cold and hot, just unwilling to let go of her, growled low and walked towards the most terrible dark world.

After she slowly opened her eyes, she disappeared completely.

The soft light, some pungent smell of soda, and the gentle snoring nearby remind the water shadow that she has returned to reality from a terrible nightmare.

Although reality is hateful, it will always give you the illusion that it is beautiful again when you are in despair, and encourage you to struggle to a distant end.

At 2:30 a.m., the water shadow woke up.

Lying in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

As we all know, people with good physical quality rarely get sick, but once they get sick, their condition is many times worse than ordinary people.

Scientists have proved that the reason why people catch a cold and have a fever is the process of detoxification.

People with excellent physical quality rarely have colds and fever, so the virus in their body will accumulate more and more. Eventually, when the human body can't bear it, they will discharge these viruses, so they can easily defeat people.

There is no doubt that the physical quality of water is quite good.

Even she has forgotten when she had a cold and fever last time.

The virus accumulated over the years suddenly broke out at a certain moment, just like a hammer, leaving her without the slightest resistance and fainting.

The whole body is still soft and weak, but it is no longer cold and uncomfortable. I just want to continue to sleep.

Just closed his eyes, but opened them again, as if with all his strength, he looked sideways to the left.

She saw a back of her head.

Fang Yuan can only show her the back of her head when she sleeps on the hospital bed.

In fact, there is a companion bed in the intensive care unit. He can sleep comfortably on it.

Who knows why he slept on the water Kang.

This guy is deliberately cheap.

Shuishui smiled weakly. When he smiled, he saw that he was holding his right hand.

Oh, I didn't let him go to bed.

He really didn't dare to go.

Hum, boy, even if you pretend you don't care about your sister, isn't it good?

Alas, I wish I could be ill all my life.

When he sighed in his heart, the water shadow closed his eyes again.

When she opened her eyes again, the sun outside the window had tilted to the West.

This time, she felt energetic and full of new vitality - she was probably hungry.

But what about that guy?

Why don't you lie down here?

Just as sister Shuishui's eyebrows frowned slightly, there was a squeaking sound of the door being pushed open.

Then, the strong aroma of millet porridge, like a hook, lifted the appetite of water.

A face with black eyes appeared in her sight.

The guy who should be beaten stared at her for a moment, breathed a long sigh of relief and looked relieved: "hoo, you finally wake up. I thought you'd stay awake for a long time. At least you'd have to burn into an idiot. Well, it's good. Looking at your big eyes, the situation is still very optimistic. Hey, silly girl, do you know who your buddy is? "

"Boy, who are you calling a silly girl?"

Sister Shuishui was very unhappy. She sat up with her hands on the hospital bed.

As soon as I sat up, I gave a low exclamation: grandma, sister, those two little white rabbits, why did they jump out?

Ouye, I bought it. I'm naked. I'm so ashamed!

It's like a mouse just slipped into the water.

"Hey, it's not that we haven't slept naked together. It's necessary to be so shy?"

Fang Yuan put the heat preservation bucket in his hand on the cabinet, patted the water across the quilt, and the water pouted his ass: "give you five minutes, get up, dress, brush your teeth, wash your face and prepare for dinner."

After the footsteps went away, Shuishui slowly showed his head, looked at the door and scolded, "water shadow, you're afraid of a bird. Don't you sleep without clothes?"

Sister Shui, who was not afraid of birds, ran into the washroom with her clothes in her arms, regardless of the weakness of her legs and stomach.

Fang Yuan obviously underestimated the time spent by women dressing and washing.

At least six or five minutes later, sister Shui opened the door and came out.

"Don't you just wear a sick suit? Such ink has made me want to see if you fell into the toilet and were washed away."

Fang Yuan looked back at her and said discontentedly, "come and have porridge. It's getting cold."