After the earthquake more than 1000 years ago, the ancient city of Fuyu sank more than 200 meters underground. However, due to the special crustal plate of the peninsula, the following line became a huge pyramid like space.

The lower the pyramid, the larger the area.

The diameter of the first floor above the ancient city is about one kilometer at most. By the second floor, the diameter has been expanded by three kilometers.

The bottom of Fuyu ancient city is the base of the whole pyramid, and its diameter must be at least three times that of the second floor.

This is the uncanny workmanship of nature, fascinating.

As someone said, if the Northern Dynasty developed the ancient city into a tourist attraction after discovering it, it would definitely create huge economic profits.

The space on the third floor below the ancient city is so large. Walking around the mountains in Heishui (the hills are also the product of crustal movement, and the ancient city of Fuyu is on the mountain in the middle), Qin Caihua is a aimless ant.

His nerves were always tense, like a frightened bird. He had nowhere to find food. He could only scrape down the sticky moss on the mountain with a knife to supplement the water his body needed.

In addition to seeing a few lights at a height of more than 200 meters, it was dark and dead silent around. Only he could hear his own breathing and the faint sound of flowing water.

He didn't know which direction he should go to find the damn nuclear test center.

I don't know how long he can last with his current physical state.

In fact, he knew very well that even now that he was close to the central area, the possibility of blowing up the laboratory was absolutely slim.

Even a fool knows that, as the most important nuclear test center of the Northern Dynasty, in addition to being guarded by heavy troops, its own position is also quite hidden and has strong anti explosive ability.

But now, in addition to holding a Kunlun Mo knife, he has a time bomb around his waist.

The power of the time bomb is great. Even if he can show his great power and get close to the nuclear laboratory, as long as he can't enter the laboratory center, it's just a huge artillery battle.

Therefore, in any way, Qin's flower picking is not possible.

He can strengthen his life because he is longing for miracles.

For example, meeting a comrade in arms, even one, will cheer him up.

Kabun -- just when Qin Jiehua thought of it blankly, he felt that his just raised left leg seemed to be blocked by a tough thin line, and then the line broke.

Without thinking about it, it was entirely out of instinct. Qin picked flowers slowly moving forward close to the rock wall. His body suddenly tilted back, fell heavily into the black water, and quickly spit out the air in his lungs. In this way, he could sink into the waist deep black water at the fastest speed.

Boom, boom -- just as he opened his mouth and breathed out, the mine installed by the North Koreans when they blocked the water suddenly exploded.

The sudden explosion broke the dead silence of the dark world.

Fortunately, it was not a mine (an anti infantry mine placed in the recess of the rock wall), and Qin Caihua's reaction speed was fast enough to make him barely escape.

However, two pieces of shrapnel flew down and hit him hard in the waist.

The incomparable pain made Qin Caihua black in front of his eyes.

But he didn't dare to hesitate. When the pain began to wear into the cerebral cortex, he had drilled out of the water like a swordfish at the fastest speed, and turned around to run back.

After the mine exploded, the guards of the Northern Dynasty immediately felt that Qin Caihua could not run if he wanted to run.

In fact, he couldn't run now -- as soon as he took one step, he felt dark and fell heavily on the water.

Before he was completely unconscious, Qin picked flowers as if a strong light flashed in front of him.

That should be the dazzling white light that can be emitted by a strong flashlight, which crossed his face when he hit the water with his head down.

Then he faintly saw a dark figure jumping down from the nearby rock wall.

And then what happened?

Qin Caihua doesn't know at all.

He really didn't know that he was very close to the nuclear technology laboratory. The hidden northern Koreans were only about 50 meters away from him.

If it weren't for his carelessness, he might have lurked in and completed the impossible task.

Unfortunately, after the mine explosion, all the good luck of Qin Caihua has been used up.

"There's someone over there!"

Before the aftersound of the mine explosion dispersed, at least a dozen northern Koreans emerged from the latent bunker one after another.

Almost at the same time as the light was on, bullets came like hail, splashing with water.

"And our people are alive!"

When the mine exploded and the gunshot rang out, he was looking at the circumference of the iron wall, suddenly raised his foot and kicked it heavily.

The gunfire was so clear that it was more than 200 meters below, as if you could run there in the blink of an eye.

However, the iron wall, which was enough to resist the armor piercing bomb, mercilessly blocked his way and left him helpless.

The iron wall, like a piece of cloth hanging from the top, not only sealed all the space above the roadway, but also extended more than ten meters below the abyss.

The only iron gate that could pass through had been welded with a welding gun by the people of the Northern Dynasty as early as after the invasion of tieliao and others.

If Fang Yuan wants to go on, he can only jump off the cliff like Qin picking flowers.

The most painful thing in the world is to know that your brother's life is on the line and in urgent need of help, but you can only look at the wall and sigh.

After several hard kicks on the iron wall, Fang Yuan was like a wounded beast. With a ferocious step, he walked to the abyss and looked down.

He wants to jump off a cliff.

As for whether you will be thrown into a mass of meat mud after jumping off a cliff -- it seems much better than standing here and watching your comrades in arms be annihilated one by one.

"Fang Yuan, don't be impulsive!"

Just as Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and looked back to say something, he saw the shadow of the water he was going to jump off the cliff and hugged his arm.

"I'm going down."

Fang Yuan looked at the shadow of the water and said in a deep voice, "I have to go down anyway."

"I know, you come with me!"

The shadow of the water pulled Fang Yuan, turned and ran to the coming way.

Fang Yuan was pulled and ran out for a few steps. When he raised his hand and was about to struggle, the water shadow said anxiously: "I know there is another road that can lead down!"

"Where is it?"

Fang Yuan immediately gave up the struggle.

"The command post of the people of the Northern Dynasty was told by King Jiuyou. There is an elevator over there. You can go directly to the bottom floor -- but she also said that the elevator has been damaged. Let's go and see if we can find a way down there. "

The water shadow said, raised his flashlight and pointed to the distance: "do you see the body? The command post is in the rock wall below. "