Several senior figures were assassinated one after another in the shortest time. Even though Hideki Toyoda reacted quickly, when she rushed to the Kawasaki consultant's house, she found that he had died in the bathtub.

It seems that Kawasaki consultant was a murderer who had just got up and came to the bathroom to take a shower. He took the green belt in the backyard of the villa as a shelter. He had already entered the bathroom from the window. When he came in, he split his head with a knife of indescribable speed.

The death as like as two peas in Nanzhao, the Kawasaki consultant's death is split in two.

Hideki Toyoda believes that Kawasaki consultants have lost their biological characteristics before they can make any response (including scream) when their heads are split.

At the scene, in addition to the pattern of a Kunlun Mo Dao painted with blood on the wall, there was a bloody dress.

This dress is naturally the one the murderer wore when he committed the crime.

After killing the Kawasaki consultant, he first left pictures on the wall and changed into new clothes before he calmly fled -- from which we can see how calm and cruel the murderer was.

At the same time, Hideki Toyoda can see that he is threatening himself from the way he did the crime at the scene of the murderer: the next one is you!

This made her extremely angry. When she left the scene, she couldn't control it anymore and kicked her foot on the bathtub.

The white porcelain bathtub of such good quality was mixed with iron sheets that played a solid role. It still failed to stop Toyoda Xiumin's clogs and was kicked into more than ten pieces by her.

Of course, the efforts of Hideki Toyoda and others were not in vain.

At least, after she saw the bodies of Dr. Nanzhao and consultant Kawasaki with her own eyes, she found the living president Miura before the murderer appeared.

She and President Miura were the survivors of the "aid Korea" meeting that day.

She knew better that the Chinese people would never give up and let them go. She could not tell when they would come out and hold Kunlun Mo Dao high - Toyoda Xiumin hoped that the murderer would appear as soon as possible.

In that way, she can kill her opponent and get Kunlun Modao: she really can't refuse the kindness of others to deliver to the door.

But when will the killer show up?

Just as Hideki Toyoda left the Kawasaki consultant's house, good news came: who the spy was has been determined.

The spy who played a key role in this serial homicide was Nanzhao's nanny, an Oriental Chinese (named Qinghe swallow), who had been with him as early as seven years ago.

Qinghe swallow?

After hearing the name, Hideki Toyoda felt her eyes jump a few times: isn't the swallow, a female agent of the notorious KGB in the former Soviet period, called the swallow?

Seven years ago, before coming to Dongyang, Qinghe swallow had already "indicated" her identity and said that she was a Chinese agent, but Dr. Nanzhao still "developed" her into a pillow man, which was the disaster of killing her.

Seven years ago, Qinghe swallows lurked around Dr. Nanzhao. They didn't reveal their identity until today. It's terrible to think about it.

Moreover, Hideki Toyoda can also conclude that people took action as early as seven years ago, not to "aid Korea" or steal nuclear technology (for well-known historical reasons, China's nuclear research technology has long surpassed that of Toyo), but to secretly observe what major moves Dr. Nanzhao will make, so as to infer the final "direction" of Toyo's nuclear technology.

Seven years is enough for a lecherous old man to trust a young woman.

Therefore, Xiumin Toyoda felt that the top secret information held by Dr. Nanzhao had been obtained by China.

But with such an extremely important piece, Huaxia used it in order to "retaliate" for Dongyang's aid to Korea.

When Dr. Nanzhao's daughter, who was still in graduate school, swore to the mirror hair what blood debt and blood compensation, Toyoda Xiumin sneered in her heart (blood debt and blood compensation? Hehe, did you follow the example of Qinghe swallow, go to China to sleep with an old man, turn around and leave, and come to the airport with a group of capable men.

In fact, she also knew that no matter how fast she was on her way, she could not stop Qinghe swallow from flying high: long after she saw the living president Sanpu, the flight booked by Qinghe swallow had taken off.

Her coming at this time was just a way to comfort the families of the victims.

By the way, trace the whereabouts of Qinghe swallows from the airline -- however, Toyoda Xiumin doesn't expect to trace female spies according to passports and air tickets.

Because Hideki Toyoda knew very well that from the moment Qinghe swallow returned to China, she completely disappeared: for example, China would arrange a realistic car accident to kill her in the car accident, and she would never be found again.

Still wearing kimonos and clogs, Xiumin Toyoda, surrounded by many black suits, quickly walked up the steps of the waiting hall to the door, but her steps stopped.

All of a sudden, her dangerous nerve, which had been tempered countless times, tightened slowly and suddenly.

Then, this judgment message was quickly transmitted to her brain: the murderer of Dr. Nanzhao would have come to the airport to hunt down Qinghe swallows, so she lurked in the hall and prepared to split her head by surprise.

So, who would that person be?

After a seemingly casual pause, she continued to walk into Toyoda Xiumin in the hall. When she lowered her head slightly, she seemed to stare at the ground. In fact, she was scanning the coming and going passengers with the light from the corners of her eyes.

A young man with a suitcase and a silver gray suit came up.

Beside him, there was a young girl in a red beret. She took his left arm and whispered and laughed as she walked.

On the left side of Toyoda Xiumin, a young man also came: he was talking to the phone with his left hand, but his right hand hung stiff, and his fingers were moving slightly, much like acting rashly at any time.

Behind the young man in a casual jacket, there is a cleaner with his head down.

On the right, for the third time, a young man in a coat appeared, holding a telephone in his left hand and a trolley box in his right hand. He was looking up at the news program in LCD TV.

Except for the cleaners who have to wear work clothes, most people basically wear shirts or T-shirts in this season, and few people wear coats.

So when Hideki Toyoda saw the three young men in coats (there was a girl in a long skirt next to the young man coming up), she immediately realized something.

With a sneer in her heart, Toyoda Xiumin stopped and whispered something to the black suit around her.

The black suit immediately bent down and promised, waved his big hand with great style, and trotted to the duty room of the hall with his companions, leaving only Hideki Toyoda standing not far behind the door.

In Dongyang, you will see Japanese women in kimonos on any occasion in any season.

However, few women would paint their faces with white powder, turn their eyebrows into broad beans and draw their lips into cherries, as if they had crossed from the Meiji Restoration era.

So many people are attracted by this woman and subconsciously look at her.

Anyone who sees her "ghost like" at first sight will feel very twisted.

But when I looked carefully, I found that she was so harmonious and matched with the land under her feet, just like a pink cherry blossom, standing tall and blooming in the waiting hall. When the kimono was windless and automatic, there was a charming aroma.



A woman who paints a heavy makeup of the ancient oriental tradition and makes herself like a ghost will give people a clear feeling that she has the beauty of the city, which really makes people feel strange and pay more attention to her.

Therefore, all people who pay attention to Toyoda Xiumin see that when three young people in coats came to her front, left and right at almost the same time, she suddenly moved.

From the small backpack behind the kimono (in fact, it's not a backpack, nor is it the pillow we think we use to sleep with men at any time, but it's called a "belt". Tying the body with a belt can not let the kimono show, showing the beauty of the body, but also for decoration), draw out a cold and radiant rib difference (the shortest one in the samurai sword set meal).

As soon as the cold awn came into people's eyes, before everyone reacted, he saw that Hideki Toyoda's wrist seemed to move, and the rib difference stabbed the right young man's right chest.

Almost at the same time, her left kimono sleeve swung, and the samurai sword, which was longer than the rib difference, slipped out of the cuff and cut her head at the young man coming face to face with a stream of forest cold light.

Her hands moved and her left foot was not idle -- when she kicked the young man on the left, half of the refined steel blade on the top of the clogs flashed violently.

When the three young men came to Xiumin Toyoda from the left and right directions at the same time, she took the lead in launching an extremely sharp assassination of the three people in a few seconds!

The ancients said that it is better to start first and suffer later.


Absolutely at the same time, three screams superimposed into one sound sounded in the waiting hall, and then bright blood began to appear, splashing on Toyoda Xiumin's white kimono, like a cluster of small broken flowers in full bloom.

How did this happen!?

Three knives with left and right hands and left feet stabbed the target. At the moment, Toyoda Xiumin was shocked.

According to her eyes, of course, from the instinctive reaction of the three people when they were stabbed, we can see that they are just ordinary people, not to assassinate her Huaxia Kunlun at all.

Thinking from the heart, she immediately determined the target of the stab. When it turned out that it was only ordinary people, Hideki Toyoda immediately withdrew the strength of the front stab--

Her current situation is like a high-speed car, but she suddenly slammed the brake and then backed up. It is definitely a time when the old force is exhausted and the new force is not born.

Just at this time, the cleaner who was ignored by Toyoda Xiumin at a glance moved.

He is the real assassin, the Chinese Kunlun who killed Dr. Nanzhao and others!

Although she had seen the power of Kunlun Mo Dao for a long time, when the light of the Dao first came up (Mo Dao was hidden in the vacuum cleaner pipe), Toyoda Xiumin still felt numb on her scalp and wailed in her heart: my life is over!

The young man himself is one of the seven killers in China. At present, he is holding the Kunlun Mo Dao, the most powerful soldier in the world, and he boldly takes advantage of Fengtian Xiumin's "weakness". She really has no reason to escape the blow of thunder.

At most, just out of instinct, Hideki Toyoda quickly raised her left long knife and put it up with a crack. Her Samurai knife made by the most famous forging master of Dongyang was cut off by Kunlun Modao like an axe.

It can only make the speed of the long knife chop down and pause a little.

At this lightning flint moment, Xiumin Toyoda, who instinctively wanted to close his eyes and wait for death, saw a faint blue lightning and flew to the cleaner's right brain.