GABAR lake, which is hundreds of meters deep and has never been dared to dive to the bottom, is rich in a kind of fish with exquisite meat and beautiful taste.

This kind of fish has a big head, so locals call them big headed fish.

However, due to indiscriminate fishing and other reasons, the bighead fish in shallow water areas were on the verge of extinction as early as a few years ago, leaving a good name in the world. Every summer, it will attract a large number of tourists who come in and go out of the mood.

But this summer is definitely an unforgettable summer for those who covet the delicious food of big head fish.

Because with the Northern Dynasty, which is hundreds of kilometers away from GABAR lake, after the underground nuclear test, the crustal vibration wave generated by the explosion frightened the bighead fish hidden deep at the bottom of the lake, making them uneasy float to the shallow water, and the anglers who came to take a chance were ecstatic.

When Vlaskin, who lives in the north, got the news, it was a month after the fish surged.

Youdao is happy. The result is not important. The important thing is the process. Although it was late when fraskin got the news, he still dragged his old friend and drove thousands of miles here to try his luck.

Unfortunately, their luck didn't seem very good: not only did they not catch the legendary deep-water bighead, but they caught a dead body. They didn't dare to throw it back into the water. They could only curse in a low voice, tow it into the boat and row to the shore.

After the boat landed, fraskin asked his old friend to wait here. He went to the observation station and called the police.

After the fish stopped churning, there were few anglers who came to GABAR lake. Of course, the personnel on duty at the observation station didn't have to stare at any time, as they did a few days ago, for fear that they wouldn't see the anglers who might fall into the water.

The two officers on duty can drink two bottles of vodka at noon and have a comfortable nap -- as for the fact that someone seems to be knocking on the window glass outside and saying something about catching a dead body from the water -- who knows if they are dreaming?

After drinking too much, you will always dream of some strange things.

"Just two people on duty were drunk and couldn't open the door. If they knew so, they wouldn't have trouble picking up the body. Their monitors didn't open!"

Fraskein said angrily. When he returned to the boat, he saw his old friend squatting on the head of the body in a daze.

Fraskin found that his old friend had removed the water and grass wrapped around the body's head with a small wooden stick, revealing a white face soaked in the lake.

This is a young man with yellow skin, black hair and a tall nose. He should have been an Asian white face.

Judging from the color of the skin soaked in the lake, fraskin can basically be sure that young people will not fall into the water for more than 24 hours, and may even fall into the water in the early morning.

It seems that this is also a big fish who is attracted by his name. He can be regarded as the same person with the two people, but his luck is quite bad. No one cares after he fell into the water. Did he come alone?

As for the watchmen at the observation station -- look at how they can't wake up now, don't expect them to find someone falling into the water.

Alas, why go so far to die? I'm not worried that your adults will worry about you?

After sighing gently in his heart, Vlaskin squatted down, picked up the small stick, pulled the water and grass on the body, and said, "see if you can find your ID card, passport (Asian, maybe traveling) and so on -- eh, what's this?"

When he felt that the stick pulled something, fraskein quickly accelerated his action and pulled the water and grass on the right side of the body away.

At this time, it was in the afternoon, when the sun was brightest in summer. As Vlaskin pulled away a few water plants, he felt a sudden light in front of him, and then it was dark.

This is a phenomenon only after the reflected sunlight stabbed the eyes when looking at the mirror in the sun.

But obviously, the reflection of the sun on the body is not a mirror.

Even with his eyes closed, fraskin was sure that reflective things had an obvious gloomy chill than mirrors.

It's like a famous knife.

Yes, it's the kind of peerless famous knife full of human blood. The sunshine reflected from the blade can make people feel awe from the deepest part of their heart.

Fraskin felt right. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found a long knife hidden close to his body in the right rib, which was a full meter long.

To his surprise, the handle of the knife was held in his right hand by the body.

It seems that this is really a good knife -- so good that Asian guys are reluctant to let go when they drown.

"Alas, no matter how good the knife is, people are dead. What's the use?"

Ruskin sighed again and tried to pull the body's right hand with a small stick to see if it could loosen the knife.

With this good knife, it will be enough for the "salvage fee" of fraskein and his wife.

But the corpse was tightly clenched and showed no sign of loosening.

Just as fraskein was wondering whether to directly 'seize', he heard his old friend murmur, "fraskein, take a closer look at his face."

"What's the beauty of a dead body's face? We don't know any Asian friends. "

After Vlaskin answered casually, he realized that his old friend who had been squatting here for a long time had not spoken since he came back.

He looked up strangely and found that the fat meat on his old friend's fat face was trembling. His eyes were like a bitch seeing meat bones, with uncontrollable ecstasy.

"Bach Yefu, what's the matter with you?"

When my old friend saw that the body would look like this, he was really frightened: God, he won't be possessed by water ghosts. Will he jump into GABAR lake to feed fish?

"Look at his face carefully, look carefully!"

The old friend didn't seem to hear Vlaskin's question, but always stared at the dead body's face.

"Look, what are you looking at?"

The abnormal appearance of his old friend made Vlaskin a little flustered, and he didn't even dare to look at the dead body.

Just when he felt he had to call someone, his old friend asked, "do you think he looks like that man, Vlaskin?"

"The man?"

Fraskin was stunned and asked, "who is it?"

"The man we saw in the newspaper on our way back."

With that, the old friend suddenly stood up, dragged his fat body and ran to the car parked not far away at an amazing speed.

"The man in the newspaper, the man in the newspaper!?"

Ruskin murmured puzzled. When he said the second time, there was a flash in his mind, just like the sunlight emitted by the knife.

On their way south together, they once filled gasoline at a gas station in a small town.

When fraskin accidentally spilled gasoline on his hand, the fat landlady at the gas station gave him an old newspaper and asked him to wipe it.

While wiping his hands, Francis found a missing person notice on one page of the newspaper.

There was a photo on the notice, but it was not taken by camera, but hand sketched. It was an Asian young man.

There is no other information except sketch photos, my approximate height and weight.

He didn't say what his name was, what country he was from in Asia, what work he did, etc. - it was such a sketch photo, a reward amount, and a fixed line number.

The amount of reward can make all ordinary Russian citizens Crazy: up to 20 million US dollars.

However, it is a pity for fraskin that it has been six months since this newspaper. Maybe someone has already taken the bonus.

Of course, the reward notice may have expired long ago.

After wiping his hands, fraskin took the newspaper into the car and showed it to his old friends.

Who says half the old man has no dream?

After reading the newspaper, his old friend Bach Yefu began to fantasize about meeting the "God of wealth" in the newspaper. Let alone sharing $20 million with fraskin, he went to travel around the world and no longer had to eat potatoes.

Fraskin is sure that after they rented a boat to go down the lake, his old friends, like him, forgot about it: who will take the fantastic good thing seriously?

But now, now -- just as fraskein stared at the dead body's face in a daze, his old friend, panting like a bull, ran back with the old newspaper.

Directly knelt down on the ground, spread out the newspaper, pointed to the sketch portrait, and hurriedly asked fraskein, "do you look at it carefully?"

"Yes, yes, that's him!"

After comparing the portrait with the body over and over for a full minute, Vlaskin nodded excitedly.

The sketch portrait in the newspaper is called a lifelike one, as if it was taken with a camera and published in the newspaper.

"Oh, it's a pity. It's a dead man."

The old friend sighed with some regret.

At any time, the dead are not worth as much as the living.

Therefore, even if it is determined that the dead body is a huge reward, you can't get so much reward after contacting the newspaper publisher.

"Anyway, I'll try to call there first."

The old friend said and took out his cell phone: "fraskin, read the phone number for me."

Fraskin worked closely and read out the phone number.

The fixed line is from Moscow.

"Can you dial?"

Vlaskin asked nervously when he saw his old friend listening.

"I can dial, but no one answers. Try again later."

After the last beep came from the mobile phone, Bach Yefu shook his head, put the mobile phone on the ground, looked at the body again, and said strangely, "eh, the belly of the body is not big."

Those who drown basically have to be filled with water. Of course, some people are choked to death after falling into the water.

But whether you die from drinking or choking, your stomach will be filled with water.

But the belly of the dead body was flat. It seemed that it was dumped in the lake after being killed.

"Who knows, maybe someone plotted against you?"

Fraskin shrugged his shoulders and looked at the knife again: "Bach Yefu, this knife is a good thing, aren't we..."

Just as he said this, Bach Yefu's mobile phone on the ground suddenly burst.

The number flashing on the screen is the reward phone they just dialed.

As soon as he got a, Bach Yefu copied his mobile phone in his hand and turned on the hands-free after connecting it.

"Just now, did you dial this number?"

A deep and powerful man's voice sounded, with an inexplicable pressure for both of them.

After glancing at his old friend, Ruskin said, "yes, we just dialed --"

His words were rudely interrupted: "where did you know this number?"

Ruskin replied truthfully, "it's in the newspaper."

"Do you know when you can dial this number?"

The other party asked again.

The impoliteness of the other party made Vlaskin a little angry: "hum, of course we found the young man above!"