When the sharp pain suddenly hit, Fang Yuan instantly fell into the extremely painful dark world, all consciousness disappeared, but he saw a door.

The door that imprisoned all his memories opened a crack.

From the crack of the door, he saw a girl without clothes, whose skin was as delicate and white as white porcelain, with a red flower stabbed under his left shoulder, his hands around his lower abdomen, slightly holding his chin up and looking at him.

The girl is like a kitten who suddenly broke into the kennel. She looks simple and timid, but her fluorescent eyes are full of strange and strange.

Fang Yuan knew the girl and opened his mouth to call her name -- but when he opened his mouth to call, the door closed with a thump.

At the moment when the door was about to close, Fang Yuan saw that the girl's simple and green face suddenly became extremely ferocious, her eyes suddenly protruded from her eyes, raised her hands and rushed to the door, screaming: "Fang Yuan, don't go --"

Fang Yuan didn't want to go either, because he could call out the girl's name right away.

As long as he could call out her name, the memory of her disappearance would suddenly rush open the door like the poured River, making him think of anything he had experienced before he was unconscious.

But just as he was about to call out the girl's name, the door closed in time -- when he opened his eyes, the splitting headache disappeared. He was tightly held in his arms by the frightened Katyusha and returned to the blue and green world.

Leaving only his memory, he was still locked in the dark world by the door.

I know her, and I can call her by name -- but who is she?

Why, when I shake this anklet, my head will suddenly hurt so much?

After slowly getting out of Katyusha's arms, Fang Yuan stared at the chain in his hand, and his right hand dared not move.

Katyusha also looked at the chain of feet, with deep fear in her eyes.

Just after Fang Yuan realized the sudden pain because he shook the anklet, Katyusha also thought of it.

When Fang Yuan stared at the anklet and was silent for a moment, and there were blue tendons protruding on the back of his right hand (he was quite nervous), katyushalin said in a trembling voice: "don't, don't shake it. Fang Yuan, give it to me, give it to me! "

She decided to throw the strange Anklet into the sea, so that it would never make a sound, so that the pain would not happen.

Bell, bell!

Katyusha stretched out her hand carefully and slowly. When she wanted to take away the foot chain, Fang Yuan suddenly shook her right hand, which was very hard and almost crazy. Two small silver bells immediately sent out extremely pleasant bells.


Katyusha had just recovered her little bloody face. She was pale again. With a low scream, she suddenly reached out and grabbed the chain of feet.


Fang Yuan didn't let go, nor did he suddenly fall with a splitting headache like just now. He just looked at the two little silver bells blankly and muttered, "I'm fine. This time, my head doesn't hurt."

"Ah, oh, you're okay, this time."

Katyusha nodded hard and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"You let go of your hand."

Fang Yuan said again.


Katyusha obediently agreed and slowly released her hand.

Although the frightening appearance did not appear after shaking the little silver bell just now, her loosened hand was still there, ready to grab it at any time.

Bell bell.

Fang Yuan shook his Anklet again, and the little silver bell kept ringing. He didn't have any abnormal reaction.

"It's really all right."

Katyusha was completely relaxed, and her retracted right hand swung several times: she just lifted it for half a minute, and her hand was very tired.

"Strange, how can it be all right?"

The little silver bell kept shaking around, and the face was full of unknown reason.

Katyusha carefully explained, "maybe it was just a coincidence. In fact, it doesn't matter with the anklet."

"There is a relationship, a direct relationship."

Fang Yuan stopped shaking, looked at Katyusha and said seriously, "I can really feel it. When I rang the little silver bell just now, the sound was like an axe, trying to split the door in my mind."

Katyusha quickly pulled out her eyes and raised her hand to touch the back of her head: "you, there is a door in your head?"

"Well, there is a door, a very heavy and tall door, which closes my memory. As long as I can open that door, my memory will recover, but no matter how hard I try, I can't open it."

Fang Yuan thought for a while before he continued, "but the sound when I rang the bell for the first time can open the door and let me see a man who wants to run out."


Katyusha asked nervously.

"A girl, I'm sure I know her and who she is."

After simply saying the moment of "seeing" just now, there was an agitated pain in Fang Yuan's eyes: "just when I was ready to shout her name and she wanted to run out, the door closed. When the door was closing, I heard her calling my name -- she was calling my radius and told me not to go. "

"So, my name is Fang Yuan. It's me. "

But I couldn't hold my hand, but I didn't want to raise my voice

Katyusha quickly took away his hand and held him in her arms again. Fang Yuan instinctively struggled - after he was four years old, he didn't like to be held in his arms by any woman, including his mother, because he felt that it was the beginning of making men weak.

Men can be incompetent, shameless, and play hooligans on bitches, but they must not be weak!

"Don't move, Fang Yuan, I'll tell you."

Katyusha hugged him and let him cling to her proud arms. She closed her eyes and murmured, "I'll tell you everything you used to, I'll tell you everything."

No matter how strong Katyusha hugged him, Fang Yuan still stubbornly earned it from her arms.

When Katyusha opened her eyes, her heart was sinking -- she could clearly feel that even if the man lost all his memories, even if she gave him all her love without reservation, she could not keep him.

Just as Katyusha's heart was about to sink to the cold water bottom and began to despair of the world, Fang Yuan said, "I don't like being held in my arms by women."

Katyusha nodded and said in a dumb voice, "well, you don't like being held in my arms."

"Because I think I should always hold a woman."

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Katyusha's shoulder. With a little force, he took the stiff girl in his arms, stroked her soft hair with his left hand, and said faintly, "you just said that you want to marry me and be my bride tonight."

"I said I would be your bride tonight."

The stiff body turned into a limp like mud in an instant. There was no strength anymore, but tears burst out of the corners of her eyes, making Katyusha choke happily: "OK, OK, then hold me in your arms and never let go."

"Then tell me where I come from, how we know each other, and what I have done before."

Fang Yuan looked up and looked at the white cloud in the distance. He spoke slowly with incomparable trust.

How many men will not trust a girl after seeing that she loves herself so much?

Katyusha 'betrayed' his trust.

She's not wrong.

What's wrong is that her heart is too small. She can't hold any other men except for the square.

She wants to have a radius forever, like all girls who love a man in the world. Whether they are awake or dreaming, they only love themselves. She hopes that they can be together forever and never separate.

So Katyusha, who has made a breakthrough in her cultural level for more than half a year, began to tell Fang Yuan her story.

Although her heart was full of guilt, she was reluctant to leave this warm embrace for a moment, just like when she was carrying Fang Yuan on her back when she was fleeing the dark world.

Fang Yuan is an orphan.

He grew up in an orphanage in China and found a job at the age of 19 - arranged by the export labor company of relevant departments in China to go fishing in South Korea (in fact, in previous years, China did export many labor workers to South Korea, island countries and Southeast Asia).

In the fourth year of Fang Yuan's work in South Korea, one day when he went to sea, the weather suddenly changed, and the waves lifted like a hill and smashed down, as if to smash all the ships floating on the sea and let people go to the seabed to feed fish--

Just as the crew were fighting in the raging sea, Fang Yuan suddenly found a man holding a wooden board in the towering waves.

"That man is me."

Katyusha adjusted her posture lying in her arms, sighed happily, and then continued: "Alas, at that time, I thought that at the next moment, I would be hit by the waves into the water and could not float up again. Even if I saw a fishing boat, she cried for help sadly -- after all, the weather was too bad at that time. People couldn't care about themselves. How to save people?"

Just when Katyusha was hit in the sea by a big wave and lost consciousness to sink, a man suddenly appeared beside her, grabbed her hair and lifted her out of the water.

The man didn't let go of the stormy waves, the mountain high and the devil roaring.

"That man is me."

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "I gave my life to save you. Later, I learned that you were a rich lady. You fell into the sea that day because your yacht was overturned after the sudden change of weather. After I saved you, you fell in love with me, and I like you too. But your family doesn't agree, because you are a golden lady. I'm just a poor fisherman. Your efforts were ineffective and you were forcibly brought home. "

After Katyusha was taken home, she refused to eat or drink and resisted by fasting.

Her family had no choice but to compromise with her.

She immediately ran to South Korea to find Fangyuan -- as a result, Fangyuan was gone.

But Katyusha vowed to find him and not marry him.

Huangtian is worthy of her heart. God was finally moved by Katyusha's infatuation, which made her meet the lost memory again more than 100 days ago and find her love.

"Eh! You, how do you know? "

Katyusha suddenly took it out of her arms, looked at him in surprise, and asked in a trembling voice, "you, you have recovered your memory!"


Fang Yuan shook his head.

"Well, how do you know this?"

When Katyusha asked this question, she felt extremely frightened again, as if the circle would disappear in the next moment.

More, but regret: regret should not make up a story to deceive him!

"This is my reasoning. I think only in this way can you explain why you are so good to me. "

Seeing that Katyusha's face was wrong, Fang Yuan asked vaguely, "why, am I wrong?"