"This is natural."

Katyusha said faintly, "if anyone dares to bully your sister in the future, I will make him regret having no choice. But are you sure the man still uses that Ott? "

After listening to Katyusha's mention of Ott, Chu Nannan's face obviously changed. She glanced at 'Mr. air' with the corners of her eyes, and then forced to smile and explained in a low voice: "Ott was responsible for the previous male masters of the speed of light killer. The audience has long been preconceived about his image. If he is replaced in the sequel, it will certainly affect the box office. "

Katyusha shook her head: "Xibo group doesn't care about the box office. The key is to cooperate with your sister and your male owner. You have to look good."


Chu Nannan glanced around again, sighed and said, "I don't necessarily like acting in movies when I look at the pleasing male Lord. In fact, I think Ott is a good man. Although he is a little timid and has more concerns, his character is not bad. "


Katyusha said, "since you are willing to partner with Ott, I will give him another chance. But he must promise not to pester you again -- I don't like that man very much. "

"That's no problem. I'll make it clear to him myself."

Chu Nannan said with a smile, "and I can guess that when he learned that I had worshipped my sister with little princess Xibo, no matter how brave he was, he didn't dare to pester me anymore. It's a man who makes me feel very annoying whenever I think of him. I want to pull his head off and kick the ball. "

Katyusha asked with great interest, "who is that man?"

Chu Nannan looked up at the ceiling and said, "it seems that his surname is Fang. Let's call him Fang Yuan."

Katyusha pretended to be silly and asked, "where is he?"

"After he helped us get this top secret report, he left with his due reward."

Bostaff raised his hand and waved it. Walter next to him immediately came over and put the top secret report on the table. Looking at Hua Lengxi, he said in a deep voice, "Hua Dong, please check it. We didn't open it privately to peek at the content of the report."

"Oh, don't test it. I believe Mr. bostaff's promise."

Hua Lengxi smiled and shook her head. She was not in a hurry to get the top secret report. Looking at bostaff, she said sincerely: "on behalf of the temporary chairman of the iron mountain Empire, I sincerely hope that Mr. bostaff can help us arrest the murderers who killed chairman Matthew and Mr. Zhang (Zhang Wangzu)."

Bostaff looked at him and asked, "Mr. Hua, are you sure we hired the robbers to kill Matthew?"

"Besides him, I can't think of anyone who can have the ability to kill chairman Matthew in our top secret archives under the protection of dozens of guards."

The smile on Hua Lengxi's face converged, and his tone began to become stiff: "after investigating the murder scene, the police also determined that it was killed by the holy place."

Walter nearby couldn't help asking, "Mr. Hua, as far as I know, when stealing saints, they never kill people."

"Everything has a first time."

Hua Lengxi smiled again and said slowly, "after all, when we were competing for the initialed agreement of your group, we accidentally caused several casualties in your group. I personally think that in order to revenge our iron mountain Empire, you can offer a price that makes the robber excited and hire him to kill -- "while stealing the report."


Walter was so angry that when he was about to go to hualengxi, bostaff raised his hand and stopped him: "Walter, step back. Mr. Hua, I can tell you responsibly now that we don't hire saints to kill. "

After a pause, he went on to say, "as for your group's determination that it was the robber who killed Matthew and wanted to arrest him, it's your business. We don't want to get involved. I came to New York in person. In addition to getting back the signing report, I also wanted to seek justice from your group. "

Hua Lengxi reached out and picked up the cup. After drinking a cup of coffee, he didn't speak. He took out a check from the inner pocket of his suit, put it on the table, and gently pushed it in front of bostaff.

This is the burial fee given by iron mountain Empire to several executives of Xibo group. No matter which country it is placed, it is too generous to be refused.

Now that people are dead and can no longer live, fighting for greater compensation for them is the best way to ask for justice.

Bostaff picked up the check, looked at the number on it, handed it to Walter, and then said, "there's another thing, it's an additional condition."

"Please say."

Hua Lengxi answered softly, just like a big girl who has never seen the world. She doesn't know when she will blush.

Fortunately, bostaff learned from Fang Yuan that the young man was very unusual, so he wouldn't be confused by his "cowardly" appearance. He said in a deep voice: "I hope Xibo group will take over the whole crew of the speed of light killer. As for the transfer fee, I can meet it if I spend it freely. "

"One dollar."

Hua Lengxi was not surprised at all. It seemed that even if he had arrived at bostaff, he would have issued this additional condition, raised his hand and stretched out a finger.


Rao bostaff is an old bird in the Jianghu, but he is still stunned now.

"Since Mr. bostaff is interested in making movies, I can sign a formal transfer contract with you now. The transfer fee of the whole" speed of light killer "crew is only one dollar."

Hua Lengxi said this with a smile on her face, as if this dollar was a hundred million.

In fact, the crew of "speed of light killer" (naturally including the director, actors and other complete set of people) is worth more than 100 million US dollars?

The box office of the previous films has exceeded tens of billions, which is not empty.

Anyone who owns such a golden mountain will not give up easily. Bostaff knows this truth very well, so when he puts forward this additional condition, he still complains about Katyusha's mischief in his heart: you helped your rival in love, which has been beyond my old man's expectation. How can she convince him to play movies?

Let's play. We can dig Chu Nannan up at a high price and invite an international director to customize a role for her. Why buy the whole crew of the speed of light killer?

If Hua Lengxi refused, wouldn't I lose face?

No matter how reluctant postaff was, he could only harden his head and put forward this condition to Hua Lengxi in the face of his good granddaughter's pregnancy.

Hua Lengxi's reaction surprised bostaff. At the same time, he also realized that he was really as dangerous and terrible as Fang Yuan said. He was a complete madman!

If Hua Lengxi is not crazy, how can he resell the crew with immeasurable market value to him for only one dollar?

Crazy people are the most dangerous and terrible.

"Hehe, Mr. bostaff, are you not satisfied with the transfer price I put forward?"

Hua Lengxi looked at bostaff for a moment and said with a smile, "if one dollar is too much, I can paste it upside down --"


Bostaff interrupted him and said slowly, "from tomorrow on, part of Xibo group's business in the three British islands will also be withdrawn from China."

"Thank you very much."

Hua Lengxi didn't refuse and asked politely, "Mr. bostaff, do you have any additional conditions?"

"No more."

Bostaff shook his head and said, "we'll leave New York tomorrow morning."

"I wish you a safe journey."

Hua Lengxi stood up, bent down and stretched out his right hand: "this is a happy cooperation. I hope I can have the opportunity to cooperate with your group next time."

"Cooperation is not necessary."

Bostaff withdrew his hand and looked at Hua Lengxi. After a while, he said, "young man, don't do some things too well. It's not good for you. This is my advice to you."

"Thank you. I'll keep it in mind."

Hua Lengxi always smiled, picked up the kraft paper envelope on the table, nodded to Walter, and walked out of the door surrounded by several bodyguards.

After Walter sent them into the elevator, he quickly returned to the room and said to the frowning and silent bostaff, "Sir, this man is crazy."

A madman can mean a man or a woman.

In Fangyuan's eyes, Chu Nannan is a madman, a crazy woman.

If she had kept a little sense, she wouldn't have kicked the door open and walked in when he took a bath. Her face was full of ferocious smiles of bullying the little good family. She didn't mind that Katyusha was still watching TV on the sofa outside.

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Yuan quickly pulled the bath towel, wrapped it around himself, and quickly retreated to the corner. His whole body trembled like a little sheep.

"Ha, ha ha, you are my sister tonight!"

Chu Nannan looked up and laughed wildly, strode to him, stretched out her hand and hugged him in her arms

Despite his resistance, now he kissed him hard on the face and picked him up.

In order to create an image of a female soldier on the screen, she usually pays great attention to fitness. She really has the strength of her arm. Holding a square is like playing.

"Shit, what the hell do you want to do?"

Due to some bad things, Mr. Fang had to play the role of sad little sheep. When he raised his hand and beat Chu Nannan hard on his chest, he felt very guilty: am I too shameless?

"What do I want? Ha, ha ha, beauty, I'll naturally enjoy you. "

Chu Nannan, a bully with a full image, bowed her head after a few wild laughs and whispered proudly, "just now I played scissors, stone and cloth with that silly girl. I gave scissors and she gave cloth. I lost, but my uncle told her that my scissors were very sharp and could cut the stone. She believed it. Ha. "

The two women just said that the winner could have the right to sleep with Fangyuan tonight. Chu Nannan lost, but she lied. Katyusha, who has a lot of Queen fan'er, didn't care and admitted that she won.

"You are so mean."

After hearing this, Fang Yuan was unable to laugh or cry.

"You are actually more despicable than me."

Chu Nannan smiled and said coldly, "I don't believe you didn't overhear what we said outside and pretended to be a poor little sheep. In fact, you are happy to blossom in your heart?"

Fang Yuan smiled and had nothing to say.

"Boy, you're lucky."

Chu Nannan took Fang Yuan in her arms and walked into the suite in front of Katyusha. After raising her feet and closing the door, she threw him on the Kang, then threw herself on him, and said with a smile: "tonight, if you don't serve me well, don't want to sleep!"


Fang Yuan raised his hand, put it on her chin and asked, "tell me first how you turn enemies into friends?"

"That's our secret, so I won't tell you."

Chu Nannan opened his hand, bowed his head and kissed fiercely: "if you can stand and walk tomorrow, sir, my name will be written upside down!"