Tieliao, Qin Jiehua and others have just met Guo Yiqin.

Many years ago, to be exact, when Longtou established the seven killers organization, I knew Guo Yiqin.

Guo Yiqin, who came from a rich family, is definitely the best of the younger generation in Beijing.

Unlike Yan, who likes to "look for loss", Guo Yiqin yearns for a hot-blooded military camp life.

When he was a teenager, he was specially recruited into the army, and at the age of 19, he won the martial arts competition champion in his military region.

Of course, such a handsome talent is qualified to be accepted as one of the seven killers by Longtou: of course, it has to be approved by the Guo family in advance. After all, he is the best leader in the third generation of the Guo family and shoulders the heavy responsibility of the ZTE family. What's it like to be recruited as an agent by you?

But there was no Guo Yiqin in the final list of seven people.

The grand young master of the Guo family was eliminated, which is not only a disgrace to Guo Yiqin, but also an unbearable anger to the Guo family -- isn't it a struggle to live?

Tie Liao clearly remembers that when the selection of seven killers reached a critical stage, the leader suddenly changed the competition system to a knockout match, just like the group football World Cup, eight into four, four into two, and the winner of the final final is qualified for adult selection.

He still remembers that the person who eliminated Guo Yiqin in the finals was Fang Yuan.

After so many years, tieliao will feel puzzled whenever he thinks of that knockout.

According to his eyes, Fang Yuan is obviously not Guo Yiqin's opponent in any way.

But in the most critical pinch, Guo Yiqin, who should have been able to avoid a punch, was beaten out.

The radius of that moment is absolutely like God's help.

The immortals began to help Fang Yuan. Guo Yiqin really had no reason to be invincible.

Tieliao admitted that Guo Yiqin lost inexplicably, but at the same time, he was glad that he was not selected into the seven killers - no one likes to be a brother with a cruel and cold-blooded man.

Since then, tieliao seldom heard the name of Guo Yiqin.

But who could have thought that after so much time, Guo Yiqin would come out again and become the most trusted person in Longtou?

Tieliao couldn't figure it out, not because of the struggle for power, but because he really couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to ask Longtou why Guo Yiqin was suddenly enabled, but he didn't have a chance to ask.

Now, the dragon head in the light of the return came up with it. Of course, the iron Liao phase was stunned and asked subconsciously, "why?"

"Because he is proud, cruel and cold-blooded. He will do anything to achieve his goal."

The tap answered faintly.

"Just, just for this?"

Tie Liao was a little silly and looked at Qin Caihua.

"There is one more point."

The faucet took a breath, closed his eyes and whispered, "he hates Fangyuan."

He is very square and round, which is the main reason why the dragon head reuses him!

"Just because he's Square?"

Qin Caihua couldn't help but lose his voice and asked, "this, this is also a reason!"

Yan was four long outside the window, and her body trembled violently: her son has been sacrificed for nearly a year, but her heart still hurts every time she hears someone mention his name.

It hurts.

The dragon head didn't speak, just like he didn't hear Qin picking flowers.

Tieliao's mouth moved, but then he closed it.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

At the same time, he has a new understanding of the mystery of the dragon head: isn't the proud and cold-blooded young master of the Guo family also a pawn in the hand of the dragon head?

The dragon head is used to check and balance the pieces around!

Does it mean that if Fang Yuan doesn't die, he will bring disaster to the world?

Well, Longtou must have such a worry. After all, Fangyuan is one of the flowers on the other side of the river. It has an unclear relationship with the mysterious world. No one can guarantee that he will not become an evil accomplice.

Guo Yiqin must have experienced too much pain in these years. He vowed to completely defeat Fangyuan and wash away the shame of being eliminated in that year. He will definitely know the shame and then be brave.

It's just that Fang Yuan has been sacrificed. Guo Yiqin seems to have lost his role. Why should the dragon head entrust the heavy power to him?

When tieliao thought about this, the leader who had a rest finally opened his eyes: "tieliao, you have gradually grown from a young and frivolous person to a stable person, otherwise I wouldn't want to train you into a new generation of Sirius. But compared with Guo Yiqin, you are still too generous after all. "

"Yes, you teach."

Tie Liao smiled bitterly and thought of the time in Lop Nur: the donkey immediately made a normal response after finding that Guo Yiqin pretended to be around, and Guo Yiqin also made a quick decision to kill it.

At that time, if tie Liao hadn't hidden aside, the donkey would not have been able to hide from Guo Yiqin's poisonous hand.

In retrospect, tieliao can't help but admit that Guo Yiqin's reaction is the most correct.

In order to contain the disaster from the dark world, so many people have been sacrificed, not to mention a dog?

Just because the donkey is Fangyuan's brother, tieliao was reluctant to start, so he buried the root of the curse of "others are pretending to be Fangyuan" -- in fact, tieliao's generosity caused disaster.

But what if tieliao chooses again?

He may also stop Guo Yiqin from killing donkeys.

"Although Fang Yuan has died and I am about to die, some things will not end. There must be a bold man to take my place and lead you to resist the disaster that you have to stop."

When the dragon head said this, tieliao heard a faint voice outside the gate.

"Therefore, from now on, you must obey Guo Yiqin's orders unconditionally."

The voice of the faucet paused a little and said, "well, I've finished what I should tell you -- you, hold me outside. I want to see the sky."

Of course, the dragon head didn't finish. For example, why didn't the other two of the seven killers come back to deliver him to his death before he died?

But he didn't say, and tieliao didn't dare to ask, so he had to carefully copy him in his arms according to his instructions.

The old man's body was very light, as if he had become a weightless feather in the blink of an eye.

But it seems to be heavier than Mount Tai. It's so heavy that tieliao has to mention all his spirit in order to take a heavy step.

He wants to see the sky.

Before you die, look at the familiar sky above you.

No one has reason to refuse an old man's last request.

When tieliao walked out of the door with the faucet, Qin Caihua had covered the recliner with thick bedding, which could make him feel more comfortable.

Look at the sky comfortably.

Looking at the sky, the dragon head flashed a hint of obvious greed and reluctance in his turbid old eyes. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to take this breath to the world and enjoy it slowly.

There was a low cry.

Tie Liao looked back and saw that night soul searching had knelt down on his knees.

The fourth Taoist priest Yan stood beside her and bowed slowly.

"I don't like people crying."

The faucet murmured.

He said he didn't like crying.

But in his old eyes, why did the dry mist float on the ground?

"Can you -- go out first?"

Tieliao clenched his fists, stared down at the ground and asked in a dumb voice.

He didn't say who... But who else can there be except Taoist Yan four and night soul searching?

Women, no matter how strong they are, are always so fragile in the face of life and death.

"Boundless Heavenly Master."

Yan's fourth Taoist priest made a low noise, bent down to help him search for souls at night, and quickly walked out of the yard.

She also saw the muddy tears in the Longtou old man's eyes. Her hatred for him was intended for this moment and suddenly dissipated. She really didn't have the heart to disturb the old man to leave quietly. Only then did she resolutely drag the night soul searching to leave.

"Hasn't she come yet?"

The dragon head always stared at the starry sky and murmured, "I can't last long."

The stars are bright tonight. It's a rare good weather. The night sky is like an dark blue mirror, showing the mystery from henggu. It's more like an inaudible voice calling the old man to leave.

He's holding on.

Because he's waiting for that man.

When he was in the house just now, tieliao also heard someone talking at the gate of the hospital. He knew that someone might come again, but he didn't expect that it would be the person the old man was waiting for.

Who would he be?

Tie Liao and Qin picked flowers and looked at the gate of the hospital: Chen Duanyu, who had been standing at the gate, had disappeared.

Tieliao's gills bulged hard for a few times. When he looked at the faucet again, he found that the pupils of his eyes were dull. He pulled in his heart and said, "I have another problem!"

Tieliao suddenly said at this time that there was a problem, that is, he wanted to "drag" the old man who must have started to slide into the dark, hoping to survive to the person he wanted to see.

Sure enough, the dragon head's eyes moved, but he still didn't leave the night sky. He asked softly, "what's the problem?"

The response of the leader gave tieliao a boost and hurriedly asked, "if Fangyuan is not dead, what should we do?"

"If Fangyuan isn't dead?"

The body of the dragon head, which was about to lose its life, was shocked like an electric shock.

Since he had a premonition that he would soon be longer than the world, he repeatedly thought about how to deal with those evils. After careful consideration, he finally decided to hand over the heavy power to Guo Yiqin.

But he never thought about what would happen if Fangyuan didn't die.

Who will consider an "if"?

But once the "if" thing happens, the leader hands over the power to Guo Yiqin -- what consequences will it produce?

The dying dragon head suddenly found that he had ignored the most critical problem: Although the problem had to be based on "if".

"He's dead and can't die anymore. You don't have to close your eyes for this, let alone take this stupid question to the underworld and torture yourself."

Just as the faucet lips trembled violently, a woman's voice, which was unusually ethereal but with a faint charm, came from the gate of the hospital.

Tieliao looked up and saw a woman whose whole body was wrapped in black clothes and only her eyes came in slowly from the door.

The man waiting for the dragon head finally came.

I didn't expect it to be a woman.

Tie Liao lowered his head and wanted to ask the old man in a low voice if this was the person he was waiting for. When he saw his eyes lit up again.

The arrival of the woman once again stimulated his vanishing vitality, and his voice was extremely calm: "you all go out. Close the door and exit thirty meters away. "

Close the door and have to withdraw thirty meters away. I don't want tieliao to hear what he said to the woman.

Of course tieliao won't disobey. They promised low and walked quickly to the door.

When passing by the woman, they both smelled a faint cold fragrance, like Epiphyllum that only blooms at midnight.

"Can you take off the scarf on your face and let me see you for the last time?"

When tieliao closed the door, he listened to the tap and asked the woman.