Ten minutes left, midnight.

The building Xiang, pale and lying in bed with his eyes closed, opened his mouth and spit out a long turbid breath, just like holding in the water for three days and three nights.

"Mr. Lou."

Lin Lin, who stood looking out of the window with his arm in his arms, immediately turned around and walked quickly to the bed. He asked happily, "do you feel better?"

Lou Yuxiang didn't answer. He just looked at Lin Lin as if he didn't know her. His eyes were dull.

"General manager --"

Lin Lin was frightened when she was seen. She bent down and put her hand on her forehead.

Lou Yuxiang's forehead is a little hot and his pretty face is crimson.

"Mr. Lou, you have a fever. I'll call a doctor."

Lin Lin turned and was about to leave. Lou Xiang said low, "no, help me up."

Lin Lin hurriedly sat on the edge of the Kang, took her shoulder, helped her sit up, stuffed two pillows behind her, and brought a cup of cold boiled water.

After drinking a full glass of water, Lou Xiang took a breath again. After inhaling his nose, he was much better. He raised his hand and stroked his forehead for a moment before he said with a bitter smile: "I'm really having a fever, but it's useless to find a doctor."

Lin Lin doesn't understand: "Mr. Lou, don't worry. Your physical quality has always been very good. If you catch a cold and have a fever occasionally, you can reduce your fever by drinking some oral medicine at most."

"My fever is not physical, but spiritual."

Lou Xiang closed his eyes after putting down his hand and asked wearily, "Lin Lin, have you ever heard of the loss of children?"

"The child lost his soul?"

Lin Lin was stunned and understood what Lou Xiang wanted to say: "well, I heard grandma say it when I was a child."

It's normal for children to lose their souls in the countryside.

According to old people, children aged one or two have heavenly eyes. They can see dirty things that adults can't see.

The heavenly eye is the one that hasn't been covered yet. It feels soft with your hand.

That's the natural eye of children, and it's also the "entrance and exit" of human beings.

When a child's heavenly eye sees something unclean, it will be scared out of the body, cry for no reason, excite the spirit, the body temperature rises and falls, pull the green Baba, need a strong man to hold it, and so on.

After the child's soul falls, the hospital can't treat it. Even if the medicine is temporarily cooled down, it will attack soon afterwards.

Those experienced old doctors would secretly tell their children's parents that they had to find someone to "cry out.".

In the countryside, there are many ways for children to cry their souls.

The most common one is to stick a piece of paper outside the door, which says: Heaven is in panic, earth is in panic. There is a night crying Lang in my family. In the past, a gentleman read it three times and slept until dawn.

However, the effect of this "soul calling" method in modern society is not very great. After all, the "gentleman" is even rarer than the giant panda. Most of them are open-minded about money and recognize money rather than people. Let alone read it three times, even if they stand there until dawn and read that the child who has not returned to the shell of the yuan God should cry or make trouble.

At this time, you have to find an old lady (which can also be understood as a "witch". They believe in the empress of Mount Tai, not the Buddha, nor the God who still doesn't understand Chinese).

The old lady will take a tea bowl filled with millet, cover it with a burning paper, light a cigarette, and have a white porcelain bowl filled with water.

Tea bowls, porcelain bowls, millet and porcelain bowls can be generous goods without paying attention to them.

However, the burning paper covered with a tea bowl had to be covered with raw dumplings and offered to empress Taishan on New Year's Eve.

In that way, burning paper has a certain aura.

After the lost child is held by his mother around the old lady, the surface panic will disappear and he will look at the old lady very seriously - if you carefully observe the child and look at the old lady's pupils, you can see the color of panic.

This is not the child's fear of the old lady, but the evil devil who invades the child's body. He is afraid, but he dare not move. He can only watch the old lady cast magic.

The old lady would smoke a cigarette first, spray a few times on the child's head, then lift some water from the porcelain bowl, sprinkle it on the burning paper covering the tea cup, and say come back, don't be afraid.

The water dripping on the burning paper will not quickly penetrate the poor quality burning paper with natural scientific phenomena as usual, but form droplets and roll back and forth on the burning paper.

If there is only one drop of water, it means that the child has lost a soul.

If there are two or three, the child has lost two or three souls.

The direction in which the water drops roll in the four directions of southeast and northwest represents the soul of the child in which direction.

When the water drops stop rolling and begin to seep into the burning paper with normal natural phenomena, the old lady will spray a few more mouthfuls of smoke on the child's head, gently flutter and pull on the celestial cover, and softly call the child's name: Er Gouzi, are you back? OK, I'm back. Then have a good sleep.

The child will close his eyes very well, lie in his mother's arms and sleep sweetly.

After the old lady takes the burning paper off the teacup, the originally flat millet in the teacup will appear a small nest under the water drop that stops rolling - probably dozens or hundreds of millet are missing.

The old lady said that it was the dirty thing that robbed Er Gouzi's body. When she left, she took it away. It was a reward to thank him for leaving. After all, it was very tired to find a child to toss around for a lot of time. It was normal to enjoy some "blood food" stained with aura.

(gossip: before her brother's wife's grandmother died at the age of 96, she was a "soul calling expert" in our Sanli village and wugenli village. After she learned to call the soul of her children, she experienced the era of breaking away from feudal superstition and the old four in the 1960s and 1970s.

But no matter how much fun it was at that time, no one dared to do anything to her old man.

The reason is very simple. Whose child in the countryside has not lost his soul?

Whether it's the village head or the "country squire" with a head and a face, when they encounter this kind of situation, they will hold their children and beg the old lady. If they can't see well in the hospital, they will walk from the old lady, sleep and wake up, and they will be alive and kicking.

The youngest son lost his soul when he was ten months old.

I remember clearly that time. When I held my son in front of my grandmother, the children were dark and scary, staring at my grandmother, full of unspeakable evil fear.

When the old lady stroked his head with her hand, his body suddenly aroused spirits, and his mouth howled like a wolf.

My brother used to make iron in the blast furnace of the steel plant for more than ten years. He fell back and forth on day and night shifts all day. He had to pedal hard on the rural road alone for an hour. He even went to the cemetery to steal sweet potatoes and picked cucumbers by the river -- he asked himself, his courage is not ordinary, his eight characters are not ordinary, and he almost never knows what fear is.

But that time my son's cry really startled me.

At that time, I was not alone. There were several others: when my son made a short howl, we all obviously felt a breath of yin and evil, rising out of thin air like thunder on the ground, and all subconsciously shivered.

After a long time, I will be afraid to think of it.

Brother knows that this experience is big and suspected of promoting feudal superstition. I still can't help but say it at the risk of universal condemnation. Let's tell you a little story about the supernatural. Don't call the police and come to Ottawa to catch me for trial.

If you know where Ottawa is, you'd better take me on a free tour.

Well, don't gossip. The book is the story.)

"Yes, I lost my soul."

Lou Xiang opened his eyes, smiled bitterly and murmured, "it is said that after people's heavenly eyes are closed (that is, the heavenly cover is long), even if they are frightened, they won't lose their soul -- but I'm like this."

"Mr. Lou, in fact, you have great courage. If it were me, I might be scared to death on the spot. "

Lin Lin has never been to the crime scene, but he has heard the police talk about it in detail.

Of course, Lin Lin has more courage than Lou Xiang. She just comforts Lou Zong by saying so.

"After people lose their soul and have a fever, taking medicine won't have much effect."

Lou Yuxiang sucked his nose again. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Lin Lin, do you think I have to have a faith?"

Do not believe in Buddha, do not believe, do not believe in God Jesus, only believe in their own buildings, and finally feel that they have to have a faith.

Just like those brave square fighters in the film, no matter how sophisticated their weapons are and how powerful their rear support is, they will draw several crosses before performing their tasks. Please God bless him to return safely.

God exists, and the American soldiers believe -- who has seen it?

Faith is just to seek a kind of psychological comfort, which can be regarded as a spiritual pillar.

This truth is very simple, and Lin Lin is naturally clear: "President Lou, it's also good to have your own faith - which one do you intend to believe?"

Lou Yuxiang is a building Xiang. Even if you want to find a belief to play with, you have to choose from her.

Believe who, who will feel incomparable glory.

Lin Lin felt that the building should always be taught.

Bixia Yuanjun (empress of Mount Tai), who lives in Dongyue, is one of the important gods of Taoism. It was granted by Jiang Taigong. It has a considerable influence among the people. Not to mention, it has the most direct relationship with the "soul calling" of the people.

Lou always said she was lost, so the channel is also very normal.

After thinking for a while, Lou Xiang said, "then I'll believe in God Jesus."

"Ah? Oh, well, believe in God. "

Lin Lin was obviously stunned, and then nodded again and again: "I'll tell someone to find you a cross now."

The cross is God's sign. People who believe in God must wear the cross.

"Lin Lin, are you surprised that I believe in God instead of Taoism?"

Just as Lin Lin stood up from bed, Lou Xiang asked.

Lin Lin hesitated, then smiled and said, "in fact, no matter which faith you believe, as long as you are sincere, the demons will disappear. Well, this is the so-called "if you believe, there will be, if you don't believe, there will be none."

"In fact, I still believe in the gods in Chinese traditional culture. But when I should be protected by them most, none of them came forward to help me. Why should I believe in them? "

Lou Xiang said faintly, waved his hand and motioned Lin Lin to find her a cross.

President Lou claims to believe in traditional Taoist gods -- Lin Lin knows very well that she never kowtowed to the gods and burned incense when she visited so many Taoist places of interest in the past.

Now that something happened, she blamed the gods she liked. Why didn't she protect her, so she deliberately believed in God.

But will this mentality work to believe in God Jesus?

Lin Lin didn't know and didn't dare to ask again. He nodded and walked out of the room quickly.