"I won't cry, in front of you -- in front of you, I'll never cry again. I know very well. Don't look at your appearance and say you won't laugh at me. Once I cry like before, you'll gloat. Fang Yuan, don't play such small tricks in front of me in the future. "

He wiped his nose again. Xia Xiaoyun looked up at Fang Yuan and said very seriously.

"If you like to cry, cry. If you don't cry, it's none of my business. I'm just telling you a fact!"

After his kindness was misunderstood, Fang Yuan was speechless. He raised his hand and slapped on the stone table. He got up and walked quickly to the door of the living room.

He was so tired of Xia Xiaoyun that he swore in his heart that if anyone pitied her again in the future, he would be a tortoise bastard.

She is a mentally disabled woman who should bear all the misfortunes in the world.

If he could, he really wanted to slap her to death and pull her down. It was like taking a bottle of gunman and spraying it in the house. The annoying mosquito buzz finally disappeared.

In fact, Fang Yuan didn't know. Before Xia Xiaoyun hesitated, she wanted to say, "after you die, I swear I won't cry anymore." that's what she said.

Even she couldn't understand why she said such cruel words to refuse his concern.

I just saw that after his violent departure, I felt more sad in my heart and had hysterical happiness: I just want to hurt you. It's best to make you black and blue!

When Fang Yuan put on her clothes and came out, Xia Xiaoyun's mood had completely calmed down. She was smoking there with her right foot tilted and elegant posture.

Crow looked at her, and the square walked out of the house. After leaving the house, he was carrying iron doors. He made a loud noise and started to Raven the crows of the Wutong tree in the neighboring hospital.

Crows, also known as Yin soldiers, are said to shuttle between yin and Yang. It is those big people in the underworld who sent them to the Yang world to guard his ancestral temple and tomb, so they are not liked by people.

In particular, its hoarse voice and round little eyes are full of gloomy evil.

It's strange that this thing is not taken care of in graves and ancestral halls. What are you doing in the yard?

Looking at the crows whistling and flying away, Fang Yuan's irritable attention was diverted. After walking out of the alley, he finally calmed down. He was in the mood to say hello to Laura who was cleaning the car with deer skin before walking towards his white Great Wall car.


Fang Yuan reached out to open the door when Laura called him.

"Why, what's up?"

Fang Yuan looked back.

Laura looked back at the alley, put the deer skin on the front of the car and walked over. She said thoughtlessly, "there is a saying in our hometown that people who really love each other always choose to hurt when expressing their love."

Fang Yuan's mouth moved and said nothing.

Laura continued, "when I first heard this sentence, I was still fifteen years old. I thought it made no sense. Since two people really love each other, how can they hurt each other? After all, injury is painful, but love is sweet -- I didn't know that this sentence was true until I fell in love with a hip-hop boy when I was 19. "

For love in the world, if both sides care too much about love, they will worry about gain and loss, fear of loss, and think that each other can love each other forever like themselves.

Worry about gain and loss, few people can always keep awake, will unknowingly use the wrong method, and then turn love into mutual harm.

Two people clearly love each other, but pretend not to care, just afraid of being hurt, which is a way of expression to protect themselves.

"I don't love her - at least, it's not the love I want. I never intend to hurt her. She asked for all the contradictions and pain. "

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment before pretending to be indifferent and smiled.

"You're wrong."

"Why am I wrong?"

"You are right in saying that President Xia's current pain and contradictions are self seeking."

Laura said, "have you ever thought that Xia is always a strange girl? Why do you do this?"

"Apart from her abnormal brain, what else can she do?"

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Laura, I can't see. You know love deeply enough."

Laura ignored Fang Yuan's harmless ridicule and still said seriously, "if there is no water shadow around you, Lin Wuer, Qin Xiaobing and others, Xia will not be in this state. Fangyuan, there are too many women around you. Xia always cares about you and is so proud. A proud girl is destined to suffer from the moment she falls hopelessly in love with a playboy. "

The more Xia Xiaoyun loves the surrounding area, the more dissatisfied she is with his "attracting bees and butterflies" everywhere.

Her pride makes her not like those women who find her husband having an affair to defend her love and family. She will only pretend that she doesn't care about those women around.

This is a kind of painful depression. The longer the depression, the more painful she will be. Finally, she can find a way to free her heart only by hurting the surrounding area.

After listening to Laura's explanation of her 'love' with Xia Xiaoyun, Fang Yuan just smiled carelessly: "Laura, the thing between me and her is not what you said -- well, what about the hip-hop boy you fell in love with? How's life now?"

After seeing Fang Yuangu talking about him, she tried to urge him to understand Xia Xiaoyun. Laura sighed gently in her heart, shook her head and replied, "I don't know."

"Broke up?"

"He's dead."

"Dead, dead?"

When Fang Yuan was stunned, she looked at Laura and said faintly, "I killed him -- so I don't know if he's over there, or whether he's like here. He said he loves me to death face to face, but secretly carried me to communicate with too many women."

"Fang Yuan, you should be glad that you are strong compared with President Xia, otherwise you have died at least 800 times. Until you die, you won't understand how painful a woman is after she loves a playful man. "

Laura was not big or small. She raised her hand and patted Fang Yuan on the shoulder. She turned and left.

How can I be as playful as you say?

Looking at Laura's back, Fang Yuan glanced at the corners of his mouth, but he felt that what others said seemed to be very reasonable.

However, even if what Laura said is very reasonable, it is his playfulness that makes Xia Xiaoyun's psychology less normal, but it's not the reason why she doesn't care about the life and death of water shadow and others, right?

What's more -- when Fang Yuan saw Laura opening the door to get on the bus, he shouted, "Laura, I'm married!"

Laura got on the bus and froze. She looked back at him but said nothing.

After Laura slammed the door, Fang Yuan murmured, "I'm married. The water shadow is my wife. She doesn't care which women I associate with. Why should Xia Xiaoyun be jealous and nervous about it? It's really unreasonable. Doesn't she see that she is in the same position as dancer in my heart at best? "

After thinking this way, Fang Yuan felt much more comfortable, even a little proud.

He admitted that there were a little more women around him, enough for ordinary men, especially those old singles, to die of envy.

But then again, up to now, it's just a disaster for Katyusha, Chu Nannan, ye Mingmei and Yue WanChen (not counting the women who used to go to the Kang with him for money). He hasn't even touched his wife, Shui shadow, who he married openly.

A man who hasn't even touched his wife is a playboy. Laura can really lie with her eyes open!

Fangyuan suddenly felt proud that he had not brought disaster to the water shadow and Lin Wuer. He took the boss's strength and couldn't help but praise himself: "Xiaofang, you are the real responsible man."

When a man with a real sense of responsibility drove through his alley, he saw Xia Xiaoyun stepping on her small high-heeled leather shoes and coming out of it. Her waist was twisted like a million kinds of manners, which made people wonder whether she was deliberately showing off her good flexibility.

Zhang Yi is not equipped.

No matter what clothes she wears and on what occasions, she walks like this. Han Miao, the little secretary who has followed her for more than two years, can be sure of this.

Also very envious: sister Yi is 34 years old this year and has been married for seven or eight years. She can still maintain such a standard figure. God really loves her too much.

However, since she was given a nearly perfect figure, in fact, a very charming face, and gave her a high position, why did she deprive her of the right to enjoy the happiness of women?

It seems that God never likes everything too perfect.

No wonder history books always say that Emperor Taizong Li Shimin was afraid of arousing the jealousy of the old God after the coming of the Zhenguan prosperous age. He took away the perfect prosperous age and deliberately pursued deformity and gave a big break to the guys he ate

Han Miao, who followed behind Zhang Yi, stared at the leader's waist swaying left and right under the black suit, and sighed in her heart: Alas, it is said that women in their thirties are in the age of tigers and wolves. How does sister Yi endure every night without love.

After thinking of the word "love", Han Miao's face turned red. Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and wiped a part of it at a very fast speed. He scolded in his heart: asshole, I told him last night that I had to accompany the leader to the countryside to inspect today. I couldn't be too tired. He just didn't listen to me. Up to now, it still hurts

Zhang Yi didn't know that when she listened attentively to the report of the leaders below, her little secretary would stare at her back and think of so many messy things.

This town is located in the northeast of the town of Tang.

As the name suggests, the reason why the fishing town is called this name is that there are many large and small ponds in the town. There are more than 60000 people in the town, most of whom earn their income by raising fish.

It is said that when Li Shimin, king of the Tang Dynasty, led his troops to the northern expedition to Koguryo, the fishing town was still a vast ocean. It was a great lake with an area of more than ten square kilometers, rippling water waves and flying waterfowl.

For thousands of years, the sea has changed, and the great lake has gradually dried up and become hundreds of large and small ponds.

With a pond, there are fish farmers -- I don't know which year, there have been residents living here. It has become a small town that depends on fish farming. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, it was officially named fishing ground town.

Several leaders in their forties in the fishing town would not underestimate Zhang Yi because she was a young female official. When she went to the countryside to inspect, the battle was even more grand than when Lao Miao came down.

It's all old oil in officialdom. There's no reason not to know that a young woman who can climb to the position of real power must have a dying background that they envy. She doesn't dare to wait. She has to wait like her ancestors.

In other words, no matter how capable a woman is, she is careful and takes revenge.

Who dares to offend a woman in a high position who still loves revenge?