Mrs. Jiuyou once told Mobei that she had lived in Jiuyou world for twenty years.

Now two years have passed. She is twenty-two years old.

When Mobei first came to the world, he had carefully observed many girls of his age, imitating their tone of voice and actions when doing things, etc.

By imitating those girls, Mobei feels more mature than them, not only mentally, but also physically.

To put it simply, mobeibei, who was only 20 at that time, felt more like a 23-year-old girl. He had to remind himself all the time in order to pretend to be a 20-year-old girl.

Twenty two years, more than 7000 days and nights, the best moments that Mobei can think of are absolutely few. After careful filtering, she found that when she first met Fangyuan, those days were the best.

Others are dark, bloody, dirty and evil.

Including now, this is the dirty evil that she has to vomit whenever she thinks back.

Looking at her feet like elephant feet, Mobei's eyes don't move. Only her brain is running slowly: just more than 20 days ago, she was still a beautiful woman who let men look at her and will remember her for a long time.

The beauty's complexion is as delicate as a flower, and the beauty's complexion is as white as a palpitation.

No one can deny that whether God, devil, ghost or man, they all want to have a beautiful skin bag.

Mobei is very satisfied with and cherishes his skin bag that covers up the devil.

She thought that she would be beautiful all her life. When her peers lost all their teeth and her face was full of wrinkles, she would still maintain a charming face. At most, she was mature like Mrs. Jiuyou, but she had more charming charm than girls.

However, in just more than 20 days, obesity cruelly deprived her of her beauty.

The fine steel shackles that bound her feet and hands were deep in fat and almost invisible.

She now weighs at least 130 kilograms.

What will a woman of 260 Jin look like?

Mobei didn't dare to think or look at his fat body. He just wanted God to break a bolt and burn her to ashes.

In that way, she can restore her pure, dreamlike beauty again.

God will thunder, but the possibility of splitting this sea view villa into ashes is smaller than that of Mobei Bei to restore its beauty in ten minutes.

So Mobei has been dead since the day he was handcuffed here.

Now the fat and ugly body alive is no longer the north of the desert, but a demon waiting for recovery.

When the devil rushes out of the prison, wherever he goes, the world will be a bloodbath.

Mobei is very eager to see that scene.

She felt that only with blood rain could she pay tribute to the dead Mobei.

She knew that this day would soon come, because the steel needles stabbed in the heart of her feet had gradually moved away from Yongquan cave with the rapid expansion of her muscles.

When the feeling of bitterness and numbness in Yongquan cave disappears, Mobei will break free the shackles, pull out the silver needle in Fengchi cave behind his head, and let him laugh loudly to tell the world that the demon king is born.

In order to make this day come early, Mobei cooperated with the fat woman very much: whenever she came to feed her, she would open her mouth obediently until the liquid food filled the whole gastric sac and flowed down the corner of her mouth.

After Mobei began to cooperate, the fat woman no longer tortured her with a whip: it's really no fun to torture a sow who is willing to die fat. It's better to save some time and fool around with the two men she just met.

The world is full of wonders.

Both men who are used to Zhao Feiyan and men who are obsessed with Yang Guifei are natural. Although a fat woman can weigh two Yang Guifei, what's the point?

As long as a man can climb up her body, he can enjoy happiness he has never had before: Yanyin envoy's Kung Fu in that field, but those women on earth can't learn it until they die.

So fat women now feed Mobei, no longer as fun, but as work.

How many people don't hate their current job?

The door rang. At 3:00 p.m., the fat woman came in with a bucket (real bucket) and began to feed Mobei for the fourth time.

As usual, the fat woman led the bucket to the north of Mobei, squatted down on the ground, and directly reached out to pull out a pipe from the bucket.

The liquid food in the bucket gradually disappeared with the fat woman's interest in torturing the north of the desert, and became half cooked. It even didn't brush after each use, and flies could float on it.

The fat woman picked up the tube and shook it in Mobei's eyes. She opened her mouth like a conditioned reflex and let the tube climb into her stomach like a snake along her throat.

Now, whenever fat women do this, Mobei won't be sick anymore.

Her epiglottis (that is, the part where you put your fingers in your throat and eyes, which will produce nausea) has lost its function.

Twisting the leaky spoon in one hand and holding the scoop in the other, the fat woman yawned and wept. She poured the liquid food in scoop by scoop until the liquid food flowed out from the corner of Mobei's mouth. She raised her hand with satisfaction, slapped on Mobei's fat belly and wiped her hand.

"When will you get fat? Madam said it would take a month. It's only over twenty days now, and there are still many days, as long as ten thousand years. Alas, why don't you die? "

The fat woman took back the pipe, threw it in the bucket, picked it up, turned around and took a few steps, suddenly thought of something, slowly looked back at the north of the desert and smiled.

Fat woman's smile is extremely hateful, ugly, strange and ferocious.

What does she want to do?

With dull eyes on the surface, the brain narrative works and thinks about the meaning of the fat woman's strange smile.

Fat women are thinking, too.

Think of the question she asked the man last night: "what do beautiful women fear most?"

"I'm afraid it's no longer beautiful."

The man stroked her fat and answered softly, "beauty is more important to women than life. They can die and don't want to be ugly -- fortunately, you are the most charming woman in the world. I can't imagine you suddenly like many stupid women, turning yourself into a hemp pole and feeling complacent."

"But there is such a woman. She used to be the most beautiful woman on earth. Now she has become fat and ugly. Why didn't she die?"

"Maybe it's because she didn't realize that she had become ugly and was intoxicated with her past beauty. Come and live?"

"Well, how can that woman realize that she is no longer beautiful?"

When the fat woman thought of the man's inability to answer, she saw the door glass.

Her fat body was faintly reflected on the glass.

So the fat woman smiled and slowly looked back at the north of the desert.

After staring at Mo Beibei's dull eyes for a moment, the fat woman knew what to do to break her completely: even if she couldn't die, it's good to see her heartbroken -- it's so peaceful these days.

Anything calm is insipid.

The fat woman doesn't understand. How can the little girl playing on the beach do boring things over and over again, pick up shells and throw them into the sea?

They are shells. Well, they have no life for a long time. They are not stranded fish. They can live after you throw them into the sea. They will soon be rolled onto the beach by the waves.

"It's boring."

Looking at the child, the fat woman shook her head and thought: however, she won't be bored soon.

Dead people are the most boring and least boring -- a five-year-old girl suffered from a rare septicemia (last summer, she was bitten by mosquitoes in the woods while camping with her parents. No one knows where the mosquito comes from and why it can make the little girl suffer from this blood poison disease.

A month ago, the little girl's parents took her to the beach, hoping to satisfy her beautiful fantasy of becoming the daughter of the sea.

The little girl also has a brother. Now she has followed her father back to the mainland.

Now, the little girl lives with her mother in the seaside villa next to her. While silently waiting for death to take her daughter away, she is also praying that God can open her eyes and save the child. She is willing to pay any price, including life.

"No one can save you, except madam."

Looking at the little girl's futility, after throwing a shell into the sea, the fat woman smiled and turned into the utility room in the west of the villa.

Fat women and little girls are rented in this sea view room. For more than 20 days, they have reluctantly become neighbors, so they can listen to the little girl's mother about her child's illness.

Without testing, fat women know what virus the little girl is infected with: autopsy.

The mosquito that bit the child must have eaten the rotten carcasses of animals before it carried the virus. When it bit the child, it passed the virus to her.

Just as many people are buying lottery tickets, but many people don't win the prize, mosquitoes carrying necrotic virus don't bite a person to infect him. It also needs "chance and coincidence".

The little girl is the one who won the lottery: when she was bitten by a mosquito, she happened to be at the moment when her autoimmune ability was the weakest - that is, the transformation of physical function.

Man is a small universe, there are also days and nights, and he is constantly changing according to the five elements. There is always a moment when the human body is the weakest. Evil Qi and viruses will take advantage of it.

The little girl was bitten by a mosquito and left doctors all over the world helpless. This is her sorrow, but also the sorrow of life, but not the sorrow of fat women.

Otherwise, she would tell the little girl's mother: there is a place, there is a person who can save your daughter.

As for whether the little girl's mother can find her wife and whether her wife will save the little girl, it depends on her luck.

It's a pity that the fat woman didn't pay attention to the little girl's nature at all. She was full of hope that Mobei could die early. She could also complete the task and enjoy her beautiful life at ease.

"Aunt, do you take out the mirror to make a rainbow?"

When the fat woman came out with a big mirror (left by the landlord) from the sundry room, the little girl had stood in front of the iron, with big eyes deep in her eyes and a childish voice: "can we play together?"

In the sun, as long as you soak the mirror in the water and refract the sun onto the wall, colorful rainbows will appear on the wall. This is a very simple physical phenomenon.

The fat woman didn't want to play rainbow games with the little girl. When she didn't see the little girl's mother, she didn't bother to pay attention to her. She just smiled and moved the mirror to the living room.