If you change Fangyuan into a timid person and see a rabbit suddenly hit a ghost and die in front, you have to be startled even if you have to move forward.

Fang Yuan didn't blink. He still kept the current speed and drove slowly.

Three meters in front of the rabbit, Fang stopped, pushed the door and came down.

Instead of looking at the rabbit in a hurry, he leaned against the door, took out a cigarette, lit one, and began to look around.

When he got off the bus, he knew from the car navigator that he had driven out of the city to the West for more than 30 kilometers. It was already the outer suburb of Moscow. There was no need to say that the vegetation was green, and the road was wide and flat -- that was the main road.

Now he has left the main road and followed the abandoned gravel road to the forest.

This bumpy stone road, which is at most four meters wide, meanders into the depths of the forest. It is like leading to hell. Naturally, there is no car, person, or even bird calls. However, there is a faint fog slowly pouring out of the woods on both sides. Under the light, it reflects the faint colors.

In the wilderness, in the forest and on the ancient road, there is silence and fog. For the inexplicably killed rabbits, only the lonely sound of their own heartbeat can be heard -- this place is indeed a natural scene for ghost films.

It's just that Russians don't like ghost films. If they are put in Toyo, almost hundreds of "Zhenzi" have come out.

The night wind suddenly blew along the gravel road from the direction of time, blowing the weeds and leaves on both sides of the road, making a rustling sound as if someone was walking, and even a faint cry came, intermittent, left and right, as if in the horizon and in front of us.

Fang Yuan pricked up his ears to catch the cry that seemed to exist.

Crying does exist, not auditory hallucinations.

It was a woman's voice, like crying, but also like laughing, still shouting, bleak, just as she was trapped in the spider web by the spider essence, desperately tore and shouted for help, only shouted a few times, and the torn spider web was quickly wrapped up.

But why did she laugh?

The laughter was full of clear excitement, just like Ye Mingmei's wild laughter when she climbed to Fangyuan for the first time, with painful pleasure and obvious sobs, as if her spirit was separated.

This is not Luo Xiaoyu's voice.

Luo Xiaoyu didn't make the intermittent cry, which is certain.

Since it's not Luo Xiaoyu, Katyusha and the water shadow are under the protection of bostaff, Fang Yuan doesn't think he has any leisure to care about other women.

Of course, maybe this woman is a female ghost?

Ghosts, which always exist in legends, may also come to reality to scare people on a whim.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan was not afraid. When he finished smoking the cigarette leisurely, the cry stopped.

It's like being blown away by the night wind. It's also like a female ghost who feels that she can't be frightened. She feels boring and goes back to the legend.

There is nothing to disturb your mind. Fang Yuan can study how the rabbit was killed.

This is an adult and young hare with yellow hair and a weight of about two kilograms. Its hair is shiny and its two hind legs are quite strong, which proves that its living conditions were good before its death. It can also escape quickly when encountering wolves and wild dogs.

Not long after the rabbit died, his eyes were still open, with incomparable resentment, as if he were saying to Fang Yuan: the word "die in peace" is not only suitable for you humans.

Dead people can't make Fang Yuan afraid, let alone a dead rabbit. Even if a gray film floats on its open eyes, covering its pupils, it can show a look of resentment.

Obviously, the rabbit was worried about its unknown death, and it jumped out of the safe grass and ran to death along the gravel road.

In addition to the abnormal gray color of his eyes, the rabbit has no trauma all over his body. Just after his death, his body is soft. When he is picked up by Fang Yuan with two ears, he is as soft as a man in gas.

Fang Yuan was a little strange about its death. When he was about to carry it to the lamp and carefully observe whether there were fatal injuries on it, the rabbit suddenly slid down slowly and rose with the stench.

Fang Yuanming is holding its ear and hasn't let go. How can it slip down by itself?

With a click, the rabbit's body fell at the foot of the square.

Its two ears are still held in its hands.

The rabbit's own weight of two kilograms was attracted by gravity, and its ears were disconnected, as if it were made of very tough mud.

Can a rabbit made of mud run so fast?

Looking at the rabbit under his feet, the color of fear finally appeared in his eyes.

The rabbit was not made of mud. It died suddenly because it was poisoned.

This is a terrible poison. Within a few minutes after poisoning, the corpse will lose its toughness and become a rotten corpse that will break when touched. It's like a dead mouse in summer soaking in water without flies for a month.

"Vomit --"

Before eating, while listening to the goat deliberately say the smell of rotten corpses, he made an instinctive retch sound. With a quick swing of his right hand, two rabbit ears flew out.

One just hit the lamp and was stuck.

Then, Fang Yuan saw that it slowly turned into a pool of sticky things, slowly flowing down, emitting a very foul smell. It was even baked with steam by the lamp, and the whole world was filled with this smell.

The woman's intermittent cries came out from somewhere deep in the forest.

Fang Yuan thought he might have met a ghost.

According to his rich experience in the Jianghu, he has never seen or heard that there will be poison that makes rabbits turn into such a corpse in just a few minutes.

Besides ghosts from the underworld, what else can make rabbits like this?

The ghost may be the woman crying somewhere in the depths of the forest.

Fang Yuan looked up at the sky. He couldn't see anything in the dark. He could only see the tall birch branches intertwined with each other, covering the night sky he was most eager to see.

A kind of unexplained fear, loneliness, from both sides, in front, on the way, in the form of a dark curtain, slowly surrounded the surrounding area.

It made him want to jump into the car, turn around and run away quickly -- as a person, he was very unfit to stay in this environment.

Just Luo Xiaoyu -- Thinking of Han Bin and his sister-in-law, Fang Yuan had to stay and wait for the man's call even if he was afraid.

The man who called Han Bin may be the howling female ghost. He pretended to be a vampire bat and brought Fang Yuan here.

Let's just say that the long-term spread of blood sucking bat energy depends on a reputation. No matter how much arandava wants to break up the whole area, she will never do anything with the reputation of blood sucking bat.

So, in addition to vampire bats, who else can kidnap Luo Xiaoyu and bring Fang Yuan here?

Who can make a living hare turn into a rotten corpse in the blink of an eye?

Besides ghosts, Fangyuan can't think of anyone who can do all this.

The feeling of fear is getting stronger and stronger, which makes me swallow my saliva.

He was not afraid that he would suddenly become a rotten corpse -- a rotten corpse is a dead corpse. No matter rabbits or people, they can't feel pain after death.

He was just afraid that Luo Xiaoyu would become a hare.

Subconsciously, he looked around at the rabbit body whose two ears fell off naturally, and then his whole body was shocked. 18000 hairs were brushed up, and a layer of goose bumps covered his whole body.

What makes Fang Yuan so frightened is not that the dead rabbit turns into a pool of paste like the ears baked by the lamp, but because it, it actually moves!

The dead hare's ears were pulled down, but the body slowly got up from the ground. Two eyes covered with a gray film looked ahead and climbed forward.

With a thump, Fang Yuan heard his own voice of swallowing and spitting, and felt his instinctive retreat.

He, a man who is not afraid of killing people now, would be afraid of a hare (or a corpse). He saw it walking slowly forward and its body decompose as he walked, just as Fang Yuan dropped his ear on the ground just now.

First, the two strong hind legs were softened and elongated because they had to bear the weight of the whole body. When the stench of rotten corpses was stronger, they were scraped off by a dead branch.

The rabbit was still moving forward. After knowing that the two front legs had become like that, he reluctantly held them on the ground, looked back slowly to the surrounding area, and made a painful squeak in his mouth.

The hare is not dead.

At least, it wasn't dead when it made a strange and painful squeak.

It just died, just like -- like being poisoned by some terrible poison, the body died, but the brain was still alive. After being anesthetized for a moment, it woke up again, and then felt (or maybe saw) that when it instinctively wanted to escape, it dragged down its own body.

It's a real drag.

Listening to the rabbit's painful cry, Fang Yuan closed his eyes, bent down, picked up a stone the size of a child's fist on the ground and hit it.

Poof, like a balloon punctured by a needle, the rabbit whose head was broken by a stone made the last loud shriek of relief and gratitude.

The rabbit was poisoned.

This poison does not belong to the world, but can only come from the underworld, just like the voice of the woman who began to cry again.

The ringtone of Jingling mobile phone comes from the car, with the atmosphere of modern society that Fangyuan yearns for most.

The bell sounded so sweet, just like the sunshine tearing open the dark clouds. In an instant, he dispersed a lot of fear shrouded in the surrounding area, which made him suddenly open his eyes, quickly walked to the front of the car, reached out and took out the mobile phone on the co driver's seat.

This is Han Bin's mobile phone.

The number jumping on the mobile phone screen is the number of the man who called Han Bin after Luo Xiaoyu was kidnapped.

Thanks to Russia's high-quality communication signal, you can get through the phone in such a ghost place.

As soon as Fang Yuan picked up his cell phone, someone asked, "are you afraid?"

"Do you think I will be afraid of your heresy?"

As the saying goes, losers don't lose. No matter how scared Fang Yuan is, he won't admit defeat verbally.

"Aren't you afraid?"

The man asked again.


Fang Yuan was silent for a moment before he whispered, "Lao Tzu, you are a living man."

As long as you are a normal person, you will be afraid of such strange things in this environment.

Not afraid, can only be a dead man, or a ghost.

It is not a shame for the enemy to admit that he is afraid.

Fear, it is normal people will have, it is normal people will have