Have you heard the sound of mice stealing food?

Tieliao's sound of eating wild fruits is the same as that of mice when they steal food, and they are even more careful.

He can't be careless.

Because he knew better than anyone that there was a terrible devil hidden in the forest two meters away, which no normal person could see.

The devil has a night vision function he can't imagine. He sees the night as day. If he is a little careless, he will be found.

There is only one result discovered by the devil, that is death.

Since he joined forces with Fang Yuan and Qin Jiehua to fight against Mobei Bei in the southern mountain area of the king of the Chinese Tang Dynasty and cut her neck several times, but she was unharmed, tie Liao knew that with his ability, there was no possibility of killing Mobei Bei alone.

Moreover, in the underground ancient city of the Northern Dynasty the year before last, tieliao saw the power of the north of the desert with his own eyes.

The devil shouldn't have taken this step.

If Fangyuan hadn't had an accident at the beginning, she might have used her greedy selfishness to become a normal girl, fell in love with Fangyuan, and finally become a super fighter against evil, as predicted by Longtou.

Unfortunately, all this is built on "if".

There was an accident in Fangyuan and the death time was as long as a year.

In this year, Mo Beibei could have stopped and given everyone enough time to influence her.

It's a pity -- another pity: Guo Yiqin, dazed, joined hands with the Yan Family and the Lou family and the old enemies of all mankind from the Jiuyou world to eradicate the Jiuyou king in one fell swoop.

If it's really eradicated, it's good.

The insidious and cunning Mrs. Jiuyou did not do that, but imprisoned her somewhere and tortured her with torture that no one knew, but left her the hope of escape.

Mrs. Jiuyou hopes that Mobei can escape, and then revenge all her suffering on the world, setting off a bloody storm to disturb the world and create powerful conditions for the return of evil things hidden in Jiuyou world as much as possible.

Mrs. Jiuyou's plot succeeded.

Just a few days ago, the nine Youwang, who disappeared for nearly a month, entered the world again.

It turned out that she was hiding in a sea view villa area in a coastal city thousands of miles southeast of King Tang.

Tieliao chewed the core of the wild fruit. When he swallowed it, a bloody scene appeared in his mind.

He saw it with his own eyes.

After getting the news, he rushed over with Chen Duanyu as quickly as possible.

In the top room of the sea view villa area, there are still fine steel shackles locked in the north of the desert, a big mirror and a dead man.

The deceased was a female with an ominous identity. According to the results of autopsy, it was determined that she was about 358 years old.

The biggest feature of female corpses is obesity, and their skin is quite good. They are many times more flexible than those expensive wives who maintain them all the year round.

It's just that the appearance of death is too miserable: he was bitten alive, almost had to have a big face of blood, had to disappear a small half, and his heart was caught out by sharp claws and trampled with his feet.

Tieliao knew that half of the blood lost by fat women was drunk by Mobei.

He just didn't understand why the little girl who was at the scene at the time of the crime was not hurt?

The little girl named Yue Yue was not only unharmed, but her dying life was full of vitality again.

According to the most authoritative virus expert in that coastal city, Yueyue's infected virus is an incurable disease, and the current medical technology can't save her life -- so, we really don't understand how she suddenly recovered.

Tieliao knows.

Fang Yuan once told him that when Kunlun was wounded by Mobei and poisoned by corpse, Fang Yuan negotiated with her and asked her to donate more than ten milliliters of blood.

The blood of the northern desert is the best antidote to cure the corpse poison.

After getting out of trouble, Mo Beibei not only didn't hurt Yue, but mercifully saved her - when tieliao saw the number and silver needles left at the scene, he finally inferred the result: Yue Yue inadvertently came to the house where Mo Beibei was imprisoned. She was tricked by her rhetoric and touched the imprisonment, which restored her freedom and freedom.

In return, Mobei saved the little girl.

After Yueyue was inexplicably poisoned by the corpse, he came to the beach by magic, hoping to be the daughter of the sea after his death, but he inadvertently met Mo Beibei and got the reward of continuing to live a happy life after helping her get out of trouble -- this is definitely karma, and it is doomed to drink and peck.

Of course, it doesn't rule out an invisible hand pushing all this in the dark.

This is not the focus for tieliao.

The point is that after soliciting the consent of Yueyue's mother, when he asked the little girl about the whereabouts of Mo Beibei, of course, he would ask Yueyue for three unknowns, but he provided him with a possible false clue: she didn't see a beautiful big sister like a high school student. She only saw a fat sister who was fatter than her fat aunt.

Fat sister?

Tieliao is a little confused.

Because he knows better than Chen Duanyu how beautiful Mobei is and how slim he is.

Everyone has the heart to love beauty. This sentence is not only applicable to human beings, but also has the power to restrict Mobei: those who are as beautiful as her can die and will not become so fat (according to Yueyue's hand comparison, Mobei has at least 280 kilograms).

This is not normal: those who are imprisoned and tortured can only become haggard, how can they get fat?

Yueyue said that she had seen fat aunt several times (she didn't know she was dead) and went to the villa with a big bucket. It was filled with hot porridge. It tasted good. Fat sister should drink that kind of porridge to get fat.

Tieliao and others immediately returned to the villa to look for the big bucket Yueyue said, hoping to find the kind of congee that tastes very fragrant.

However, they searched the whole villa and couldn't find the big bucket. Naturally, there was no delicious porridge, and even there was no cooking material in the kitchen.

After their careful investigation at the scene, the meticulous Chen Duanyu finally found a trace and came to a reasonable conclusion: after Mobei killed fat women and fled, someone came to the villa and erased the evidence that tieliao and others wanted to find.

Without these evidences, Yueyue can't be sure about her fat sister.

A child of six or seven years old still lacks the ability of expression compared with adults. As long as she can be dissolved through the corpse poison in her, it can be determined that Mobei did it.

It's better to arrest first -- wrong, or to track the whereabouts of Mobei first.

It is said that Guo Yiqin has worked out a way to kill Mobei.

In fact, it's also very simple: isn't Mobei invulnerable? Is it not invincible (the best proof is that you carry the most powerful corpse poison but don't die)? So how much gravity can she bear?

For example, with a steel wire rope around her neck, it is estimated that she can be strangled?

What's more, the sabres and bullets in the north of the desert are invincible. It's not a secret. As long as you plan properly, you can catch her alive like Mrs. Jiuyou did when she kidnapped her, and then throw her into the stove.

In that way, before she dies, the big guy will admit that she is Wukong II.

It seems much easier to kill Mobei after finding her life gate.

Looking for her trace has become the most important work of tieliao and others.

People, including Guo Yiqin, set out from the seaside villa in the north of the desert, and based on the "conclusion of the devil's escape route" obtained by their teams, they divided 17 routes along the line to search for her whereabouts.

Tieliao, with four people, is the 11th Road (Guo Yiqin led the first to the tenth road and personally presided over the king of Tang, because everyone calculated that it was a must go place in the north of the desert).

When he took people out of the coastal city, he completely lost his trace.

When he was thinking about whether he would go like the king of Tang, he had a new clue: a stranger called him and showed him where to go, so as to find Mobei, but it's best for him to go alone. Don't take his men, so as not to hurt the innocent.

Tieliao doesn't know who that man is, and there's no reason to believe that man.

But in addition, he had no other way. After weighing for a long time, he finally chose to believe.

All the way, over mountains and rivers, came to Russia, came to Moscow, came to the forest in the outer suburb of the west of the city -- the man who instructed him to come here by telephone told him for the last time: North of the desert, in this forest.

Where is she hiding?

Tieliao swallowed the wild fruit between his teeth and slowly took out his mobile phone from his close pocket.

The mobile phone signal is very normal and the function is very normal, that is, there is no incoming call or SMS that tieliao hopes most.

For fear that the person who called to guide him brought him here just to eradicate his trap by the hand of the north of the desert. Tieliao was very careful when he came to the forest and tried to keep his whereabouts from being discovered by anyone.

"Ah -- oh!"

Suddenly, a faint woman's cry came from the depths of the forest with the morning wind before dawn.

The sudden cry made tieliao's nerves suddenly tense. When his right hand turned over, Kunlun Mo Dao was already in his hand.

Although the woman's cry is short and vague, tieliao's excellent hearing still analyzes the meaning contained in the cry: happy, satisfied and comfortable.

Summed up in one word, is cool.

If one word is too few, then it is: when a woman climbs the highest place, she can't control the scream issued by her soul.

This situation will only appear when women love men to the extreme.

How can there be a woman's "pleasure" in the almost primitive forest?

Can it be said that Mobei is really here, like those legendary Yanyin envoys, ruining innocent Russian handsome boys?

Tieliao pulled several times from the corner of his mouth, no longer hesitated, slightly short, and rushed deeper into the forest like a panther.

As the best agent in China, in the current environment, tieliao certainly won't be careless. After running hundreds of meters forward, he quickly hid behind a big tree, closed his eyes, slowly breathed out a breath, regulated the disordered breath caused by running, and raised his ears at the same time, hoping to catch the woman's cry again.

It's a pity that the woman's cry just now, just like after hearing an illusion, will never appear again. There was no news.

But it's nothing, because tieliao instinctively locked the direction and approximate distance of the voice when he first heard the woman's cry.

Here, the straight-line distance from the place where the cry came should still be 200 meters away.

If it weren't for the strong morning wind, tieliao couldn't hear a woman's cry at such a distance.

"Ah -- alas."

When tieliao took another breath slowly, the woman's voice came again.

Sure enough, it's in that direction, that distance.