The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day.

Especially after several heavy rains, as soon as the bright sun comes out, a large amount of water on the ground evaporates, making the air humidity high to a point where people find it difficult to breathe.

Sauna day.

In this weather, people just want to squat in front of the air conditioner all day and don't go out without going out.

When you have to go out, you have to drink a lot of water.

If the air humidity is not so high and the temperature is just dry, it is also a kind of enjoyment to hide in the woods on both sides of the road to Lihua mountain and wait for Lao Wang's driver to drive to "rescue" when the car breaks down.

Think about it. You can't see a person on the road in the lush wild. White clouds are floating in the blue mirror like sky, just like sheep who have nothing to do and look for grass to eat. Feel the cool wind blowing from the depths of the woods, listen to the chirping of birds, turn on the mobile phone music, and come to the song "my sister wants to cry.", How beautiful should the scene be with slightly closed eyes and intoxicated whispers?

But the air humidity is so high that even if you hide in the shade and drink water constantly, sweat beads flow down like in a sauna room.

Seeing that the shirts on the back of the leader were penetrated by sweat, he raised his arm and wiped Han Miao's face with his sleeve. He quickly waved the small bag in his hand, hoping to bring a cool breeze to the leader.

While fanning, he murmured, "what kind of weather is this? It's just over nine o'clock. It's so hot. There's not even a room around. What kind of broken car is it? It's also made in Japan, but it can't even run on this road. I think it's rubbish. What a wretch is this? If you do charity yourself, you have to trouble sister Yi to come all the way and suffer! "

Zhang Yi went to Lihua mountain today. He made an appointment with Fang Yuan a few days ago.

It is agreed that Zhang Yi will go to Lihua mountain today. After the last field visit, he will break the ground and start the construction. In fact, it is a form.

To put it more bluntly, it is Zhang Yi's political performance show.

After today, she doesn't have to worry about how to build Lihua mountain and roads. She just needs to come and inspect the site when she is happy. This is definitely a fat sheep sent to the door. Zhang Yi will refuse if he is stupid.

Originally, it was agreed that Lao Wang would drive this SUV to Lihua mountain today (Zhang Yi's mount is an Audi, but that kind of low chassis car is obviously not suitable for this road, so he can only change cars temporarily). But as soon as he went to work this morning, he received a call from his wife saying that his mother-in-law had a heart attack.

Zhang Yi is undoubtedly a very considerate leader. After listening to Lao Wang's reasons for asking for leave, he immediately granted it, and personally called the president of the central hospital where his mother-in-law was hospitalized to ask him to take care of it.

Lao Wang went with gratitude, and Han Miao was the only driver.

Who would have thought that the off-road vehicle, which claims that there is a road, came to a place seven or eight kilometers away from Lihua mountain, but the strike broke down.

This is a broken place where there is no village in front and no store in back. This hot man almost sticks out his tongue to dissipate heat. Who can I help?

Han Miao had no choice but to call Lao Wang and let him (if he was too busy to leave, he could find someone. Anyway, many car drivers in the mechanism were honored to come and save leader Zhang's frame).

Lying in the car, the air conditioner naturally couldn't work. They had to take a water cup and hide in the small tree forest, waiting for the arrival of the rescue.

"Hehe, don't complain. It's like this anyway. It's quiet and cool."

Zhang Yi smiled magnanimously, handed the water cup to Han Miao, looked back to the depths of the woods, hesitated and said, "I, I'll go there for a while."

After drinking so much water, it's inconvenient. I really can't get to a place with a toilet.

"Oh, sister Yi, shall I go with you?"

Han Miao also looked deep into the woods and said with worry, "the grass over there is very dense. Won't there be a snake hiding in it?"

"Crow mouth, you know I'm most afraid of that thing. You deliberately scare me, don't you? Hum, in a short time, how can it be as clever as you say? "

Zhang Yi angrily patted Han Miao on the shoulder, turned and walked to the depths of the forest: "just wait here. I'm not a child. I still need adults to watch to untie my hand."

"Hey, hey."

Han Miaoshan smiled a few times, looked at the back of the leader, and suddenly thought: eh, sister Yi used to like wearing skirts. Why does she always wear trousers these days? Also, when she walks, she twists better than before.

The little secretary was only occasionally thinking, but he didn't take it to heart. After seeing the leader go to a big tree, he leaned against the tree, took out his mobile phone, dialed Lao Wang's phone again, and urged him to come to the rescue, otherwise he would die of heat!


When Han Miaogang pressed the dial key of Lao Wang's mobile phone number, Zhang Yi heard a frightening scream from behind, which made her hands tremble and her mobile phone fell to the ground.

No, I'm really a crow's mouth. Won't there really be a snake over there?

Han Miao's mind turned. He raised his hand and patted on his forehead. Then he picked up a dead branch from the ground and flew to the other side.

Although snakes are always scary, not all girls are afraid of them, just as not all decent women can resist the collusion of handsome men.

Han Miao, who grew up in the Northeast countryside, happens to be afraid of snakes.

On the contrary, she dared to catch this thing, peel its skin and make a pot of delicious snake meat soup.

Now maybe a snake has frightened the leaders. It's too long to live.

It was late and fast. Han Miao flew behind the big tree -- sure enough, there was a cauliflower snake with the thickness of a rolling pin curled on the ground behind the tree, holding up his head and spitting out red letters. It was always scary.

The cauliflower snake had no poison. Han Miao knew very well. He was relieved. He swung up the dead branch with both hands, just like playing golf, and hit it on the head with a slap. He let it fly to the distance with a swish, asking for more blessings not to be killed.

"Sister Yi, sister Yi, are you okay?"

Han Miao threw away the dead branch, knelt down on one knee and began to see if Zhang Yi was bitten by a snake.

Zhang Yi didn't answer. He closed his eyes and was stunned.

There were several fine indentations on her right ankle, which were bitten by cauliflower snake.

never mind.

Han Miao clearly remembers that when she was a child in the countryside, she was bitten by cauliflower snakes several times. It just hurt for a while. There would be no danger to her life.

"Thank God, Buddha bless."

Han Miao prayed low. When he reached out to put on his pants for the leader, he was stunned: what is this?

Looking at the steel product on Zhang Yi's body, Han miaoshanling suddenly realized that it was the pants circulated on the Internet for a long time. Unexpectedly, sister Yi's private dressing style was so bold. No wonder my girl looked at her walking posture and didn't wear a skirt.

Sun Gang is a eunuch like existence, and Han Miao has long known it.

She didn't expect that the leaders were forced to wear this thing, not to "meet" Sun Gang's needs.

When you see a subordinate, you will know that no matter how wonderful it is to see a subordinate.

But it was already like this. Han Miao had to pretend not to see it. She quickly put on her pants, laid her flat on the grass and began to pinch people.

After tossing for a few minutes, Zhang Yi woke up quietly.

When she looked lax and slowly focused, she grabbed Han Miao's arm, turned over and sat up, and asked in a dumb voice, "snake, where's the snake?"

"Sister Yi, don't worry, that snake has been killed by me. It's a harmless snake. Don't be afraid. "

Han Miao looked down with flashing eyes, looked at Zhang Yi's right ankle and whispered, "of course, if you don't feel safe, when Lao Wang comes, we'll go back to the city and go to the hospital --"

"Xiaomiao, did you see that thing I was wearing?"

Zhang Yi interrupted Han Miao.

He deserves to be a leader. When he is a little sober, he will realize what issues are the most important.

Han Miao wanted to say that she was blind and didn't see anything just now, but the corner of her mouth smoked a few times, but she didn't say a word.

There was no need to ask. Zhang Yi knew that Han Miao must have seen it.

Bending his knees and reaching out, he gently stroked the fine imprint on his ankle that began to seep blood. Zhang Yi sighed: "Alas, Xiaomiao, I have no face to tell anyone about some things. It's been in my heart for a long time. It's very uncomfortable. "

"Sister Yi, tell me about it. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. "

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't mean to be angry, Han Miao was relieved.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Yi smiled bitterly and looked up at her: "Xiaomiao, in fact, like you, when I first saw this thing, the first reaction was shameless."

This thing is invented by shameless people and worn by shameless women.

This is the first reaction of almost all Chinese women who know this thing when they see it.

However, for open-minded foreigners, it is just like that stick. It is a tool to find happiness, which can virtually add a lot of love and interest to the couple.

That is, earth buns like Fangyuan will be very interested when they see this thing. They even want to "test the law" and try what it tastes, but then they think: it's best for alandeva to put it on and show me.

As soon as the idea came up, Fang Yuan thought of another person: Chu Nannan.

A few days ago, when Fang Yuan saw Chu Nannan's bold portrait on the cover of the magazine, he was furious and immediately called to scold her.

Nannan sister took it lightly, put out his anger, and finally asked him naughtily whether to buy this thing to wear, and then mailed the key to Fangyuan to ensure his peace of mind.

At that time, Fang Yuan almost said good words. Fortunately, the children heard that sister Nan was flirting with him, so they didn't catch the shameful handle by the little bitch.

But these days, Mr. Fang always fantasizes before going to bed: do you want to buy one online and study it carefully first?

Hey, I didn't expect to see the "real product" today before the skinny Mr. Fang made a decision. It's a small surprise.

"Why, what are my thoughts? Is it because I'm a little psychopath that I'm crazy about this thing?"

Fang Yuan smashed his mouth and reluctantly put it back where it was. He was too lazy to "appreciate" other things. He sat on the chair of "honey, shake slowly", pressed the switch, lit a cigarette, stared at the ceiling and began to think about business.

There is no doubt that the white hair is from the north of the desert.

As for how her dark hair could turn into this color, Fang Yuan was too lazy to think about it.

He didn't even think about what kind of demon moths Mobei would produce next.

At present, he must first consider tieliao.