This audio recording was sent back to China by Nanzhao Cherry Blossom entrusted by tieliao from Moscow.

Of course, Li didn't see Guo Yiqin's reaction after hearing the audio, but he could infer that he would be extremely shocked.

He is now with his mouth wide open and his face full of incredible looks.

All along, with more and more understanding of the surrounding area, plum's favor for him doubled, especially after hearing that he died in the underground ancient city of the Northern Dynasty, he was depressed for many days; After listening to his resurrection, he hid and got drunk.

Like many defenders of the Republic who are not well-known but put national interests above all else, Li Zi also has great admiration for those warriors who fight for his country and sacrifice. Moreover, Fang Yuan is not only a warrior in his heart, but also a "savior".

So when I heard that Guo Yiqin and others joined hands to deal with water shadow and Kunlun, plum's first reaction was anger.

If pan Longyu hadn't inadvertently reminded him to take it easy, maybe he would run down the mountain alone and do what he wanted to do.

Therefore, Fang Yuan's position in the heart of plum is not generally high, so after listening to this video, he didn't speak for a long time, just like pressing a big stone on his chest, which made him out of breath.

If this audio was not sent back by tieliao who risked his life, and he knew tieliao very well and trusted him very much (the grandson of Pan Longyu is also a member of his school, and he must have a natural sense of closeness). Even if he was killed, he would not believe that this audio is true.

"Plum, what are you thinking?"

Pan Longyu asked softly as plums stared at the recorder on the wooden table and puffed their cheeks.

"False, this audio material is false!"

Without thinking about it, the plum blurted out an answer.

Pan Longyu smiled and didn't speak. The smile looked very mysterious, even with a trace of strangeness.

Plum has never seen Mr. Pan smile like this before, as if the old man with white beard in front of him was no longer Mr. Pan he was familiar with, but a mountain charm from the deep mountains. After he was stunned, he couldn't help shivering and said in a dumb voice, "Mr. Pan, you --"

Pan Longyu stood up, walked slowly to the guardrail and looked at the street lights winding away in the distance again. Some old people had more ethereal voices, just like from heaven: "do you mean that the tieliao who sent back this audio is false, or that the words said by Fang Yuan are false, he's just cheating tieliao?"

"Tieliao --"

After the plum blurted out the name of tieliao, he paused and whispered, "tieliao can't be false."

He believed that since a leader called Mr. Pan and Guo Yiqin could send this audio to the mountain, it proved that tieliao had returned to China safely.

If this is not the case, a leader, Guo Yiqin, will not rely on a mere piece of audio and dare to suspect that the area that has made great contributions to China is no longer the original area, but people from another world.

Guo Yiqin, even the high-ranking leader, should have talked to tie Liao face to face.

Since tieliao and this audio are not fake, Li Zi said it was fake, which naturally means that the person who said it was fake.

However, according to tieliao's calm character, if you don't have more than 90% confidence, how dare you send this exposure back to China, which will certainly trigger big and wave audio all over the world?

Pan Longyu still looked down the mountain and didn't speak for a long time with his hands on his back.

The night wind rose and blew the old locust tree on the west side of the cottage. The leaves made a rustling sound, as if mixed with a few sad sneers, making the plums look over there subconsciously.

There is nothing there except the endless mountains, forest sea and the winding and undulating Great Wall in the distance.

"Mr. Pan, it's getting late. Should you have a rest?"

Plum waited for a long time. Before pan Longyu spoke, he quietly came to him and whispered to persuade him to go back to bed early.

"What did you do before?"

Pan Longyu suddenly asked such a question.

Plum has been with him for more than two years, but he has never asked about plum's previous work, family and so on.

Li Zi always thought that Pan Longyu should have known what he did long ago, so when he asked this question, he was suddenly stunned again and hurriedly replied: "Mr. Pan, I worked in the supreme police station before I came to you. The leader sent me to you."

"How old are you this year?"

"Thirty seven."

"Thirty seven -- this age group is in the police station. Should it be a leader?"

It is reasonable for Pan Longyu to say so.

The supreme police station is like the army. All ordinary active servicemen are no more than 23 or 24 years old. After three or two years of service, they will be demobilized and go home. If they can stay in the army beyond this age and continue to develop until they change jobs, they will get the role of second-class Sergeant or above.

Compared with the army, the age of soldiers in the supreme Security Bureau (that is, the so-called Zhongnanhai Bodyguard) should be relaxed a lot. They are basically around the age of 30. They are in the best state in terms of IQ, ability and physical quality.

Generally speaking, when people are over thirty-three years old, their thinking is becoming more and more mature, but their abilities such as reaction, hands-on and coordination begin to decline. This is the time for them to change their jobs.

Two years ago, plum from the supreme police station was sent to pan Longyu by the dragon head at the age of 35 to protect his safety. This can only prove that he is at least the bottom leader of the police station.

Sure enough, plum answered truthfully, "I'm at the regimental level."

If a cadre at the regimental level is transferred to a local level, it is equivalent to a cadre at the department level. If only from the level, plum is lucky enough to transfer to a local level, it is still possible to have a leader of a prefecture level Municipal Bureau to do it.

"Oh, so young is the group level?"

Pan Longyu looked back, looked at the plum and said with a smile, "ha ha, you have been with me for more than two years. I don't know your name. You are always called plum. It seems that you are really confused."

"No, Mr. Pan. When I was in the police station, the leaders basically called me that."

The plum shook his head and said, "my name is Li Wenguang."

"Li Wenguang? It's a good name. Plums spread all over the world and reach the three rivers. They are called Guang. They take literature as their bone and are regarded as elegant. It's good, good. It's a good name. "

Pan Longyu put a few fingers of his left hand on his chest and abdomen, secretly calculated quickly, and nodded frequently.

"No, pan Longyu flattered me."

Li Wenguang quickly bent slightly to show humility, but he was actually very happy.

After all, pan Longyu is the leader of this traditional culture in China. Since he says Li Wenguang is a good name, it must be a good name.

"Are you interested in changing jobs to local areas and developing your grand plans?"

Pan Longyu suddenly asked this question.

"Transfer to local?"

Li Wenguang felt that he really jumped from Pan Longyu's thinking. Just now he was still discussing the authenticity of audio files with him. Then he turned to his age and name. Now he suddenly asked him if he wanted to change his job to a local place.

Theoretically speaking, if Li Wenguang is lucky to change his career, he can serve as the municipal bureau leader of prefecture level cities (of course, he has to be a deputy), but this only exists in theory and in practice. It is good to be able to serve as the real power leader of Zhengke at the County and district level.

After all, he is only 37 years old this year. His strong professionalism means that he can only work in public security, procuratorial and judicial departments. If he has to go to tax, industry and Commerce and other departments, he will have to be demoted.

You know, there are so many demobilized cadres every year that it is impossible to arrange them in jobs with symmetrical levels. Even if you want to, you have to have so many posts.

When most demobilized military cadres return to the local government, they can only hold some insignificant virtual posts in government organs and units. Many people will resign and go into business after they don't get along well.

At the beginning, Longtou felt that the current arrangement of demobilized cadres was too difficult, so he arranged Li Wenguang to pan Longyu, hoping to find a good future for himself with the help of Lao pan.

Pan Longyu did not hold any important position in China, but he could easily become a high-level guest of honor that was difficult for feudal officials to visit. This is his unique identity and ability. If he could say a word for Li, it would be easy for Li Wenguang to find a good job.

Of course, Li Zi knows and will appreciate the painstaking efforts of Longtou, but he doesn't hold much hope. After all, he can win the favor of Pan Longyu and arrange work for him. It's not enough to serve him wholeheartedly.

But tonight, pan Longyu suddenly mentioned it.

Li Wenguang's heart jumped and said quickly, "teacher pan, I don't want to go anywhere now. I just want to stay with you for a few more years and learn about those traditional cultures."

Li Zi's saying this is not a fraud. As he stayed with Pan Longyu for a longer time, he became more and more fascinated with those traditional cultures. As long as he was all right, he would study hard with books on relevant aspects.

Of course, he is only very interested in traditional culture, but he does not intend to become a famous "magic stick" like Panlong language. Just as many people like to read through novels, they rarely intend to abandon their current life and go to ancient times to show their grand plans.

"Wen Guang, your talent is limited."

Pan Longyu smiled and shook his head.

Li Wenguang's old face turned red immediately.

Why didn't he know that his talent in this field was quite bad?

Just doing 12 calculations a day, he had to break his fingers and snort for a long time.

"Go to the place while I have some influence."

Pan Longyu's voice suddenly had more desolate flavor.

"Go, where?"

"King Tang."