Will Fang Yuan like what you are now?

After listening to the smiling mother-in-law Bai ask this sentence, Mobei immediately froze on the spot.

After all, she is not an extraordinary Bai Hong without any feelings. She has been involved in the world for more than two years. Influenced by the "wishes" of the dragon head, mobeibei doesn't know that she has the love she has always been looking for.

If she is a person like mother-in-law Bai, after the implementation of the revenge plan for getting rid of difficulties, even if Fang Yuan has great skills and can be stopped in time, she can't stop her from killing water shadow and Katyusha in the seaside villa.

Mobei didn't know it at all. She was just cruel in her heart and wanted to revenge everyone. But when she was implementing the revenge plan, she subconsciously let those damn people go.

She didn't want to kill Katyusha's child -- it was just anger.

Just like the wife who loves her husband deeply but has no children, her instinctive reaction after learning that her husband is raising children with the little three children outside wants to grab the children and hide them, causing the heartless man and shameless little fox spirit to suffer all his life.

After the failure of the revenge plan, Mobei didn't take it seriously, but haunted around him, gave him constant problems, and forced him to come to the stage again when he was desperate -- isn't that what the beautiful women who captured the male Lord did on TV?

So when Mobei followed Fangyuan and found the poison area in the forest, he began to worry about his safety. When he just wanted to catch up, mother-in-law Bai appeared like a ghost and blocked her way.

No one knows better than Mobei how powerful this seemingly decadent white mother-in-law is.

Mo Beibei may be able to overwhelm her with her desperate strength, but she has a death sickle in her hand!

That's the "treasure of the mountain" of Jiuyou world. If she wasn't worried that grandma Bai couldn't stop the north of the desert, Mrs. Jiuyou wouldn't allow her to set foot in the world with a death sickle.

Obviously, the white mother-in-law holding the death sickle is also afraid of the north of the desert.

If it weren't for fear, she didn't bother to tell Mobei that. She used her high IQ to take psychological warfare to disrupt and attack the enemy's mentality.

Mother White's plan to deal with the enemy was quite successful.

After she said this, Mobei was stunned on the spot for a long time without saying a word.

In Mobei Bei's mind, there was a shrill and crazy Laughter: ha ha, Mobei, Mobei, when you saw you become a fat pig, you obviously died of heart. You don't believe anyone anymore. You should only bloody revenge the world. How can you change your original intention and go after that smelly man now?

Grandma Bai said it well!

Mobei, Mobei, even if you work for that smelly man wholeheartedly, will he like you?

Who would like a woman like a fat pig?

You are that smelly man. Will you like her?

Ha, ha ha -- the fat of the whole body suddenly vibrated in the wildly laughing desert north, and a laugh worse than the cry of a night owl sounded slowly from her throat.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha!"

Mobei raised his head and laughed wildly. Tears rolled down from the closed corners of his eyes. The laughter was sad and full of strong anger, just like a steel plate running on the road supported by a car. It was indescribable.

Dozens of meters away from her center, the malnourished leaves trembled and then fell like butterflies.

All the little insects were frightened by the laughter and shut up.

The night bird was awakened, quacking, flapping its wings and flying away.

The wolves behind him also howled uneasily, "Oh --"

Looking at the wild laughter for a full minute, before the laughter stopped and still full of confidence in the north of the desert, mother-in-law Bai finally changed her face, clutching her walking stick and slowly retreated a few steps back.

"Ha, ha -- Hoo!"

Just when grandma Bai couldn't stand the wild laughter in the north of the desert. When she wanted to do something, her laughter stopped like being cut off by the death sickle. Then she took a long breath, slowly lowered her raised head and looked at grandma Bai.

Mother-in-law Bai also looked at her. They didn't speak.

Mobei raised his hand, caught a leaf falling slowly, and asked calmly, "are you afraid?"

Mother-in-law Bai smiled and asked, "will I be afraid of you? Don't forget, we taught you all your skills. At the beginning, when we taught you Kung Fu in batches, everyone would stay with the purpose of "teaching disciples will starve to death.". The hand left, with the cooperation of the death sickle, is enough to kill you. "

The white mother-in-law with high IQ didn't realize that if she was really confident that she could stop and kill Mobei, she wouldn't say this.

When have you seen that before catching a mouse, the cat will first say: my claws are extremely sharp, and one claw can break your belly -- I have directly rushed over and pressed the mouse with one claw, making it regret that it shouldn't get up in the middle of the night and peek at you with the cat and talk about human life with your sister-in-law.

Mother-in-law Bai is sure to kill her before she laughs wildly in the north of the desert.

But when she laughed wildly, she heard from her laughter that she had sufficient physical strength - fat women are indeed not good-looking, but they are much more powerful than those slim women in fighting.

This is not only an indisputable fact, but also a fatal danger ignored by mother-in-law Bai.

"Can you kill me? I'll talk about it later."

Just as mother-in-law Bai's mind turned, Mobei spoke again.

Her tone was gentle, like asking an elder: "grandma Bai, what you said just now is good. Even if I do more for that man, he won't like me like this. So I want to ask, is there any way to make me return to the past? "

Before mother-in-law Bai answered, Mobei said seriously, "I hope I can hear the truth."

Mother-in-law Bai agreed to Mo Beibei's request. After frowning and meditating for a moment, she slowly shook her head: "theoretically, you don't want to change back. Because the porridge you are fed is mixed with the 'hippopotamus grass' of the Jiuyou world. "

As the name suggests, hippopotamus grass represents that no matter which species takes it for a long time, it will get fat quickly, like a round hippopotamus.

More miraculously, after taking hippopotamus grass, you can no longer lose weight. Even if you just drink water every day and are transformed into a super abnormal intestines and stomach, you can absorb all nutrients and maintain your current weight.

Mother-in-law Bai's answer had long been expected by Mobei.

But after listening, her eyes still flashed a gloomy look of despair, but then she suddenly lit up and asked eagerly, "why do you say it's in theory?"

"In theory, but not in theory."

"What kind of accident?"


After thinking for a while, mother-in-law Bai raised her finger to the bright moon in the sky and said metaphorically, "if this is the sun, does it rise from the East and set from the west every day?"

Mobei understood: accident is that the sun rises from the West and sets from the West.

It's impossible. Grandma Bai is playing with her!

When did the accident of the sun rising in the West and setting in the East happen?

When a gloomy smile appeared on the corner of Mobei's mouth, mother-in-law Bai said, "accident is called accident, that is, it can happen."

Mobei hehe chuckled: "why, grandma Bai, is the Jiuyou world powerful enough to change the orbit of the sun?"

Grandma Bai shook her head.

Mobei sucked his nose and asked faintly, "well, what's the matter with this accident?"

"No one can change the normal trajectory of the sun in this world."

Mother-in-law Bai's shriveled mouth pursed and said, "but who can guarantee that forces outside the world can't do it?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Mo Beibei frowned and asked, "outside this world? Outside this world, isn't there the Jiuyou world? What other world -- "

As soon as she said this, she suddenly shut her mouth.

She suddenly thought of one thing: when she was in the forest in the southeast corner of Moscow, she once pretended to be tieliao to deceive Xiao Fang, and then pretended to be Fangyuan on bat mountain to deceive tieliao.

The seven second law is the focus and essence of her deception.

It is said that the law of seven seconds is the law obtained by scientists studying Pisces jade pendant after many experiments, implying that the distance between two parallel worlds is seven seconds.

Mo Beibei doesn't believe in the seven second law. Don't look at what she says. Just like those old monks who recite scriptures, they don't believe that there is a Buddha three feet above their head. Otherwise, they won't drive a BMW, look for a lady and turn into flowers to abduct tourists.

Mobei knows the "seven second law." that's because she heard Mrs. Jiuyou say it several times. Quan should have kept it in mind like listening to the story. Unexpectedly, it can be used on Fangyuan and tieliao, fooling them.

Until now, when grandma Bai said 'this world, that world', she suddenly thought of these.

Mother-in-law Bai knew what she thought, hehe smiled and asked, "Xiaobei, didn't you expect that those words you thought you cheated Fangyuan were absurd and untrue?"

Mobei raised his eyebrows and asked, "is it true?"

"I can responsibly say that the seven second law is real."

The smile on mother-in-law Bai's face converged and said seriously.

With a thump, Mobei swallowed and spit, and asked in a dumb voice, "how can you be sure?"

"There are two stone fish."

Mother-in-law Bai's answer was that some donkey lips were not right for the horse's mouth.

Mobei didn't understand: "two stone fish? Is it the so-called Pisces jade pendant? "

"You can also say that those two stone fish are the real Pisces jade pendant."

Mother-in-law Bai pondered a little and said slowly, "one of the two stone fish is black white eyes, and the other is just the opposite, white black eyes. When two fish are combined together, they will form Bagua yin-yang fish. When they rotate, they can produce the powerful and mysterious power of the unity of heaven and earth, which you can't imagine at all. They can form a time tunnel together with the two spaces, so that any species in the two worlds that are exactly the same can gather in the two worlds in seven seconds. "

Just like the legendary Pisces jade pendant, after seven seconds of operation, when another same fish appears in this world, two same fish will appear in that world.

Two fish are exactly the same, both in appearance and in swimming.

The only difference is that they swim in the opposite direction.

This is because they come from two worlds, each with its own customized trajectory.

"In that world, the sun may really rise in the West and set in the East."

Mother-in-law Bai explained in detail: "since the two stone fish can connect the world of two tracks, it proves that one of them comes from that world and has the powerful and mysterious power we regard as rebellion."