Different from the area where you must concentrate on searching for the trace of Kunlun along the way, Mobei only needs to hang far behind him along the place where the Hummer passes.

She doesn't need to bother at all. Of course, she has the opportunity to enjoy the scenery of Russia's border and stop a car to ask where the road can lead.

Before the truck (or human trace) completely disappeared on the road, Mobei asked three or four heavy truck drivers. Each time, she got evasive answers. A kind old man advised her not to go any further.

Mobei doesn't know the existence of Carmen Town, let alone those numbing legends. However, she can see from the evasion of heavy truck drivers that they are afraid of this problem, as if bad luck will come as soon as they say what they know.

At the end of the road is a small town called Carmen. No one had been there as early as 80 years ago. Naturally, I didn't see anyone coming from there.

It is said that there is a terrible devil hidden in Carmen town. It wanders around the town day and night, looking for anything alive.

These are all the news Mobei bought after throwing out a pile of banknotes.

Except that the name and age may be true, everything else is nonsense.


Hehe, Mobei doesn't believe in demons in the world.

If she has to, then she is the devil or the devil.

She just wondered, just like the surrounding area: since Kunlun wants to go to Lop Nur, why do you want to go this way? Is it because the road here is difficult to go, and you want to temper your willpower with the difficulty of going through mountains and rivers?

It was not until mother-in-law Bai appeared that Mobei suddenly realized that Kunlun was attracted by people from Jiuyou world. She was just a bait, and Fangyuan was the big fish that people liked.

There is a shark behind the big fish.

Mrs. Jiuyou thought of this and made full preparations.

But it's a pity that mother-in-law Bai, the fisherman, didn't catch the shark, so Mobei broke the fishing net and came to the ruins - Mobei was very happy and proud when he thought of his appearance, which would greatly surprise his wife.

She finally found a chance to kill several more people in Jiuyou world to revenge her wife for torturing her like that.

In the woods at ten o'clock (the ruins are surrounded by the forest), there is a khaki military Hummer, which is the one from around.

He drove out of the forest, saw the ruins, parked his car next to it, walked into the great ruins on foot -- after the calculation of the north and north of the desert, he didn't go to the car to see anything, and walked slowly along the gravel road built by the town nearly a hundred years ago.

She took every step carefully.

Mobei believes that Mrs. Jiuyou (if she is here) must know that mother-in-law Bai has died in her post and that the God of death sickle has changed her master.

Mobei hates Mrs. Jiuyou who destroyed her beauty. It is estimated that a fool can think of it. Now she will feel dangerous after she appears in the ruins Town, and she has been fully prepared to deal with her.

Mobei has "died" once and doesn't want to die again, so she must be more careful than dealing with her Jiuyou lady -- every step that seems very easy, in fact, there are countless quick reaction actions hidden.


Mobei walked along the street full of weeds and came to the middle of the town. As soon as his right foot was about to lift up, he suddenly turned around and waved his right hand out. Immediately, there was a sad scream, and the smell of blood quickly filled the air with the splash of blood.

With a snap, a wild dog cut in half by death's sickle fell to the ground again.

Mobei Bei didn't go to see the body of the wild dog. He still kept his right hand waving like a stone carving. After seven seconds, he smiled, and his tight nerves relaxed.

She had the abnormal ability to be invulnerable to weapons. Now she has the sickle of death in hand. Let's say it's in Carmen town. Even if she goes to Jiuyou world, she may be able to kill seven in and seven out like Zhao Zilong on Changbanpo.

So why be nervous?

Don't forget that when people are in a dangerous environment, they should keep relaxed wholeheartedly, so that they can be more calm and think of and see things they can't think of and see when they are nervous.

Mobei raised his foot and stepped on the wild dog's mouth, forcing it to open its mouth and expose its teeth.

The wild dog's teeth are as sharp as a sharp knife, but they are incomplete, and one tooth is broken in half.

This is the wild dog that lives in the forest. The dog fed by people not only has less sharp teeth than the wild dog, but also has no incomplete characteristics: This is the trauma it suffered when it preyed on or competed with its companions.

The eyes were full of Cangyi, dead and quiet. Only the sound of the wind blew slowly from a distance, making the weeds shake back and forth.

Mobei listened quietly for a moment and moved on.

A slight click came from under my feet.

Mobei stopped, raised his right foot slowly when he lowered his head, and then saw a mutilated skeleton, half buried in the soil and half exposed outside, as if he were going to drill out of the ground. He almost succeeded, but Mobei crushed his arm with one foot.

After seeing this white bone, Mobei noticed that the streets in the middle of the ruins on both sides turned out to be so uneven, just like many people dig pits everywhere with shovels.

Mobei looked back and looked at the shell in the distance. He finally understood what: this place was bombed by shells and turned into ruins.

There were many craters in Carmen Town, which had been bombed by bombs. However, as the sea changed, these craters were gradually filled up and covered with weeds.

The half white bones under my feet were buried by the soil raised by the explosion of shells.

It seems that there should be more white bones under the waste grass and in the ruins.

Mobei walked to the top of the ruins and looked around.

The whole ruins cover an area of hundreds of mu, which can provide thousands of people to live here. However, with a burst of sudden shells, the place became a death place.

Not only the local residents of Carmen town died, but also many broken military supplies, such as rusted water bottles, standard rifles turned into fire sticks, radio stations rusted into iron pimples, hat badges on military hats and so on.

From these things left at the scene, Mobei can basically guess what's going on: several years ago, there was a battle in the town. The soldiers and civilians who stuck to the town were attacked by the other party's covering artillery, and the whole army was normally destroyed.

This is an ancient battlefield. Of course, it is not too ancient. It can be seen from the hat badge that this is the army of the former Soviet Union during World War II. Mobei still has this vision.

Who can bombard the towns and troops of the former Soviet Union on the territory of the former Soviet Union?

Nazi German army, of course.

Anyway, old Xi did the job very well.

However, what makes mobeibei confused is: since this place is a battlefield of World War II and many soldiers died here, why didn't the former Soviet authorities send someone to clean up the battlefield after the war, restrain the remains of the martyrs and let them remain immortal?

It seems that even if the former Soviet authorities were busy and had a bad memory, they should not forget here. They should send someone to clean the battlefield.

Mobei is a little strange, but he won't spend too many brain cells on it.

She came here to follow Fang Yuan. After meeting mother-in-law Bai, she was ready to fight with Mrs. Jiuyou. Of course, she didn't have the leisure to worry about some soldiers who had died for many years.

What about the square?

Where is he now?

What about Kunlun, who came here first?

Should be ready to deal with her. Where is Mrs. Jiuyou?

Slowly glancing at the grave like dead ruins, Mobei didn't hurry to find it. He sat cross legged at the highest place, took off the small bag around his waist, took out mineral water and a roast goose, and ate it slowly.

She eats very carefully.

The roast goose, weighing three kilograms, could barely satisfy her and had to eat even her bones.

The sun finally rose. It was on the treetops in the East. After the golden sun sprinkled on the ruins, it added a trace of vitality to the place. It was warm and comfortable for her.


A very distant but very clear sound of weapon collision came from the depths of the ruins under her feet when Mobei took out a paper towel and wiped her mouth.

There are people fighting under the ruins.

The corners of Mo Beibei's eyes beat slightly, but he didn't stand up. He still slowly picked up the mineral water, looked up and drank it.

As if she didn't hear the sound of weapon collision, she wouldn't care if she heard it.


A shrill scream came from the same place more than ten seconds after the weapon collision. It was a man's voice.

Mobei drank water, but there was no pause.

Until she drank up a bottle of mineral water, she sipped the corners of her mouth and looked down.

When she jumped to the top of the ruins, she saw a dark hole below: it should be the door. After being shelled under the cover, the house will certainly collapse. The falling stones, wood and other things blocked the door, but not completely, leaving a hole.

The sound of weapon collision and man's scream came from the hole.

It seems that there is a hole below.

Mobei walked down the ruins, came to the cave and listened for a moment.

No sound came again, only the cold wind blew out, with a familiar taste in the north of the desert: the world she grew up in was always full of the smell of animals, insects and plants after decay.

Before he came to this world, Mobei thought it was the smell of air.

Later, I learned that the real taste of the air is fresh. I will feel comfortable after closing my eyes and taking a breath. As long as I think of the world, I will feel nausea.

She doesn't want to go back to the world with that smell in the air.

But what if Fangyuan goes?

Mo Beibei hesitated and subconsciously stretched out his hand to test whether the stones above the cave would loosen. The golden sun shone over.

In the sun, Mobei can see a lot of dust dancing in man.

Obviously, it is some fine air dust, but it can jump out of the smell of dust, like fairies wearing white gauze skirts.

It's more like her when she didn't get fat -- she looked back slowly and saw her when she didn't get fat.

She was standing in the street tens of meters away behind her, dressed in an undyed white gauze dress, her face was calm, and her black and white eyes looked timid.

North of the desert, I saw the former North of the desert.

Fang Yuan saw Yue WanChen on this morning with golden sunshine.

Yue WanChen in deep sleep is like a girl in love, with the shyness of being a new man and wife on her cheeks.