It's 8:00 p.m. and there are four hours left for July 11.

In ten hours, six in the morning, the sun will rise if the drizzle can stop tonight.

Tomorrow is Yue WanChen's birthday.

She didn't tell Fang Yuan how old her birthday was, and Fang Yuan wouldn't take the initiative to ask. Any man who tried to inquire about the age of a beautiful woman is not a good man. It's like walking down the street and telling people frankly that he wants to sleep with her here. It's quite annoying.

In these seven days, Fang Yuan has been accompanying Yue WanChen and playing the role of a qualified husband.

After eating in the morning, Yue WanChen would take his arm and walk out of the house. On the side of the river around the southeast corner of the old city, when she was tired, she would sit down and snuggle up and talk quietly.

After lunch, they will take a nap to ensure that they have enough spirit and physical strength at night to explore the sacred topic of where life comes from.

On rainy days, you will sit on the shore fishing with a flower umbrella and feel the artistic conception of "no return to the slanting wind and drizzle". If you are lucky, a steamed fish will appear on the stone table at dinner.

Apart from the first two days when Fang Yuan came here, they never talked about anything other than the "two people's world" in the following days, and regardless of whether the forest across the river is alive or dead, they completely regard this place as a paradise and devote themselves to enjoying their little days.

I don't know what's going on. It's always very difficult when suffering, but time passes very fast when enjoying happiness, which has become the consensus of everyone.

As if in the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

Tomorrow is Yue WanChen's birthday and her death.

How will she die?

Was he killed, or did he suddenly bleed out of his seven orifices?

Fang Yuan just thought in his heart and never said it.

I believe Yue WanChen is the same. Only in this way can she make a look of indifference, smile and smile all day, and cook different flavors of food with flowers.

The more you don't care, the more you care.

But neither of them can say it. Even if they want to say it, they can quickly find another topic to switch off.

Just like now, Fang Yuan seems to lean on the head of the bed to read the magazine. In fact, he didn't read a word of the contents of the magazine. He decided that after Yue WanChen came in, he must seriously talk to her about her fate.

It was her birthday in four hours, but Fang Yuan didn't notice any danger.

Maybe, the danger is a happy life specially created by the two people. Is it blocked out?

Yue WanChen came in. Fang Yuan immediately put down the magazine. As soon as she raised her head, she saw the look of begging in her eyes: please, don't say that. I just want to devote myself to enjoying the last few hours.

Fang Yuan immediately smiled, "Ho Ho, it smells good."

"This is Russia's signature dish."

Yue WanChen came over with a smile and put two sea bowls of potato beef stew on the bedside table, a pot of wine and two glass cups: "don't come down and eat in bed."

"I haven't washed my hands yet. The place itched and scratched a few times just now."

Fang Yuan talked nonsense. As soon as he was about to go down, Yue WanChen stopped him: "I'll fetch water for you."

"Why, you have to wait on me to wash your hands, like waiting on the master?"

Fang Yuan put down the raised cry and looked at her and asked with a smile.

"Just wait. Where is so much nonsense?"

Yue WanChen was angry. She turned around and went out with the plate.

As soon as she went out, the smile on her face disappeared and became dignified.

For a man, the most direct way to measure whether he is a real man is to see if he can protect his woman.

No matter what kind of past Yue WanChen has and how many years older than Fang Yuan, as long as she can be accepted, she is his woman.

More importantly, Yue WanChen was accepted by Fang Yuan not by her appearance and shamelessness, but by her true feelings.

Fang Yuan clearly knew that when she was Xia Xiaoyun's mother and had to devote herself to detoxification for her daughter's safety, she was already his woman. Even in the next two years, he seemed to always care about her life and death.

"I won't let you die."

Staring at the two bowls of stewed beef with potatoes on the table, he whispered to himself.

With a squeak, Yue WanChen opened the door with a plastic washbasin and came in. Her dark and beautiful hair was draped obliquely on her left shoulder, with thin drops of water, proving that the rain was heavier.

"Sir, please let the maidservant serve you and wash your hands."

Yue WanChen took the basin and said with a smile.

"Ang, remember to wash it. Sir, I'm the most hygienic."

Fang Yuan cooperated very well, pulled out a master's face, and held out his right hand with an extremely arrogant attitude.

"Please don't worry, sir. Even if the maid licks you with her tongue, she will lick it clean."

The woman is incurable. When saying this sentence, her eyes fell in the middle of Mr. Fang's legs. The meaning is self-evident.

Fangyuan's heart sank a little bit.

When a condemned prisoner learns that he will be shot tomorrow, his extreme nostalgia for the world will make him irritable. Yue WanChen can never do this.

Once this is done, it proves that she is really tired of living and extremely eager to die quickly.

Vitality is essential for people to live well.

If the vitality withers, even if her physical function is healthy, she is just a walking corpse.

According to Fang Tianming, Yue WanChen will die tomorrow, but her vitality will die out tonight.

Her current natural action when washing hands for Fang Yuan proves that she should be very satisfied with her short life and does not complain that fate is unfair to her, although fate is indeed unfair to her.

What is the reason for this woman to ignore her gorgeous life like flowers?

Just because she has a continuation of life, Fangyuan also promised her to redeem Mobei?

I don't think so.

There are many children of ancient emperors. Aren't they all afraid of death?

"Tell you a story."

Yue WanChen wiped Fang Yuan's hands, washed his face, took the basin aside, Yingying sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the wine pot and said, "however, we have to wait until we finish this last dinner."

last supper.

From the moment it became famous, this sentence represents betrayal and death (related to Jesus and Mr. Judas), which is regarded as bad luck.

Yue WanChen's face was quite calm when she said it.

Her calmness infected Fang Yuan and nodded with a smile.

This meal may have been the warmest since Fang Yuan was no longer fed by his mother. Several times, two people ate a potato, just like a couple eating an apple at a wedding, but the cooperation was quite tacit.

"You, in fact, should be disgusted."

After everyone drank half a cup of wine and ate a bowl of potatoes and beef, Fang Yuan shook his head to indicate that he was full. Yue WanChen took the meal paper and wiped the corners of his mouth for him, saying, "if you eat in this intimate way with a woman many years older than you, others will laugh at you and say you are worthless."

"I never intended to be a promising person."

Fang Yuan smiled calmly, raised his hand, pushed open the window, leaned against the head of the bed and said, "now you can tell the story you want to tell."

The rain outside, falling in with the oblique wind, sprinkled on the two people, with a fresh smell of rain.

"That's a very simple story. Your father told me. Originally, I didn't intend to tell you, because I was afraid you would pity me more. "

Yue WanChen didn't lie in her arms or lean on the head of the bed side by side with him as before. She got up, moved a round stool and sat on the bedside table, as if worried that he would have wolf hair and invade her.

Fang Yuan didn't speak and lit a cigarette.

Yue WanChen didn't take the initiative to light a cigarette for him as before. She just said, "a long time ago, there was a girl who was very beautiful, timid, cowardly and good at school."

Yue WanChen's level of storytelling is very general. Just like what she said about this girl, Fang Yuan can hear that she is telling her own story.

So he asked, "is the girl in the story Chen Wanyue?"

Chen Wanyue is Yue WanChen's real name.

Yue WanChen hesitated and asked, "can I call Chen Wanyue back again?"

"You are Chen Wanyue and have never changed."

Fang Yuan said, "the reason why you changed your name to Yue WanChen is that you want to associate with me in this way. Let yourself believe that Yue WanChen did all the things you did with me, not Chen Wanyue. "

"Why are you so clever, like your father?"

Chen Wanyue smiled with bright eyes and said softly, "listen to me first and finish Chen Wanyue's story?"


Fang Yuan nodded.

In this story, if there is no one named pan Longyu, Chen Wanyue may look for a job that doesn't earn much but is very suitable for her temperament, like all gentle women, find a man who really loves her and live a plain and happy life.

All the way to white head.

However, there was a man named pan Longyu in the world. After inadvertently discovering Chen Wanyue, he hid in the dark and changed her fate with his irresistible strength, so that she met summer.

"After hearing this story, I knew that on July 11, when I was 11, I really shouldn't pester my mother to go to the water world to take the ferris wheel. In that way, I won't meet pan Longyu."

When Chen Wanyue mentioned pan Longyu again, her tone was still calm, but her hatred flickered in the bottom of her eyes.

Pan Longyu ruined her family and her life.

Her excellent appearance, cowardly character and inner beauty made pan Longyu secretly investigate her and finally determine that she is the most suitable person.

There are two men and two kinds of life for Chen Wanyue to choose from.

Two men, one is Fang Tianming, the other is summer.

If she marries Fang Tianming, she will have a son and live the most ordinary life of a small citizen. She will have to wait until her son is 12 years old and leave him in a strange way to live the hard life of a single dog.

If she marries Xia Yaowen, she will have a daughter and live a noble wife's life for more than 20 years (in other people's opinion, she is carefree, loving husband and wife, filial children and happy family). However, later, she will encounter many and great hardships like taking a roller coaster. On her 40th birthday, dust returns to dust and earth returns to earth.

"Why don't you choose Fang and Fang Tianming?"

After hearing this, Fang Yuan couldn't help interrupting and asked.

Although fan Yingying's life is very ordinary, at least she doesn't have to suffer the crimes suffered by Chen Wanyue.

"Do you think I really have my own choice?"

Chen Wanyue sneered and no longer concealed her extreme hatred for some people.