On the level, although Li Peijin's level is higher than Zhang Yi, he can be regarded as a leader.

However, no matter how high the level of the director of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office is, her real power is not as big as Zhang Yi, especially because she is a woman. In Li Peijin's eyes, she is heavier than Miao Dehai.

Zhang Yi also knew this, so when he took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with him, he didn't stretch out his hands like Miao Dehai, but clenched director Li's right hand and shook it several times to show his admiration, just like the water of the endless Yellow River.

Li Peijin is also a person who knows the rules of officialdom. After gently shaking hands with Zhang Yixiao, he shrank back and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhang Yi, please sit down."

"Director Li, please."

Zhang Yi hurried to the passenger airway.

Looking at the two people who exchanged greetings, Mei dailu Chao, who was still sitting on the mayor's seat after Zhang Yi came in, snorted coldly in his heart. Looking at Li Peijin's eyes, he already had an obvious sense of contempt.

When Zhang Yi didn't come, meidailu Dynasty saw Li Peijin in front of Miao Dehai, and the official authority was very serious. Now there is a beautiful mayor, and his old face immediately blooms like chrysanthemum and flower, which shows that there is a problem with his integrity.

The Oriental who thinks he knows Chinese officialdom well knows that Li Peijin's politeness to Zhang Yi is entirely out of the fact that "behind any beautiful woman, there may be one or more men you can't afford", especially for such a powerful and upright cadre. If he dares to put up a stand and offend her, God knows who will stand up and ask for "justice" for her.

"Comrade Zhang Yi, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Mei dailu Chao from the Foreign Affairs Office of Toyo in China."

After a brief greeting, Li Peijin began to introduce Mr. Meidai to Zhang Yi.

Mei dailu Chao was still sitting in the chair, his chin held up proudly, and finally looked at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi didn't even look at him. Just like this person doesn't exist at all and didn't sit down, he stood in front of Li Peijin and said with a smile: "director Li, are you tired on your way to the king of Tang this time? Secretary Miao, it's almost noon. Have you had lunch first? Hehe, work is important, but health is also important. "

Director Li Peijin rushed to the king of Tang from the provincial capital. Why?

Of course, in order to deal with the case of Kameda Lianghe's being flattened, all the members of the leading group of the king of the Tang Dynasty have dignified faces. Under the surface of calm faces, their brains are moving rapidly and carefully analyzing the major impact of this case. Even the meidailu Dynasty is eager to get a satisfactory result. At this time, it is a "major moment".

In this case, Zhang Yi proposed to have lunch.

What made the Oriental guests feel more uncomfortable was that after Li Peijin's introduction, they ignored him.

The smile on Li Peijin's face was stiff.

Li Wenguang and others secretly spit out a mouthful of depression.

Miao Dehai's sparse eyebrows shook slightly, and Mei dailu's fat face turned red and black.

As Li Wenguang and Mei dailu said just now when they patted the table: This is a solemn occasion when the first level government and government of China convened the Standing Committee. What qualifications do you have to shoot the table and smash the bench here?

Meidailu didn't slap the table in front of Zhang Yi's face. Zhang Yi naturally wouldn't say that about him, but he could tell him in a way that directly ignored his existence: I am the master of this city. What are you and what are you qualified to be proud of me?

Zhang Yi didn't pat the table like Li Wenguang, but her current performance is more cruel than slapping the East foreigner's white and fat face.

Although Chinese people often fight for their own interests, once they encounter external pressure, they will immediately unite and unite with the outside world.

Therefore, when Li Wenguang and others saw Zhang Yi treat the Oriental like this, they not only didn't think she was impolite, but also had a feeling of elation, which also made Miao Dehai's eyebrows tremble: just now he was very polite to the Oriental who came to find fault.

In this way, Zhang Yi took advantage of this opportunity to add some prestige.

Li Peijin is an old mechanism. He has fallen and climbed in officialdom for so many years. After being a little stunned, he immediately saw what Zhang Yi thought. He smiled bitterly and said, "it's not time to cheer up at present". He pretended not to see Mr. Meidai's red face and hit ha ha: "ah, ha ha, Comrade Zhang Yi, don't panic at dinner. Let's talk about work first."

"That's good, director Li. Please sit down."

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded.

Li Peijin sat down in Miao Dehai's seat again. When he put his fingers together on the table, he found that Miao Dehai had sat down, but Zhang Yi still stood at the table, holding his arms in his hands and smiling. He didn't mean to sit down at all.

According to officialdom rules, in this conference room symbolizing the supreme power of Tangwang City, after Li Peijin and Miao Dehai took their seats, Zhang Yi will be the third to sit down, followed by the deputy secretary in charge of ideological work, and then other leaders will take their seats one by one according to the order of ranking.

So when the third ranking thought Secretary raised his hand and held the back of the chair to sit down, he found that Zhang Yi was still standing and his just bent waist straightened up.

The third ranking leaders didn't sit down. Naturally, Li Wenguang and others wouldn't sit down and looked at Zhang Yi.

Although the big guys usually unite closely with Miao Dehai, they don't catch a cold with Zhang Yi, and even secretly stretch out their legs and trip her up, but they pay great attention to rules in public.

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't sit down, the whole room was standing with her. Li Peijin frowned slightly and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhang Yi, please sit down."

Zhang Yi glanced at meidailu Dynasty and said with a faint smile: "director Li, I can speak when I stand."

Suddenly, Li Peijin found that he had made an insignificant but serious mistake: he shouldn't have brought the Oriental to the important meeting room of the king of the Tang Dynasty, let alone let him sit in Zhang Yi's seat!

Meidailu was a cow again, but he was a foreigner after all.

Still take what Li Wenguang said just now when he patted the table as an example: This is an important meeting room where the king of Tang held a major meeting. What qualifications do you have to spill here?

Li Peijin is a leader at a higher level than others. No one would think it wrong to "seize" Miao Dehai's throne under the power of the incident, but the meidailu Dynasty is not only not qualified to spill here, but also not even qualified to sit down!

If the whole group of the king of Tang were allowed to sit in the chair of Zhang Yi and discuss major events here, it would certainly arouse xuanran and waves when it spread to the outside, saying that the leadership of the king of Tang would lose power and humiliate the country, and so on.

Li Peijin will also earn a bad reputation of "worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries and trampling on the dignity of the motherland".

When he first came to the conference room, Li Peijin thought about how to deal with the diplomatic incident, and ignored this seemingly insignificant but significant detail.

If he comes alone, he will sit down. After all, he is a superior leader. Can he accompany the last table when he comes?

He really shouldn't have brought medaiuru and occupied the position of Zhang Yi.

Miao Dehai and others did not notice this because they held their own ideas.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi reminded all of you with her "rude behavior of disrespect for foreign guests".

Fine sweat came out of Li Peijin's forehead and looked at Zhang Yi with a look of gratitude. After a little meditation, he stood up and smiled at Miao Dehai: "Oh, comrade Miao Dehai, please sit here."

At this time, Miao Dehai, who was also aware of his low-level mistakes, stood up and said, "director Li, you're too polite. I can sit anywhere with you."

"That's no good. You have to follow the rules. This is the king of Tang. On your territory, you don't represent yourself, but the image of the first and second level government and government."

When Li Peijin spoke, he glanced at Mei dailu and smiled to let Miao Dehai sit down.

Miao Dehai was not too polite. After pleading guilty, he sat in the middle. Li Peijin naturally sat in his right hand and occupied the three chairs in charge of ideological work.

In the leading group of the king of Tang Dynasty, only the head of Miao Dehai is at the deputy department level, which can be regarded as a high allocation.

Zhang Yi only enjoys the treatment of deputy department level, but she is actually at the same level as the third leader.

Therefore, Li Peijin, who is one level higher than Miao Dehai (the main hall), sits in the position of the third leader. No one says anything bad about the rules.

At this time, even if meidailu was no longer mentally disabled, he had to see that something had happened. He stood up from his chair with a cold hum and turned to the window.

In the small conference room, in addition to the nine chairs in front of the table, there are other chairs, which are prepared for other officials who are not qualified to be members of the Standing Committee when preparing to hold an expanded meeting. Mei dailu Chao can barely get by sitting next to him.

"Xiao Wang, please change a chair for me."

Zhang Yi walked to her seat, but didn't sit down. He said calmly to Miao Dehai's secretary.

Mei dailu Chao, who had just sat next to her, heard her say so. Her face, which was already red, immediately turned into sauce purple and stood up with a miso.

This is a humiliation. It's a humiliation to the Oriental guest hongguoguo. Just because someone will sit in your chair, you have to change the chair -- what explanation can you give, in addition to beating meidailu's old face in public?

Although Zhang Yi's character is not manly, she is an intellectual woman who has been in a high position for a long time. Both her bearing and cultivation are quite good.

If Mr. Meidai had not been so proud of her just now, she would have taken the wrong medicine to make the devil ugly again and again at the risk of offending Li Peijin.

In any case, meidailu Chao came with Li Peijin after all. Miao Dehai served as a VIP and hit him in the face. Less than half of them hit director Li and Miao Dehai in the face.

However, if not, Zhang Yi will miss this good opportunity to brush his prestige. I believe director Li, who has just been reminded by her, will not care about being affected.

But Miao Dehai, who usually has an old face with few expressions, is even more terrible.

After meidailu stood up, no one paid attention to him, let alone just stood up. Even if he shouted angrily, everyone would treat him as an invisible person.

"Director Li, is this your hospitality?"

Mei dailu took a deep breath and forced himself not to get angry. He had to maintain the ultra-high quality of the Dahe nation at all times. He began to protest against Li Peijin through "official channels".

After the Oriental finally followed the rules, Li Peijin hurriedly didn't know how to answer.

Zhang Yi said: "director Li, I heard that you used to pay attention to ideological work, so you are familiar with the handkerchief story of the founding premier?"

"The story of the founding Premier's handkerchief?"

Li Peijin smiled: "why, Comrade Zhang Yi, do you want to hear me tell this little story?"