Accompanying Shanyuan forest in a hurry were Liu Qin of Anyang Investment Promotion Bureau and officer Cheng of the branch.

A few days ago, it was the two of them who went to the airport to meet the yamahara group. In order to show their importance to the VIP, the leaders of relevant departments specially sent a police car to escort them (mainly because of the kutian Lianghe incident, so that the Oriental friends were not welcomed in Anyang and other areas). As a result, just arrived in the urban area, a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground and the VIP car disappeared.

If Zhang Yi didn't show up, both police officer Cheng and Liu Qin would have to shoulder an unbearable heavy burden.

Even so, in the past few days, Liu Qin and officer Cheng can't eat or sleep well, but they dare not ask anyone more. They just pray day and night and hope that Mr. yamahara and his party can return safely.

Their prayers have achieved remarkable results. At 4:00 this afternoon, they got the news from Mr. yamahara and others: it turned out that they were in the intensive care unit in the city center these days, but their whereabouts were tightly blocked by the relevant departments for some reasons.

They also knew that there were four people in the Mercedes Benz that fell in the sewer and two bodyguards. When they were allowed to run to the hospital to see Mr. yamahara, they found that miss Baidai was missing.

Neither police officer Cheng nor Liu Qin dared to ask questions. There were two grim looking young people in the ward, from departments that local cadres could not afford.

It seems that the Oriental people have long known that some are powerful, so they did not clamor to protest because they were controlled by themselves. They wisely chose to cooperate.

Yamahara forest is a smart man. After seeing Liu Qin and police officer Cheng coming together, he knew that the matter was almost over, and he could see his good daughter soon.

Sure enough, when Liu Qin and Liu Qin, who visited and comforted them, wanted to leave, the two young people in charge of "protecting" their safety received a call from Guo Yiqin and asked Mr. yamahara to go to a tunnel entrance to meet Miss yamahara EMI.

Out of concern, Liuqin and yamahara rushed here with Mr. yamahara.

When Shanyuan forest jumped out of the car in a hurry, hugged Miss Bai Dai who rushed down the hillside and complained about the pain of parting, officer Cheng quickly walked up to Guo Yiqin and raised his hand to salute.

On his way here, officer Cheng received an order from his superiors, telling him that he must obey the order of "director Guo" and that any order must be carried out unconditionally.

Anyang's leaders are also very smart. Since the incident, they have hidden in the dark and closely observed the movement. They have never appeared. When they have to appear, they have only sent Liu Qin and Cheng huaiyong, two deputy department level cadres, to negotiate.

They firmly believe that people with great achievements like Guo Yiqin will never put on airs with two small department level cadres.

Facts proved that the leaders were right. When officer Cheng waved to Guo Yiqin, the latter also smiled and raised his hand to him in return. He gently started with Liu Qin and said a word of hard work.

After the accident of yamahara Baidai, Guo Yiqin asked someone to secretly check the details of Liu Qin and Cheng huaiyong, and determined that they were all "ignorant" and did not communicate with brother Zhang Yi who didn't listen to him.

This is also the main reason why he can give Liuqin a smiling face.

Similarly, after seeing the smile on Director Guo's face, the two Liuqin, who have not eaten well these days, finally breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

When the three finished the ceremony, yamahara's father and daughter hurriedly wiped their tears and walked over hand in hand.

On their way here, they also received a call from someone and knew that Guo Yiqin was the main person in charge here.

"Director Guo."

There were still some red mountain trees in his eyes. He came to Guo Yiqin and stretched out his hands.

"Mr. yamahara."

Guo Yiqin nodded faintly and stretched out his right hand.

"Thank you, director Guo!"

As the saying goes, everything is in his hand. From the hard shaking of Guo Yiqin's right hand by Shanyuan trees, we can see how grateful he is to Director Guo for allowing his daughter to come back with all her hair.

"You're welcome, Mr. yamahara. I have long heard of Shanyuan group's charity in China. It is a good friend of our Chinese people. We have the responsibility and obligation to rescue Miss EMI safely and severely punish criminals -- "

Although Guo Yiqin was impatient to talk nonsense with yamahara, he was just in officialdom. Sometimes he had to take the attitude he should take. Besides, the reality that Hideki Toyoda was able to give the head really made him happy. Only then did he have the patience to talk nonsense.

Yamahara EMI was ungrateful and coldly interrupted Guo Yiqin: "director Guo, I know who kidnapped me. In the past few days, he has caused me so much pain... I just don't know if director Guo can uphold justice for the little woman and severely punish the criminals? "

According to Guo Yiqin's intelligence, of course he knows why yamahara EMI said this: when I was blind and deaf, didn't I see and hear what you said to Fang Yuan just now? And deliberately came to tell me this!

If it wasn't for her strong cooperation, Guo Yiqin wouldn't pay attention to her. When he heard the speech, he frowned and asked in an official tone, "Miss EMI, who is the criminal you said?"

"That's him."

Yamahara EMI turned around, raised his finger and leaned on the front of the car to smoke, gritted his teeth and said, "he kidnapped me! In these three or four days, I was subjected to inhuman torture! "

Liu Qin and others took it for granted to look over there. They saw that guy raising his right hand with a cordial smile. He bent his hand here like a Fortune Cat, like a blind man. They didn't see Miss EMI gnashing his teeth at him.

Guo Yiqin's face suddenly became gloomy and asked slowly, "Miss EMI, are you sure you want to identify the criminals who kidnapped and tortured you?"

"I --"

Yamahara EMI opened his mouth and said only one word, so he didn't know what to say.

She publicly identified Mr. Fang as a scum. Naturally, it was his bus theory that caused great harm to her and trampled on her female dignity.

Of course, she hated that guy very much, so she came to Guo Yiqin to complain, but once she was allowed to identify Fang Yuan as a scum through official channels, she didn't have the courage.

"Baidai, stop talking!"

Shanyuan forest obviously didn't want to have another incident. After a low voice reprimand and a smile to the distance, he turned back and made a ha ha to Guo Yiqin. He asked politely whether they could go now?

Mr. yamahara came to Anyang this time to attend the investment promotion meeting. As a result, he almost lost his life in the sewer and was locked up in the hospital for several days. Now he naturally doesn't care about investment promotion. He just wants to escape Anyang and return home as soon as possible.

Mother once said, it's better to be home.

In this incident, the biggest winner is Guo Yiqin. He not only kicked out the unruly elder brother Zhang Yi from his department, but also got the body of Hideki Toyoda without effort. He is naturally in a good mood, so he won't have any opinions on Dongyang friends because of some angry words of yamahara Baidai.

Therefore, after yamahara forest tactfully asked to go home to find his mother, Guo Yiqin readily agreed and, on behalf of millions of people in Anyang, welcomed Mr. yamahara to visit often when he was free, and appointed police officers Liu Qin and Cheng to take them to the airport.

"Fang Yuan, I won't let you go. Remember it!"

When yamahara Baidai got on the bus, he suddenly turned around and shouted in a sharp voice.

Mr. Fang didn't care. He waved goodbye with a friendly smile.

"I have a strange feeling."

The car that watched the Oriental guests, escorted by police officers Liu Qin and Cheng, rushed away. Guo Yiqin quickly walked in front of Fang Yuan and leaned on the car, saying, "that yamahara Baidai is not like ordinary people. She may really bring you a lot of trouble. "

"Of course she is not an ordinary person."

Fang Yuan threw up a smoke ring and answered slowly.

Guo Yiqin, who was about to take out his cigarette box, made a move: "what's her unusual origin?"

"She is the queen of the East."

Fang Yuan thought about it and told Guo Yiqin the real identity of Shanyuan Baidai.

No matter what prejudice he has against Guo Yiqin, it is private.

Since Guo Yiqin is the designated successor of Longtou, no matter how bad his conduct is, he will strictly abide by his bottom line in the principle of cardinal right and wrong.

To tell the true identity of yamahara Baidai is of certain significance to the Department led by Guo Yiqin.

"The Royal daughter of the Oriental royal family?"

Guo Yiqin frowned at once. I didn't expect that Shanyuan Baidai would have such a big background.

"It's an illegitimate daughter. That Shanyuan forest is just her reputation Lao Tzu. However, it is obvious that she is the real helmsman of Shanyuan group in the future. "

Fang Yuan sucked his nose and said with a smile, "ha ha, you don't need to know too clearly. It's someone else's private affair and has little to do with your work. I tell you this in the hope that you will have a number in mind when you want to deal with something related to her in the future. "

Although yamahara Baidai is only the illegitimate daughter of the Oriental royal family, and the Oriental royal family now has little impact on the political situation of the Oriental royal family. It is no longer like that during World War II, it can decide to launch an aggressive war against a country. It is just regarded as a spiritual belief, worshipped by the Oriental people, and died by eating and drinking.

But it is undeniable that the Oriental royal family is also the face of Oriental. Even if yamahara's identity is not visible, he will be bullied by outsiders. His father will certainly not want to -- in that case, there will be some unnecessary trouble.

Fang Yuan didn't like Guo Yiqin much, but he didn't want the Department he led, because he didn't know the real identity of yamahara EMI, which caused unnecessary trouble.

"Well, I see."

Guo Yiqin is a person who can do great things. He quickly analyzed the interests, nodded and said, "I will bring back the people there right away."

The people over there refer to those who Zhang Yi sent to Dongyang to secretly arrange around the old nest of Shanyuan trees.

After Zhang Yi took the initiative to resign, the people under his jurisdiction in the past naturally had to be managed by Guo Yiqin.

Now that Hideki Toyoda has given the head, there is no need to let those people stay there.

What's more, yamahara Baidai, who suffered a great loss in China, will not give up. She will almost cry to her own father, and finally use the power of the Oriental official to search for and remove those suspicious people around her home.

"I've said everything I should say, and I have to go."

Fang Yuan raised his hand, yawned, turned and opened the door.

Guo Yiqin said, "if I were you, I wouldn't go back tonight."

Fang Yuan frowned: "what do you mean?"

Guo Yiqin smiled and said, "before I came, I received a call from the king of Tang saying that Xia Xiaoyun took Qin Xiaobing to Lihua mountain."