If someone sees Sun Gang's face at this time, they will be shocked.

Because there is no language to describe how terrible Sun Gang's face is at this time. People are used to the word "ferocious", which is 800 times better than what he looks like now.

Zhang Yi and Fang Yuan fooled around in the box of the chain hotel for 13 hours and 37 minutes!

Sun Gang pinched the watch for them. From Zhang Yi into the box to her coming out with a brisk step, she didn't miss a point!

Sun Gang knew that the man who fooled around with his wife was around, which was not difficult. He just took out a stack of money and put it in front of the little sister at the front desk of the customer service of the chain hotel. He said faintly: tell me, what's the name of the guest in the so and so box and where he lives? The money is yours.

Never disclose the identity of hotel guests without authorization. This is that the little sister at the front desk of customer service in every hotel and hotel knows the rules. However, the rules will no longer be the rules after they encounter valuable returns and profits.


Ha ha, ha ha, it's really around!

This dog man and woman who deserve a thousand knives!

After seeing the copy of the ID card left by Fangyuan when he checked in from the little sister at the customer service front desk, Sun Gang was still calm on the surface, but he was grinning in his heart.

After laughing wildly, Sun Gang had a great chance: Fortunately, he didn't impulsively kick the door opener to rush in, otherwise he would be killed by the bastard who was ashamed and angry.

Since Fang Yuan knocked out his teeth, Sun Gang has been "paying attention" to him all the time, and has secretly spent a lot of money to find out who this guy is.

If Fang Yuan was just an ordinary person, Sun Gang felt that he could hire someone to cut off his hand at a price of 200000.

However, the results of the survey made Sun Gang very depressed: Fang Yuan is a very powerful fugitive. He not only has "excellent kung fu", but also has a group of running dogs such as Qin Dachuan and Greene.

Sun Gang once contacted the boss of the "road" in the king of Tang Dynasty through his "road" relationship. After hearing Sun Gang say he wanted to "run" the area, he just sneered and didn't say anything to him, but turned to raise his hand, introduced the little brother who Sun Gang came to him, slapped him and took him to the corner of the house.

No matter how stupid you are, you can see that tiger son, the "leader of the road" of the king of Tang Dynasty, is quite afraid of Fangyuan. Sun Gang's hope of retaliating Fangyuan through "Jianghu means" is completely dashed.

However, the hatred for the surrounding area has become more "strong" like wine making.

As the saying goes, "old enmity is not avenged, new hatred is born again." in a guest room of this hotel, Sun Gang is wearing a green hat one after another, but he has no other way but to walk around the room like a wounded beast.

Until seven o'clock this morning, sun just decided what he wanted: kill that shameless Zhang Yi first!

As for what to do after killing Zhang Yi, Sun Gang has long had a detailed plan - nothing more than abscond after killing, hide like a poisonous snake, wait for an appropriate opportunity to rush out and give a fatal blow to the surrounding area.

Sun Gang hates Zhang Yi more than Fang Yuan.

Zhang Yi's decision to completely relax and play gave Sun Gang a chance to kill her.

Zhang Yi walked on the sidewalk. Sun Gang hung behind him, waiting for the chance to kill her.

When Sun Gang was impatient, the opportunity finally appeared: she stood in front of the zebra crossing and wanted to cross the road!

Now the red lights are all seconds. After Sun Gang parked his car not far away, he stared at the red light on the road opposite Zhang Yi. When the red light countdown reached "four", he suddenly started the car like an excellent racing driver.

He had already calculated. He threw away the two seconds he started the car and accelerated. The next two seconds just allowed him to raise the speed to more than 80 miles and hit Zhang Yi who was about to cross the road.

The speed of more than 80 per hour is enough to kill people.

At least, it can knock her away.

As for whether those people waiting to cross the road with Zhang Yi (including two four or five-year-old children) will be affected, it is not in Sun Gang's consideration.

As long as he can knock her away, Sun Gang can "mend the knife". He will never embark on a flight without crushing Zhang Yi's head.

Sun Gang is worthy of being a military research technician. He is good at calculation and the error is almost zero.

But he seems to have forgotten an old saying: man is not as good as heaven.

In the next second, the mad cow like car was about to hit Zhang Yi, but suddenly there was a sloppy man who suddenly stood in the way of Sun Gang's forward route like Lingbo's micro step.

"Lying trough!"

The man's sudden appearance made Sun Gang open his mouth and scold.

Before the curse fell, he felt that the front of the car shook suddenly and made a dull noise. The man flew out like a flying kite, with blood in his mouth.

The Yan red blood looked very bright and dazzling in the bright sun.

Wang Xiaoqiang clearly saw the blood he vomited, just like the rainbow after the rain he saw when he was a child. It was so beautiful and full of longing. He always thought that as long as he stepped on the rainbow bridge, he could see an ancient beauty in white across the bridge.

However, Wang Xiaoqiang no longer had this idea when he grew up. In particular, he made a fatal mistake in his life. He robbed an old lady in his hometown because of drinking and blocking the road. As a result, he didn't get much money, but he suddenly died of a heart attack that frightened the old lady. After he had to embark on the escape journey, no matter how many rainbows he saw, he won't have the idea of his childhood.

I don't know what's going on. Now he suddenly had that pure idea. Like a dream, his body really flew up. Before he could figure out what's going on, he fell down again.

Is this under the bridge?

It is said that opposite the rainbow bridge, there will be a beauty in ancient costume wearing a white skirt. I wonder if I can see it?

When Wang Xiaoqiang subconsciously raised the idea, his body seemed to vibrate violently and rolled for several times. When he finally stopped, he really saw a white skirt beauty.

He was lying at the foot of a beautiful woman in a white skirt. It didn't take any effort at all. He just looked at random and could see that the beautiful woman didn't wear anything under her skirt.

He seemed to hear a scream again. Maybe it was from the beauty in white?

Wang Xiaoqiang doesn't want to pay attention. He just wants to stare to the maximum and try his best to see the charming scenery under the beautiful skirt -- but why, when he has stared to the maximum, why does he only see a piece of red?

Then, the darkness of the sea waves swallowed him cold and ruthless.

Wang Xiaoqiang did not have the slightest fear. His pale face showed a satisfied and relieved smile.

He felt that he was very tired in his life and had never had a good rest. Now he could finally close his eyes and have a good sleep.

I just hope that when he wakes up, after the rain when he was seven years old as a child, there is still a rainbow bridge in the sky. He stands below and fantasizes about going up the bridge to find a beautiful fairy in a long white dress.

Whether it was a beautiful woman in a white dress, Uncle Li with a pair of twin grandchildren in his hand, or the staff of an insurance company who called to contact the business while crossing the road, Wang Xiaoqiang was suddenly hit by a rushing car and flew to his feet. He was scared and shouted, stunned and stunned on the spot.

Maybe God also thinks that childlike innocence is the most precious thing in the world. We must not let two four or five-year-old children see this bloody and terrible scene, so we arranged that when Wang Xiaoqiang was bumped by Sun Gang, the two children happened to find a helicopter in the sky on the right.

The sight of the two children was immediately attracted by the helicopter. They raised their fingers and reminded Uncle Li: "Grandpa, Grandpa, look at the gray machine, gray machine!"

Before Uncle Li answered, the screams of Zhang Yi and others rang out.

As soon as the two children instinctively wanted to turn back, Zhang Yi woke up and quickly stepped back to block the two children. He hissed at the frightened insurance staff: "come on, leave with the child!"

Zhang Yi's reaction speed is very fast. After all, he has seen the world. He can always make the most correct judgment in the most critical moment.

After hearing Zhang Yi's hiss, the boys shivered together and didn't make any response. The car that bumped Wang Xiaoqiang into the air started again, quickly retreated more than ten meters, and hit the front of a car behind. Without a moment's stop, they re incarnated as a mad cow and roared and rushed over.

Anyone, after driving into a person, even if he has already had full psychological preparation, will instinctively brake after the accident.

Sun Gang hated his instinctive action. He should keep speeding forward after bumping into Cheng Yaojin, who was killed on the way, and smash Zhang Yi's head!

But fortunately, the scene after the man was hit and flew scared everyone.

Besides, Uncle Li, none of them expected that the car would continue to start after it instinctively stopped. After accumulating a little strength, it would crash again.

Zhang Yi reacted.

She didn't even see what the driver's face looked like. Just from his eyes full of resentment and hatred, she determined who the man was: Sun Gang, her once beloved husband.

How did Sun Gang appear here?

When he was at home last night, didn't he already want to drive? Even if he wanted to kill Zhang Yi, he wouldn't die with her?

So, why is he crazy now? After hitting a man, he drove over again?

Zhang Yi doesn't want to find answers to these questions, nor does he have a chance to find them.

All she knew was that if she ran across the road in time, she could almost avoid Sun Gang's car.

But Uncle Li and others around her (she doesn't know Uncle Li and others), especially two children, can't escape the car.

Zhang Yi has really lived long enough.

But when death really appeared in front of her, she suddenly realized the true meaning of the sentence "it's better to live than to die".

She doesn't want to die.

At least, I don't want to die like this.

But if she runs away, Uncle Li and them, especially the two children, will be hit by the rushing car.

Therefore, Zhang Yi felt that no matter how unwilling she was to die, she could not involve others, which was the lowest bottom line of her life.

Then, just when she could escape, she suddenly jumped up against the car, opened her arms, white skirt floating, beautiful hair flying, and hissed, "Sun Gang, come on!"

Zhang Yi is sure that as long as Sun Gang can hit her, he will brake.

After Sun Gang braked, Uncle Li and others were no matter how slow they were, it was time to wake up and escape.

Sun Gang knew what Zhang Yi was going to do.

He smiled.