Just like with Qin Xiaobing, Fangyuan's soul will become clean. Whenever he talks to Qin Dachuan, no matter how depressed he is, he will relax.

Because you can swear at brother Dachuan, you can kick his ass and smoke the back of his head.

When a person can bully another person wantonly and the other person does not dare to fight back, that is, he stares at the most and makes a very angry look, but there is nothing, he will generally be in a good mood.

This kind of people have a common name: vent.

The donkey used to play the role of vent.

Although the donkey doesn't care too much about being the boss's vent, its response is not as wonderful as brother Dachuan after all. In addition, Fangyuan treats it as a brother. Every time he kicks it, he always feels a little reluctant.

Qin Dachuan has no such scruples: who makes this guy eat, use and spend more than a donkey, but his ability to do things is much worse than a donkey. I'm sorry for God if I don't take him as a vent.

Now Fangyuan's mood is not very high, because he feels that his style of doing things is becoming more and more feminine. Up to now, he has not completely worked hard to solve Ye Mingmei's big and trouble. He even pulled Zhang Yi, who should be retaliated.

Don't forget the mistake Zhang Yi made at the beginning, but Qin Dachuan was almost tortured and stupid. Fang Yuan really didn't want to let her go -- since he pulled her against his will, of course he was in a good mood.

When he was in a bad mood, Qin Dachuan's vent appeared. After scolding him, Fang Yuan found that he smiled and was in a happy mood: it was the "imperial" vent, and the effect was excellent.

But what Qin Dachuan said after he stopped comparing, but the smile on Fang Yuan's face suddenly froze: ye Mingmei, dead.

Fang Yuan has been avoiding this problem since he knew that there was an annoying relationship between himself and a pearl flower. Deep in his heart, he hopes that ye Mingmei had better die.

Only when she dies, Fang Yuan doesn't have to bear some heavy psychological burden, although he is also very clear that he has such an idea and acquiesces in the killing of Ye Mingmei by the zodiac, which is quite not a man and wrong.

There is another saying about beautiful women, which is called the source of evil water. The idiom "beauty is evil water" is specially invented for them. The occurrence of many major events in the history of thousands of years all over the world also proves that this sentence is correct.

There are Cleopatra, Princess Helen who triggered the Trojan War and so on; In China, there are praises for King Zhou Youwang to win a smile, Yang Yuhuan, the braking system that stopped the three armed forces, Chen Yuanyuan, who made Wu Sangui surrender to the Qing Dynasty, and so on.

These women have changed the world, created history, and transformed a promising rich and handsome man into a king of subjugation. They are indeed heinous. What is not a disaster?

Since it is a disaster, it should be eradicated as soon as possible, so as not to let Gao Fu Shuai make historic mistakes and have no face to see his ancestors after his death - and ye Mingmei seems to be such a disaster, so that Fang Yuan can't walk in the sun with his head held high and display his grand return for the benefit of mankind.

How bad is it that ye Mingmei doesn't die?

In the past, when the goat talked about these great disasters and saw that his thin dry face was full of anger, Fang Yuan would stick his neck to excuse these women and reason. He said that beautiful women were just the scapegoat for men's big mistakes. They were beautiful and moving without any fault. In fact, men such as king you of Zhou, who ended 800 years of history, and Emperor Ming of Tang, who made the Tang Dynasty rise and fall, were all bastards, It's not a man to put the blame on women when he has lost all his family wealth.

However, when Fang Yuan recalled those words of the goat, he felt that the old thing was right, and more deeply realized the helplessness of king you of Zhou and other Gao Fu Shuai to take beauty as a scapegoat.

Think about it, if there were no disasters such as Bao Si and ye Mingmei, Gao fushuai such as king you of Zhou would not perish, and Fang Yuan would not hide outside all day. It's strange to think that he slept with his fourth aunt -- especially.

It's a small matter to stretch his wings. It's easy to make Qin Xiaobing happy, but how to deal with Ye Mingmei is Fangyuan's current first-class problem. He is willing to deal with extremely dangerous people like Toyoda Xiumin, and he doesn't want to be condemned by ethics.

Say a thousand, say ten thousand, the square is to hope that ye Mingmei can suddenly die.

In that way, he breathed a long sigh of relief and unloaded his heavy burden.

Now, Qin Dachuan suddenly called and said that ye Mingmei was dead.

Fang Yuan's first reaction was to be stunned, and then he was unspeakably relaxed. After he let out a long breath, he asked faintly, "how did she die?"

He thought he was very relaxed now, but he didn't realize that he just pretended to be relaxed.

Ye Mingmei's death certainly gave him a feeling of sudden weightlessness, but there was too much guilt in the depths of his soul. A voice was asking him: is Ye Mingmei really damn it?

"Yes, it was killed with a sharp weapon, and the blood sprayed all over the wall -- the dead body was also taken away by the murderer."

Qin Dachuan's tone of voice when talking about business is also quite dignified and serious, whether pretending or from the heart. After all, it is a very immoral behavior to rejoice and gloat because someone else is dead. No matter how annoying that person is and how much crime he has committed, he (she) is a once fresh life after all.

Qin Dachuan's dignity at present can be regarded as respect for life.

"Who did it?"

It was as if a fine needle had stabbed him hard in the heart, which made him jerk a few times at the tip of his eyebrows and corners of his eyes, so that he could continue to maintain his undeserved calm and composure.

The emperor is above and the earth is below. Fang Yuan can swear that he really expects Ye Mingmei to die. Therefore, he acquiesces to the twelve zodiac signs to do this.

However, he didn't want Ye Mingmei to die so miserably -- it shouldn't be quiet, as if she was asleep. Is there still a quiet smile on her pretty face? How can it be so bloody!

Qin Dachuan didn't speak. It seems that he is hesitating.

Fang Yuan waited for a moment, became impatient, increased his tone and asked again, "who did it!"

This time, Qin Dachuan answered quickly: "don't know?"

"Don't know?"

Fang Yuan's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened.

There are twelve zodiac animals in Lihua mountain. Fang Yuan doesn't think anyone can escape safely after secretly killing a person under their guard.

If that were the case, the zodiac would not live to this day, and would have become withered bones.

But now, after ye Mingmei was brutally killed, the twelve zodiac animals don't know (if they know, Qin Dachuan will also know).

"When ye Mingmei died, we were all on Lihua mountain."

Qin Dachuan explained.

Fang Yuan understood: This was deliberately done by the twelve zodiac signs. Even if they saw someone who wanted to be unfavorable to Ye Mingmei, they wouldn't do it, because they all knew what Fang Shao meant. Since someone came to eradicate the scourge for them, they saved them from doing it.

After all, God has the virtue of living a good life. Even if people who are more fond of killing can not kill without killing, they will feel much better.

Originally, they all thought I was manipulating secretly and sent someone to kill Ye Mingmei. When Fang Yuan figured out this meaning, Qin Dachuan also whispered over there, "boss, didn't you do it?"


Fang Yuan answered slowly, only feeling that his mouth was full of bitter taste.

"Lying trough!"

Qin Dachuan scolded low and then asked, "is it Yan's hand?"

Ye Mingmei is the fourth young grandmother of the Yan family, but she has an unclean relationship with her boss. Yan Chunlai will never allow this green hat to be worn on her head for a long time. She will definitely try to get rid of the dog men and women and wash away the shame -- and so on. Qin Dachuan, as a confidant of Fang Yuan, knows these things very well.

So after listening to boss Fang's denial that he secretly sent someone to kill Ye Mingmei, he immediately thought that it was the Yan Family's move, which is also very normal.

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment before shaking his head: "I don't think it's the Yan family."

If the Yan family could kill Ye Mingmei, they would have done it long ago. Why wait until today and kick her to Fangyuan like a leather ball?

"Who would that be?"

Qin Dachuan asked subconsciously.

"I don't know... Well, I'll go back to Lihua mountain right away and say something to my face!"

Fang Yuan sucked his nose and withheld the phone without waiting for Qin Dachuan to say anything.

Then, he dialed a cell phone number with his memory.

The phone was soon connected, but no one asked.

It seems that the people on the mobile phone are waiting for Fang Yuan to speak first.

Fang Yuan said directly, "I'm Fang Yuan..."

As soon as he said these four words, the curse of the sieve came from there: "grass, are you still alive?"

Fang Yuan has been back to the king of Tang for so many days, and he made a coquettish appearance when Qin Dachuan was wronged. If sieve doesn't know he is still alive, sieve is dead.

When Shizi asked, he was expressing his deep dissatisfaction with Fangyuan: it's been so long before he called me!

"Something urgent."

Fang Yuan didn't encourage the three inch expert tongue to scold the sieve back into a sieve as usual, and directly ignored his scolding as shit.

He just scolded Fang Yuan, but he didn't think of this way to vent his dissatisfaction immediately

Fang Yuan called sieve to ask him to delete the video of Ye Mingmei on the Internet immediately.

Ye Mingmei is dead, so the video that damages the image of the Yan family may be exposed at any time. At present, it must be deleted first.

Although this is the main reason why the Yan Family kicked Ye Mingmei to Fang Yuan, he has no room for counterattack and can only deal with it next.

"Go back to Lihua mountain. I have something urgent to discuss with you. As for Han Bin, they are in Yuanmei group. It's all right. "

Simply say what you mean. After a positive reply came from the sieve, Fang Yuan hung up the phone, spit out a long mouthful of turbid gas, and closed his eyes with a headache.

He hoped that ye Mingmei had better die, but when she really died, he immediately realized that her death was used by others.

Fang Yuan can be 100% sure that he has not sent anyone against Ye Mingmei. He has kicked the ball to his Yan family, and will not do it without authorization. Then the question comes: who killed Ye Mingmei?

What is their purpose of killing Ye Mingmei and what benefits are they trying to get from it?

Fang Yuan looked up and looked at the sky far east.

There is a white floating cloud over there. With the high wind, it constantly changes its appearance. For a moment, it looks like a galloping horse, for a moment, it looks like a vigorous swimming dragon, but for a moment, it changes into a face.

This is a woman's face, indifferent, cold eyes, condescending looking around, as if asking: why, don't you save me?