Greene wanted to see it himself, so he persuaded Qin Dachuan to go together.

However, Qin Dachuan's curiosity is not as serious as he is. He always talks about "filial sons do not set up dangerous walls". Naturally, he will not promise him: only sick people like to drill black holes like mice.

In desperation, Greene had to temporarily press his curiosity to the bottom of his heart and wait for Fang Yuan to come back.

He thought that after Fangyuan came back, according to his relationship with the boss, Fangyuan would take him to play below. After all, the mice had sneaked down once, and he had no reason not to see it.

After Fang Yuan came back, Greene really found an opportunity and secretly asked if he could take him down to have a look -- until now, Greene clearly remembers what kind of eyes Fang Yuan looked at him after he made this request.

It was a puzzle after seeing the old bachelor who had just married a beautiful bride suddenly hanged himself. I was surprised how he wanted to go down and have a look.

Without waiting for Fang Yuan to say anything, Greene wisely shut up and turned away. He didn't mention it again.

In fact, Greene also knew that after the mice and others returned from the expedition, they seemed normal, but they didn't look very good. Several days later, they were still restless like losing their soul and won a lot of money for Qin Dachuan one after another.

There must be something terrible down there, that is, the zodiac, an old monster with 40 years of cooperation experience, can climb out unharmed -- Greene was not too stupid, so he soon figured out this truth, and naturally he didn't dare to go down there.

But now, the mouse said to take the underground road. When Greene picked his eyebrows, his heart also collapsed.

"You may not know that the underground road can come from here --"

The mouse said, his finger slowly moved westward on the hand-painted map, and finally stopped at a place: "directly to the Yellow Leaf Valley."

Since there is Red Leaf Valley in the gully, there is yellow leaf Valley naturally.

Most of the Red Leaf Valley are maple trees. When autumn comes, it looks red, and the scenery is quite charming.

In the Yellow Leaf Valley, it is just a yellow locust tree whose leaves remain tender yellow at any time. It looks very beautiful and charming in pieces.

"Oh, Yellow Leaf Valley, I know that place."

Grind nodded.

The mouse asked, "have you been there?"


Grinde shook his head and said, "you don't have to go to places you know. As long as you search the Internet, who doesn't know that Huangye Valley is the best place in Anyang area? As early as two years ago, it was already engaged in development. It is said that the development project package was given to the development company in South Korea, which made Erjian's mind very dissatisfied -- "

The impatient grey rabbit, who had been waiting for a long time, coldly interrupted Greene's words: "are we studying where to have fun or saving people?"

Greene immediately shut up. After being reminded by the gray rabbit, he also felt that he was wasting his time.

"Go underground and disperse around the Yellow Leaf Valley. Three people are divided into four groups to search in four directions."

The mouse raised his fist, hit it gently on the map and said, "if we can come out of the river in Huangye Valley smoothly."

Grinde's face immediately changed: "what's the danger below?"

"You'd better not know."

The mouse shook his head gently and raised his feet to the door: "five minutes for preparation."

"Hey, mouse, you mean you won't let me go?"

Grind reached out to poke an old man away, said loudly and ran after him.

"You stay at home with Qin Dachuan, sieve and donkey."

Before the mouse could speak, a sound came from outside the door.

Greene looked up and saw Fang Yuan standing in front of the guardrail in front of the viewing platform, looking up at the Western distance beyond the overpass. Qin Dachuan stood behind him and leaned on the railing in silence.

The sieve, who had already slept and was awakened by the cheers of the twelve zodiac animals, was coming out of the East Room swearing. When he saw the big guys standing on the platform, especially Fang Yuan's face was very wrong, he immediately shut his mouth wisely.

After listening to Fang Yuan's instructions, the mouse didn't say anything. He nodded at him, waved and walked quickly to the place where they lived.

"Boss, I think I have to go."

Greene walked up to Fang Yuan and whispered, "when I received your call asking me to inform the zodiac, I felt I had to go."

"You can't go."

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "Greene, I know what you think -- but you're not suitable for fighting in that environment. Besides, I have something to do with you and Dachuan. "

Greene nodded immediately, "then you say."

"Go near my house. I always feel that there is no peace anywhere before dawn. I'm worried that something will happen to Xia Xiaoyun."

After a little hesitation, Fang Yuan whispered, "I hope my hunch is wrong."

"Even if it's a mistake, I won't let it make any big mistakes!"

Grind took a deep breath and answered seriously.

"Don't force it. There's a real danger that you can't cope with. Protect your life first. Do you understand? "

Fang Yuan asked.

Grind didn't speak or nod.

Fang Yuan didn't persuade him any more. He looked back at Qin Dachuan: "don't worry about your little sister. She doesn't know anything. There should be no danger."

If it were normal, Qin Dachuan would certainly refute a few words "it should be just should, not sure", but now he dare not, because he can clearly feel the violent spirit of Fang Yuan at this time.

He understood why the boss was like this. If his mother had been kidnapped, he would never be able to keep his undue calm like Fang Yuan.

"I know."

Qin Dachuan also nodded, as if thinking of something, turned and ran to the place where the twelve zodiac animals lived.

Fang Yuan didn't care what he did there. He bent his knees and stretched out his hand to keep the donkey. He whispered something in his ear.

The donkey immediately got out of his arms, jumped back and forth on the ground in a irritable manner, and shouted at him.


Fang Yuan shook his head, ignored it and walked quickly to his house.

After Fang Yuan called Greene and asked him to convey the order to kill to the zodiac, he guessed that the mouse would decide to take the underground road.

It's definitely not appropriate for Fang Yuan to wear leather shoes and shirts. He has to change into tight clothes so that he can move more quickly when killing.

No one paid attention to the sieve, stayed in place for a moment, and then hurried into the surrounding room.

Fang Yuan is putting a bright silver army thorn back at his waist.

This bright silver army spike was given to him by Zhang Yi, the fifth elder brother. It was used to pierce Toyoda Xiumin's head. When Guo Yiqin moved out the body, he returned the army spike to him.

"What happened?"

The sieve stood at the door and asked discontentedly, "why didn't anyone inform me?"

"My mother was kidnapped and tied to a mountain without many cameras. You can't help. Naturally, there's no need to tell you. After we all go out, you will be the only one left on the mountain. You have to look after the house. "

Fang Yuan said slowly, put down his clothes and covered the back waist army thorn. After thinking about it, he took out a small black ball the size of an egg from the cabinet under the table.

There is a pull ring on the black ball. Just hook it with your fingers and pull it, a thin steel wire will be pulled out.

Strangling people's neck with this thing can have the same effect as cutting their throat with a knife.

Fang Yuan took the ball, shook it and said, "can you use it?"


At this moment, the little face of the sieve turned pale, shook his head and asked, "is it very dangerous for me to stay alone on the mountain?"

"Not necessarily."

Fang Yuan said, "but you'd better hide."

"Can't you leave someone with me?"

The sieve swallowed his saliva and murmured, "it's OK to leave the donkey to me."

"No, they all have things to do."

"Then I'll go with you. No one will steal from the mountain anyway."



"I'm afraid you'll never come back. You haven't seen your fairy yet. Are you willing to die so early?"

Fang Yuan came over and patted sieve on the shoulder with a smile. He looked very relaxed. It was very different from when he was outside just now.


The sieve scolded low and lowered her head in frustration.

This made Fang Yuan a little impatient and said, "go with Qin Dachuan and them."


The sieve was immediately happy: "I knew you wouldn't leave me alone. Come on, kiss one!"

Fang Yuan raised his hand on his tooted mouth, pushed it hard and walked out quickly.

Behind his back, there was a sound of my Pooh from the sieve, so I heard him shout, "you will save my aunt safely, I believe!"

Fang Yuan always held a negative attitude towards what sieve believed, but this time he didn't, waved his hand without looking back, and walked to the mice who had lined up waiting for him.

The moonlight tonight was good.

But when they walked down the back hillside, the moon went into the clouds and the light suddenly darkened.

Someone immediately turned on the flashlight.

Rats and others have prepared sufficient lighting supplies, including not only flashlight, fluorescent stick, but also firecracker.

The old cow walking in the front, with a two meter long steel pipe in his hand, came to the long dried up spring and was about to put the steel pipe in -- here!

A clear chicken cry came out from the spring, as if it were thirty or fifty meters away, but the mouse and others knew that the sound was at least two thousand meters away!

If the chicken really crows three or five meters away and the mouse is in the spring, the eardrum will be pierced by the sound!

Greene never dreamed that the world below the spring can let the twelve zodiac animals work together to come out alive, not because he met some monster with three heads and six arms below, but because of the voice below.

Who would have thought that the tunnel under the spring would be a "sound channel" that can amplify the sound dozens or even hundreds of times?

There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece of nature, which can not be completed by human beings, because the world's most outstanding acoustic master, who has been poor all his life, can't design such a channel.

As long as you go down about 300 meters, the sound track will cause fatal damage to people's eardrums. Even if a small stone is accidentally kicked and falls into the puddle below, it will make a louder sound than firecracker explosion.

Fortunately, this strange underground sound channel is composed of the strongest granite. If it were just ordinary limestone, it would have collapsed by earthquake.

"The chicken is still alive."

The old cow's hands holding the steel pipe obviously trembled.

"It may be waiting for me."

Fang Yuan said faintly, "do it. Don't let it wait. "

The old cow nodded, no longer hesitated, put the steel pipe into the spring, squatted down, shouted with both arms, exhaled and said, "Hi!"