Ten in the morning.

Pearl Donghai group, in the conference room on the seventh floor of its headquarters, is having a very important negotiation.

The two negotiating parties are Lin Wuer, President of Donghai group, and Shen Minliang, general manager of Hetian breeding group under Soviet imperial group.

Although Shen Minliang is only the general manager of the branch of emperor group, if you know that Hetian group is now one of the three major meat supply bases in China, you can guess how big they are.

In fact, Hetian group, which almost monopolized the meat industry south of the Yangtze River, has always been one of the main business pillars of emperor group. It is said that Shen Minliang's mother is the core aunt of the second generation of the Lou family.

Now there are three profitable physical industries in the world: real estate, catering and cosmetics.

The reason why emperor group can become one of the few chaebols in China is that it has made amazing profits at the lowest cost in the early stage of real estate development.

According to a good person, of the 100 communities in Jiangsu Province, 30 are involved with the emperor group.

Although this data has yet to be studied and its authenticity is not very high, no matter how stupid people are, they can see from this statement that the emperor group absolutely exists like a Chinese predator in terms of real estate.

Not to mention the violence in the cosmetics industry, as long as you have good ability to deceive and the product quality is acceptable, those women who love beauty will cry and shout and send their husband's hard-earned money.

Among the three major industries, the profits of the catering industry should be more transparent. After all, as long as women have a house and stinky cosmetics, they won't have too many complaints even if they are allowed to eat bran and swallow vegetables.

But there is no doubt that in this hormonal benefit oriented society, it is the common aspiration of all citizens to eat a mouthful of reassuring meat.

When the Su provincial Lou family was determined to enter the breeding industry, they keenly caught this point. For more than 20 years, they have firmly controlled the quality of marketing. Sometimes they only lose but don't earn, but also have to ensure the absolute health of meat.

It was also the wise decision of the Lou family that Hetian breeding group finally broke out in the second year when Lou Yuxiang took charge of the group after more than ten years of working beyond his income.

Any old brand that can make a noise is done step by step, rather than looking for a few bright stars who are actually sick and showing off their coquettishness in advertising.

As the three major meat breeding bases in China, Hetian group has unlimited requirements for feed for pigs and other livestock. Although they also have feed companies that can produce in large quantities, with the growing national brand awareness, their livestock stock has also expanded rapidly, taking the opportunity to annex many small peers.

However, they have obvious deficiencies in feed processing, so they must find partners to sign perennial contracts to ensure that those livestock can eat assured food and grow assured meat.

Hetian group wanted to find a feed partner. As early as the beginning of the year, it was very popular in the industry. This is also the main reason why building Xiang expanded its production scale at all costs after staying in Donghai group.

But then she was so busy that she made wedding clothes for Lin Wuer, and finally ran away in a panic.

Since Donghai group is mainly engaged in feed business, of course, we know that Hetian group is looking for partners.

However, no one from President Lin to the security guards patrolling below wants to strive for cooperation with Hetian group. It is said that the blood shed by building Xiang when he fled the Pearl has not been dried yet. Donghai group and there are sworn enemies. No one will use Donghai group.

But some things cannot be judged by normal people's thinking.

While Donghai group was working hard to compete for business in Southeast Asia, Shen Minliang, President of Hetian group, personally came to Lin Wuer yesterday and said frankly that he wanted to cooperate.

The sun came out from the west?

Otherwise, how could the enemy take the initiative to show good and give money?

Still, Shen Minliang has some kind of conspiracy that can't be seen. Just like Lin Wuer of building Xiang Gang at the beginning, she helped around and helped Donghai group into her own.

It's not surprising that Lin Wuer and other employees of Donghai group think so. After all, the psychological shadow left by building Xiang to the big guy was too big, and it hasn't recovered now.

Of course, Lin Wuer had to be polite on the surface, but in fact declined. He secretly sent Li Jie to find out what tricks the Su provincial Lou family was playing.

Before Li Jie took action, Shen Minliang frankly told us: we took the initiative to cooperate with Donghai group this time, mainly because the Lou family owed the great love of Tang Wang lihuashan group, and the expanded production line when President Lou took charge of Donghai group met the needs of our Hetian group.

How long has Lin Wuer not seen Fangyuan?

She has forgotten that her head hurts when she thinks about it.

But that doesn't mean she didn't know that the king of the Tang Dynasty lihuashan group was a scenic spot created by her "friends" under the guise of charity.

Fangyuan is the boss over there.

Just before yesterday, the building of emperor group was kidnapped by criminals in the king of Tang Dynasty. Fortunately, Fangyuan showed great power and saved her unharmed.

In order to thank Fangyuan, President Lou specially instructed Shen Minliang to come to Mingzhu to find Lin Wuer for cooperation. Anyway, whoever cooperates with you has to take money to buy things -- why not be grateful to Fangyuan?

In other words, people all over the world know that Lin Wuer is a brother of Fangyuan. Taking care of his brother is taking care of him.

After listening to Shen Minliang's Frank reasons for cooperation, Lin Wuer was silent for a long time.

According to Li Jie's understanding of Lin Wuer, it is basically certain that she will resolutely decline after careful consideration. After all, Fang Yuan seems to have never come again after she left.

Li Jie is still very sorry. After all, if Donghai group cooperates with Hetian group, the group can not only make enviable profits, but also ensure that it will not suffer such a crisis as those peers of the same scale within ten years.

If the Donghai group is compared to a canoe, the emperor group is an aircraft carrier.

Generally speaking, as long as the canoe can hide behind the aircraft carrier, no matter how big the wind and waves are, it can survive safely.

However, Li Jie, who knows Lin Wuer's temper very well, knows that she is willing to turn over in the stormy waves and will not shelter under the shadow of building Xiang, which once brought her great humiliation, especially when it involves Fangyuan.

In Li Jie's regret, Lin Wuer finally gave Shen Minliang an ambiguous answer: I'll tell you the decision in the evening.

Shen Minliang, who took the initiative to send money to the door, was not at all unhappy because of Lin Wuer's "ignorance of good or bad". He always left with a smile on his face.

At four o'clock yesterday afternoon, Lin Wuer, who had thought about it well, held a high-level meeting of the company.

I don't know what she thought. Ma Jingtian also participated in the meeting.

Ma Jingtian is very happy because he knows that this means that Lin Wuer has officially accepted him and treats him as his family. Otherwise, why invite him a political official to the meeting?

It is also the wish of Li Jie and other senior leaders that Lin can always come together with Ma Jingtian, because everyone knows that the political power of the Ma family in the pearl is quite profound. Although it is not comparable to the Yan family, it is also a quasi first-class rich family.

If Lin Wuer can tie the knot with Ma Jing, it will not only benefit Donghai group, but also greatly increase the job stability of all employees.

There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests.

This is the final conclusion reached after three hours of discussion from all aspects at the meeting yesterday afternoon. It also prompted Lin Wuer, who looked indifferent and didn't know what he was thinking, to make a decision to cooperate with Hetian group.

The people were very relieved.

In particular, the day of the horse Sutra is even more happy.

He can't help but be happy.

Lin Wuer clearly knew that Hetian group took the initiative to hand over the olive branch because building Xiang owes people a great love for Fangyuan. She still accepted it. Naturally, she gently told Fangyuan in this way: since then, Xiao Lang is a passer-by.

Ma Jingtian knows Lin Wuer better than Li Jie: if she still has the illusion of "reuniting after a broken mirror", she will be angry and will not end up with the olive branch of the Lou family.

I'm afraid Fang Yuan also thinks so. In this way, he gently tells her: we are brothers for life after all.

After thinking of Fangyuan, Li Jie, who was guarding in the corridor outside the small meeting room, sighed gently: Alas, in fact, compared with Ma Jingtian, Fangyuan is the best match for president Lin. I'm very happy. The goddess is affectionate. Xiangwang has no intention.

From time to time, the negotiation between Li Jie and Lin min should be very smooth.

"Hey, hey, where did you get the dog? How did you get to the company?"

Just as Li Jie took out his cigarette box to smoke, the new security guard Xiao Liu suddenly shouted on the other side of the stairs.

He turned his head and saw a dog with yellowish hair. He was sensitively avoiding the kick kicked by Xiao Liu and roaring at him.

"Lying trough, you a broken dog, dare to show your teeth to me?"

Xiao Liu was so angry that he took off the rubber stick at his waist and was about to hit it. But he heard a low cry from behind his back: "stop!"

Xiao Liu quickly stopped, stepped back two steps, looked back, and saw Li Jie, vice president of the company and boss of the security department. He hurried over and quickly explained, "Vice President Li, this dog --"

"Lao Chen didn't tell you, is this President Lin's dog?"

Li Jie came over with his face on his face and scolded Xiao Liu in a low voice. Then he bent over and stretched out his hands and said with a smile, "Xiao Er, why did you come suddenly?"

Just, this humble local dog will be President Lin's pet dog?

Darling, I can't see anything lovely about it except that it's fat.

Xiao Liu, whose face was full of disbelief, murmured, "I, I have never heard team Chen talk about this dog. Ah, no, this is President Lin's pet dog."

"Then write it down for me from now on."

Li Jie, who let the local dog stick out his tongue and lick his chin, stood up and said, "Xiao Er is not only Lin Zong's dog, but also her brother. Wherever Lin can always go, he can go. Remember? "

In view of the ignorance, Li Jie didn't scold Xiao Liu too much, but his tone was a little serious.

Will it be treated as a brother by a beautiful woman like President Lin?

Grandma, this is really a time when a person is not as good as a dog, or a local dog.

Xiao Liu trembled at the corners of her mouth. When she nodded again and again, she thought of another famous warning saying from her grandmother: sometimes, a person is not terrible, but what is really terrible is his running dog.

It seems that this is a local dog called Xiao Er, which is a terrible running dog.

Looking at the waiter who followed Li Jie to the conference room, Xiao Liu thought: otherwise, the boss who is usually nice to everyone will not scold me for beating him for me.