Fang Tianming's heartfelt happy smile made summer look in his eyes, but he felt his heart as uncomfortable as a needle.

He felt that Fang Tianming's smile was the greatest irony to him.

In those days, they were best friends when they were young. Most of the time every year, they would look for their favorite ore under the active volcano, hoping to accumulate more refined iron and forge the sharpest weapon in the world.

Fang Xia has always been a brother. After their ancestors killed themselves for the king and later generations were brought into the Jiuyou world, the relationship between the two families was even closer than that of their own brothers.

They all have a common goal, that is, one day break away from the imprisonment of evil, return to the world and live a normal and happy life.

Every 50 years, the Fang and Xia families will select two of the best to cultivate from their infancy and let them shoulder the burden of saving everyone.

For thousands of years, countless predecessors have died and countless other shore flowers have withered, but they have not been frightened. Whenever someone fails, they will still dry their tears and continue to move forward, and successive generations have not retreated.

It is by virtue of congenital advantages that Fang Tianming and Xia Xia's children of the two Tian generation stand out among many children and become the hope of the future.

When normal children were still playing coquettish in the arms of their parents and crying for not getting a good-looking toy car, they already knew that they were carrying multiple burdens on their shoulders. The brothers encouraged each other and received strict and cruel training together. At the age of 14, they left Jiuyou world and came to the king of Tang.

The old town of King Tang has been the beginning of hope for thousands of years. Countless predecessors have come here for that great dream. They have no chance to come back when they have to leave.

Summer asked clearly. On the night when he and Fang Tianming came to the king of Tang, the brothers clenched their hands and swore to heaven that they would be the last people to come here and never leave again.

Under the arrangement of some forces, the two people have different identities, and follow the plan already arranged above, and embark on their own life track.

Just as Yan Ying has the right to decide who to marry when she is forced to leave shuikaishan and has to marry a person in Fang Xia, Xia Xia and Fang Tianming also have the right to choose their own life.

They did not choose, but were humble to each other, because they were brothers. They all wanted to give their brothers a good opportunity to enjoy and be ordinary people.

The two brothers who couldn't argue finally decided to let fate make arrangements for them: draw lots.

Fang Tianming, one year older, caught the life of ordinary people. Before he had to leave the king of Tang, he could only be a unit worker.

When asked in summer, he started as a street gangster and came to the king of Tang from the south. After his "hard work", he became the boss of a company.

Fang Tianming, a worker, will have a son. When asked by the boss in the summer, he will have a daughter. Their children are the generation carefully cultivated by Jiuyou world and the flowers on the other side.

"In fact, I know that when you drew the lot, you did something. You deliberately clamped the ordinary one with your fingers and let me take away the note that can become the boss of the company."

Summer asked, staring at Fang Tianming for a long time, his throat could not wriggle and moved a few times before he said in a hoarse voice.

Fang Tianming sat cross legged on the ground, turned his back to summer and asked slowly, "if you were asked to come to those two notes, you would do the same. I also hope I can live more comfortably, wouldn't you?"


Summer asked again hard to swallow and spit. He went to Fang Tianming and sat down next to him. Looking at the three tieliao people who began to vomit on the distant dunes, he whispered, "because at that time, we were brothers."

"Now, we are also --"

As soon as Fang Tianming said this, he was interrupted by Xia Xia: "we are not anymore. Whose brother and daughter-in-law will be defiled by his nephew? Which brother in the world, in order to revenge his nephew, colluded with his woman and did that kind of thing in front of so many people? Fang Tianming, we are no longer brothers. Next, don't say the great word 'brother' to me, or I'll turn my face right away. "

Fang Tianming looked at him sideways and his eyes darkened.

Summer asked but smiled: "hehe, maybe this is my destiny? In fact, we all know now that my wife arranged these things for me. Originally, originally, from the beginning, the one among us who caught the paper ball to live a good life was the most miserable. "

Fang Tianming's mouth moved, his eyes drooped and whispered, "yes."

"We didn't know at that time, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Summer asked, sniffed heavily, continued to smile and said, "besides, I've had a good life for ten years more than you. You had to leave him when you were twelve, but I was in Chu Ci -- "

Speaking of this, summer asked no more. He raised his hands and covered his face. Tears fell from his fingers.

If Xia Xiaoyun is his own daughter, then he really has to spend at least ten years better than Tianming.

But unfortunately, on the eve of the day when he was forced to become a male Yanyin envoy, he knew that Xia Xiaoyun was not his own daughter.

His own daughter was transferred to Jiuyou world just after she was born.

At that time, the summer asked, I didn't know how the wife would arrange his daughter, but after learning that Xia Xiaoyun was not his own daughter, she was very painful and crazy. She began to drink outside to find a woman, and finally degenerated into Yanyin envoy.

"Fang, Fang Tianming, you don't know. I really love Chen Wanyue. I really love her."

Summer asked, burying her head in her lap and crying like a woman in her nose: "she also really loves me. After discovering that my temperament has changed greatly, you and I will never think of how painful it will be. After she spied on my secret, she was neither afraid nor tired of me. Instead, she comforted me and said that she could become a gorgeous Yin envoy for me, as long as I could protect my daughter and die. "

Fang Tianming hesitated, raised his hand and gently patted him on the back. He said in a dumb voice, "God asked, I know, I know you are not your fault today -- wrong, just fate."

Summer asked, ignoring his comfort, still whimpered: "originally, I wanted to tell Wanyue that Xia Xiaoyun is not our own daughter. But I dare not. I'm afraid she can't bear the blow. "

Summer asked not to tell Chen Wanyue this cruel truth, but she knew that one day she would know this. After painful consideration for a long time, she finally chose to hurt to force her away from herself.

A person, especially a woman who deeply loves her family and can make all sacrifices for her family, after being severely hurt by her lover, her nerves will become stronger after the pain, and she can avoid being knocked down and collapsed after a greater pain blow.

That's why when Guo Yiqin sent Ding Baikang to the Tang Dynasty to accept Xia Xiaoyun as a junior, Xia asked him to push Chen Wanyue out in time, which completely hurt her.

On the night of hurting Chen Wanyue, he absconded with money - he had no face to see his beloved woman and could not explain these, so he had to choose to escape.

No one knows how painful it is to see Bai Yuwen bullying Chen Wanyue in the dark summer.

Chen Wanyue's mental breakdown that time, she mistook Fang Yuan for her husband, and even her dancing behavior in a pair of embroidered shoes at night was not pretended. It was her "normal" performance after her mental breakdown.

Of course, Chen Wanyue woke up the next day.

But she doesn't want to be a normal person anymore. Like all people who have been seriously stimulated, she firmly trapped herself in the world she outlined and didn't want to come out.

Chen Wanyue's mood at that time was really clear in summer.

As he said now, he is definitely more painful than Chen Wanyue - but the more painful thing is still behind: Chen Wanyue is willing to climb into his bed in order to protect her daughter from the poison of the north and the north of the desert.

It was not until after that that incident that Xia Wen suddenly realized that what he, Chen Wanyue and Xia Xiaoyun had suffered was deliberately arranged and vigorously promoted by others.

"After I understood this truth, I suddenly thought of what my wife had said to us when we left Jiuyou world."

After summer said this, he wiped his tears with his backhand, looked up at Fang Tianming and asked, "do you remember what she said?"

Fang Tianming looked up at the sky and his lips trembled. After a while, he said, "she said, you are not qualified and can't have the love of normal people. Or -- "

"Otherwise, you will be bitten by the pain of love. Ha, ha ha, just like me, isn't it painful to be bitten by love? "

Summer's tears were still flowing, but he laughed and asked, "Fang Tianming, do you have love? Well, or do you love Yan Ying? "

"No, no love."

Fang Tianming spits out these words with difficulty.

"So you don't have to suffer like me."

Summer asked, grabbed a handful of sand and rubbed it on his face. He didn't want to let the tears flow again: "only after leaving her, can you safely hide in Dongyang and live your comfortable life according to the plan set in those years."

"This may be the so-called, there must be gains and losses? God asked, maybe we really shouldn't have love. It's the best luxury, not what we are entitled to enjoy. "

Fang Tianming smiled bitterly and then said, "also, I went to hide in Toyo, which I didn't set myself --"

Summer asked interrupted him, "who is it?"

"I have a teacher."

"Pan Long language!"


Fang Tianming nodded and said, "the teacher is a wonder of a generation and has a long vision... I didn't know why he arranged me there in advance until two years ago when yamahara EMI brought back the zombie virus from the Northern Dynasty."

"You do have a good teacher, but I don't. I have, but madam, ha ha. "

Summer asked to stay for a long time, ha ha sneered a few times, his eyes numb, murmured: "originally, those two paper balls were really very important."

He repeated the word "special" three times in a row, each time with deep resentment.

Fang Tianming couldn't help saying, "Tianwen, you may have misunderstood. I lurked in Toyo, which was also arranged by the teachers. Just like when Longtou was alive, he sent his youngest brother to Qingmuyuan forest... He knew that there was no return, but he still went. "

"When you didn't come, yamahara Baidai and tieliao had already said it."

Summer asked the tip of his eyebrow and suddenly woke up and asked, "what's the most important thing for my wife over there?"

Fang Tianming narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "yes, the center of gravity may have shifted to Toyo long ago."