After getting used to the gray sky in the mainland, come back to the desert in the restricted area of life. Looking at the blue sky, you will really have the illusion of drunken oxygen, especially after the red sun in the East slowly emerges.

The most indispensable thing in the desert is the blue sky and white clouds. In fact, if you see too much, you will be tired of it. On the contrary, the black storm a few days ago added different colors and became more vivid to the boundless yellow world.

The world should be colorful. There are flowers and grass. Butterflies fly disorderly and insects sing. Looking around, there is a color everywhere without any movement. What is this? No matter how blue the sky is, there will be a palpitation to escape.

Just as people miss the snowy winter in summer and look forward to the hot dog days in winter, after staying under the blue sky and white clouds in the desert for a long time, they hope to see the familiar cement forest, traffic, plastic bags flying everywhere when the wind blows, and even the taste of automobile exhaust will become lovely.

"What are you thinking?"

Guo Yiqin's voice came from nearby.

Guo Yiqin sat cross legged on the left side of the entrance and exit of the dark world. The slender lengsen's long knife was placed on his knee. It seemed that there was still blood left on it after the fight a few days ago.

Xia Xiaoyun is not the first time to see someone kill, but it must be the first time to see Guo Yiqin kill.

When Guo Yiqin kills people, he will not cut people's heads and pierce people's hearts with a knife, as people see on TV. Instead, he will greet the eyes, throat, ribs and lower parts again and again. This is the so-called sword walking at the wrong edge. With the strangeness that makes people want to vomit, people can easily think of colorful poisonous snakes.

But I have to say that although Guo Yiqin's means of killing people are too cruel, they are the most effective and frightening to the enemy. Especially when those people came for Xia Xiaoyun, he tried to protect her unharmed by himself and a knife.

After the black storm a few days ago, the Six Enemies jumped at the two people like drilling out of the sand without warning. They were all wearing clothes of the same color as the sand and headgear of the same color on their heads, so that people couldn't see them clearly.

Finally, Xia Xiaoyun saw their faces -- after people were killed by Guo Yiqin, Xia Xiaoyun looked at which part of the body she wanted to see.

These people are very ordinary East Asians with yellow skin and black hair. They are exactly the same as those Xia Xiaoyun used to deal with. Guo Yiqin said that they are from Dongyang because there is a black dragon embroidered on the hem of their clothes.

After seeing the lifelike black dragon the size of a dollar coin, Xia Xiaoyun can automatically supplement her brain without Guo Yiqin's explanation: the Oriental black dragon Association.

If the international gangs also have to have a brand, then the Oriental black dragon club is undoubtedly a time-honored brand. During World War II, they were in the limelight, set up a challenge arena and engaged in assassination. The legendary heroes Huo Yuanjia, ye Wen and other modern Chinese Wulin masters have fought with them.

It was not until the defeat of World War II that they disappeared from China, but they set up quite influential Tangkou in western countries, known as the four major international gangs together with the Italian mafia, the German Ku Klux Klan and the Russian vampire bat.

Of course, the black dragon club is actually a branch of the Toyo Yamaguchi group. It is mainly composed of kamikaze members who crashed into an American aircraft carrier with a plane loaded with bombs during World War II.

It was from that time that the world learned about the Yamaguchi formation.

Those people have earned a century old brand for the Yamaguchi group by treating death as if they were at home, resulting in a headache after gangster cases related to the Yamaguchi group in many countries.

However, there is no doubt that compared with their predecessors, these members of the modern Yamaguchi group have greatly transformed their killing skills and their determination to return to death.

Xia Xiaoyun saw with her own eyes that when Guo Yiqin was like a wandering ghost, after killing three people in a few breaths, the other three people whistled and turned and ran away -- shouldn't they all be fearless for the task?

Where was the courage to crash a plane into an enemy ship?

What about the bushido spirit that will cut open after failure?

It seems that with the passage of time and the corrosion of modern life, the products produced by old and time-honored brands will deteriorate and eventually disappear.

They want to escape. Guo Yiqin doesn't like it.

Xia Xiaoyun found that Guo Yiqin's eyes were bright and scary when he killed someone. Every time he killed someone, he would raise his hand and hit him in the heart, open his mouth and laugh silently, like a gorilla.

She didn't know that Guo Yiqin used this way to stimulate the secretion of male hormones in his body - he didn't like his sinister temperament, and the blood splashed when killing was undoubtedly the most powerful way to make men's blood surging.

Along the way, they only met six members of the black dragon club. Although they shouted loudly during the fight, the shouting was never a fatal weapon that could kill the enemy. On the contrary, it exposed their fear and led them to die faster.

Except for these six people, no one appeared again, but Guo Yiqin's face became more and more ugly and his eyes became more and more gloomy. Holding the long knife, the green tendon on the back of his right hand was always tight before walking through the stone pillar. It seemed that no enemy appeared. Let him escort Xia Xiaoyun to her destination safely, It's the enemy's biggest humiliation to his super bodyguard.

Xia Xiaoyun was still very strange at the beginning. She asked him why he always wore a small face. Wouldn't it be better if no one came to make trouble with us?

Guo Yiqin can't say it simply, because the smaller the resistance on their side, it proves that tieliao is in a more dangerous situation. At the same time, it also proves that yamahara EMI is indeed a smart and terrible enemy.

After identifying that the killers killed were Oriental, Guo Yiqin could wipe his neck with a horizontal knife if he didn't know that yamahara EMI was coming.

This is the main reason why the leader asked Guo Yiqin to take his place. The more dangerous he is, the calmer he is. He can always use the fastest speed to analyze the current situation, make the most correct judgment, and then take action.

When they were besieged by dozens of zombie soldiers led by yamahara Baidai, tieliao took it for granted that Guo Yiqin, who were more than ten kilometers in front of them, also suffered such dangerous robbery and killing, and worried about them.

If it were Guo Yiqin, he wouldn't think so: after seeing Shanyuan Baidai, he can basically determine what the Oriental people want to do at present, that is, to clean up the escort who escorts Xia Xiaoyun home first, and then deal with the main goal calmly after completely relieving his worries.

Otherwise, yamahara Baidai wouldn't have taken so many men with him, and didn't hesitate to surrender his identity. The purpose was to make a quick decision, but he didn't expect an unexpected black storm to hit suddenly, which led to the hiccups of most of her men. Katyusha's timely appearance completely broke her wishful thinking.

Guo Yiqin doesn't know.

He only knew that the six Asians who survived the black storm only played the role of pawns. In short, they came to die, delayed their forward speed, and created opportunities for yamahara's leisurely layout.

In fact, Guo Yiqin looked up at yamahara Baidai, but the latter underestimated him.

Yamahara EMI never expected that the six pawns she sent did not cause too much trouble to Guo Yiqin.

Guo Yiqin didn't expect that yamahara Baidai, who didn't show up for a long time, didn't hide in the dark and attack at any time, but she almost couldn't protect herself. She tried her best to escape Fang Tianming's pursuit.

It was not until he passed the stone pillar and saw the entrance and exit of the dark world from a distance that Guo Yiqin loosened his nervous tension: it seems that yamahara Baidai had an accident and failed to "follow the appointment".

However, Guo Yiqin is still a little sad. Tieliao should have more bad luck and less good luck. The price of escorting Xia Xiaoyun home safely is really higher.

No matter what he felt in his heart, Guo Yiqin didn't want to distract Xia Xiaoyun before he officially stepped into the dark world, which would make the sacrifice of tieliao and others meaningless. Only then did he show quite calm. Seeing that she stood there looking at the southeast for a long time, he asked her what she was thinking.

"You know what I'm thinking."

Xia Xiaoyun was silent for a moment and said without looking back.

"No one will come."

Guo Yiqin picked up the long knife and stood up with the tip of the knife touching the ground.

Xia Xiaoyun slowly turned around, looked at him and asked, "you mean, iron Liao, they are more or less bad?"

Before setting foot in Lop Nur, in order to reassure Xia Xiaoyun, when Guo Yiqin assigned tasks to tieliao and others, she called in front of her, so she knew that someone was behind her.

Guo Yiqin gently pursed the corners of his mouth and whispered, "I can't think of what hope they can find to escape when Shanyuan Baidai tries his best to deal with them."


Xia Xiaoyun said, "maybe others came to help them block yamahara Baidai. Otherwise, after that woman succeeded, she could not let me come here safely. "

Guo Yiqin shook his head and said slowly, "except for us, China will not send a soldier to Lop Nur."

Xia Xiaoyun frowned: "why? They just watched you die with me? "

"You have to watch."

Guo Yiqin lightly replied: "in this place, at this time, it is most correct for the country to stand still -- don't question my words. Just think about whether we haven't seen a wild wolf or even the most common lizard all the way after the black storm?"

Xia Xiaoyun was stunned and subconsciously looked down at the yellow sand at the foot of her eyes: "it's true. Why is this?"

Guo Yiqin also looked down and raised his eyebrows: "this proves that wild wolves, lizards and other animals have smelled unprecedented danger from the sand where they have lived for many years, and fled as far as they can. We, yamahara Baidai and others can come safely because our number is not enough to let those dangers appear. The danger will suddenly break out only when the Chinese military sends out in large numbers, causing us unbearable losses. "

"Danger, what is danger?"

Xia Xiaoyun understands: in Jiuyou world, she doesn't care that these people come, no matter how many people are killed or injured, but she doesn't like Huaxia to intervene directly in this matter, which will disrupt their plans.

Guo Yiqin thought for a moment and then said, "it may be a plague, quicksand that will appear without warning, or it may be that one army comes in, but it suddenly becomes two -- in short, when the number touches their dangerous bottom line, it suddenly comes. This is also the main reason why Jiuyou world has existed for thousands of years, but successive dynasties have been unable to send troops to attack on a large scale. Disaster, maintaining a fragile balance between the two sides. "

"But I think someone will come."

When Xia Yun turned around, his eyes lit up, didn't he