In the eyes of Xia Yuanjia and others, those Ma people who tried to attack Jiuyou city while Mrs. Cheng came to pay homage to their ancestors were not even comparable to tujiwa dogs. They were purely live targets for practicing knives. No one would take them seriously, but would grab them.

Only those who have beheaded more than level 30 in the battle are qualified. Those who have been injured carelessly can't lift their heads for half a year after returning to the city.

However, this year's memorial war is obviously different from previous years. Xia Xiashan and others who died at the gate of the city a few days ago asked Fang Yuan to pay attention to it from their bones.

In fact, according to the intelligence quotient of the big guy, it is not difficult to guess that the Ma people can finally break through the city gate and almost drive straight into the city. The main reason is that there are some experts mixed inside. Guo Yiqin, who came with the eldest lady, was plotted by those people.

But no one asked these questions, and even dared not mention them in private, because fools also know that the Ma people are a group of slaves who don't have enough to eat. They even have exquisite spears and are poisoned, which itself shows what.

Everyone only knows that this memorial ceremony must be carried out carefully. I didn't see that even three elders and five elders accompanied me. The purpose is to deal with the area and Kunlun mixed among the Ma people.

It is said that Kunlun is now known as the first expert in the outside world. No matter how much water there is in this name, it can not be despised. Therefore, after Xia Xiaoyun and others climbed up Madame mountain, Xia Yuanjia and others discharged their defense formation and closely watched the direction of the Ma people.

Madame mountain is about 300 meters above sea level in Jiuyou world. There is a winding and rugged path. It is difficult to walk through the jagged rocks. In addition, Xia Xiaoyun has to stop and bend down to worship every nine meters with great respect for her ancestors when she goes up the mountain.

So the speed was much slower. It took them three hours to climb on the platform dedicated to sacrifice under the crater.

More importantly, every step up, the temperature will rise. The temperature around the platform must be about 40 or 50 degrees. The air is dry and full of strong sulfur smell, which makes people breathe hard with their mouths open, sweat rolling down their forehead, and their clothes are already wet and clinging to their bodies. It is very uncomfortable.

Compared with the two calm elders, Xia Xiaoyun's current state is too poor. Her face is pale, her mouth is wide open, and her smart eyes are dull. It seems that she will fall to the ground at any time. She bends down, covers her heart with her right hand, holds her knee with her left hand, and slowly raises her head to look at the front of the platform.

Xia Xiaoyun didn't allow anyone to help her along the way. Only in this way could she show her respect for her ancestors. It's normal to be half tired.

The sacrificial platform about 30 meters below the crater is about 300 square meters in size. Near the mountain, there is a sacrificial platform built with boulders, on which are stone carved plates, candlesticks and incense burners.

There is also a winding path on the left side of the altar, which is more difficult than the road below. Fang Yuan thinks it should be the only way for Mrs. liedai Jiuyou to jump off the crater.

Indeed, before jumping off the crater, those wives who have suffered for too long and long for quick relief should now burn incense and kneel down to their ancestors and ancestors on the altar, tell what contributions they have made to the Baihong family during their tenure, and whether they have successfully cultivated successors, etc.

Finally, they will regret to tell their ancestors that they did not lead the big guys out of the Jiuyou world during their tenure. They lived happily in the sun and were ashamed of the love of their ancestors. They hope that after nirvana in the volcano, they can be accepted by all ancestors--

Fang Yuan looked at the black sacrificial platform. In front of her eyes, a woman knelt in front of her, reported to the ancestors, got up after three worships and nine taps, climbed up the crater along the road the ancestors had walked, opened her arms and closed her eyes, and resolutely jumped into the crater.

Mrs. Jiuyou of all dynasties, like a Phoenix, hovered and danced like an elf in the crater, with a faint smile on her face. Affected by the rising heat below, they could not fall down like diving, but would stop and rise slowly in mid air. Maybe in a few seconds, they would be surrounded by flames and turned into ashes.

Thinking of so many generations of Mrs. Jiuyou, a young woman, she was so willing to be turned into ashes -- Fang Yuan felt very blocked in her heart, couldn't help raising her hand and beating her chest, roaring like a gorilla.

This is not the negative effect of the high temperature, but because he "saw" those poor women.

When Fang Yuan stared at the altar in a daze, the two elders had taken out some seasonal fresh fruits, roast chicken, roast duck, incense candles and other things from the bamboo basket they carried with them, put them on it with respectful faces and chanting words.

After they finished these meticulously, they knelt on the ground and paid homage several times with their hands folded in ten gifts. Then they slowly got up and stood aside, nodding slightly to Xia Xiaoyun.

Before they left Jiuyou City, the two elders had told Xia Xiaoyun what to do after they came up to the platform, and personally taught a sacrifice full of people, to the effect that they asked the ancestors and ancestors to bless and bless her to lead the Baihong family to fulfill their long cherished wish that had not been realized. She would strive for it regardless of her own safety.

When the two elders dictated these sacrifices, Fang Yuan, the son-in-law, of course, had to listen in. After coming here, he had to worship on the ground with Xia Xiaoyun, three times and nine times, but he was not qualified to talk about them.

This is in the nine quiet world with women as the largest, men don't have much status, which seems to be quite different from the long history and tradition of the outside world. Fang Yuan speculates that this may be because the descendants of kings are women.

It may also be because, after the descendants of the king were captured underground by the devil, their status was reversed like the reversed Yin and Yang, which gradually evolved into a matriarchal society - if Fang Yuan could understand the strange words on the mountain screen behind the altar, he would know that this is the true image of a woman in charge of the family in the Jiuyou world.

The screen wall on the mountain is about the size of more than ten square meters. It is engraved with winding words, and there are rows of people's names on the lower left.

It was carved by Madame liedai Jiuyou before nirvana.

From the moment their names were engraved, they had become one of their ancestors.

On the ground in front of the altar, there are two obvious kneeling marks, which are made by kneeling with your knees. Just like there are many footprints on the green stone floor where Shaolin monks practice martial arts, it can be seen how excited Mrs. lie Dai was before nirvana. She inadvertently poured her internal force into the black stone under her knees through her knees, which formed an obvious dent.

Fang Yuan is not qualified to kneel in this dent. That place can only belong to the established wife Xia Xiaoyun. He only deserves to kneel next to him. As the elders said, he closed his hands and eyes, faced the altar, remained silent, and listened to Xia Xiaoyun whispering those sacrificial texts next to him.

The memorial is not too long, otherwise Xia Xiaoyun can't remember it in such a short time.

But in front of the altar near the mountain, the temperature was obviously much higher than outside. Xia Xiaoyun, who was already out of strength, began to shake as she read.

Fang Yuan can't help. It's the rule. He can only watch her fall on the ground, get up and continue to read. There is a faint defeat in his pale face.

Xia Xiaoyun didn't intend to let Fang Yuan help her.

No matter how cruel Bai Hong is to her, she is now offering a memorial to her biological mother.

Similarly, at ordinary times, even if the surface is serious, the inner circle disdains the disdain. At this time, it is full of sincerity and follows Xia Xiaoyun to recite those sacrifices in her heart.

There is no doubt that among the ancestors of the Fang family, there must be someone who is the mother of Mrs. Jiuyou. He must use the most pious attitude to sincerely wish the spirits in heaven of those ancestors rest in peace and bless him to end this millennium long tragedy.

"The white fog is rising. It's time to go, alas."

When Xia Xiaoyun got up from the ground for the fourth time and only saw that her lips were moving, but she couldn't make a sound, the five elders came over with a slight sigh, bent over and copied her hands and picked her up from the ground.

The sacrifice is not long, that is, more than 300 words. However, according to the rules, Xia Xiaoyun has to read it over and over before the white fog can't rise at the foot of the mountain.

Why wait until the white fog rises?

Fang Yuan felt that this was a good opportunity for the horse people in Jiuyou city to hide and attack while the white fog rose, because he saw that there were strong bows and crossbows in the hands of the people guarding at the foot of the mountain, so he could shoot people right through a hundred feet away.

There are no modern firearms in Jiuyou world, which is also the rule.

If that thing exists, as long as one party owns it, it will pose an extinction threat to the other party, which will destroy the "ecological balance". Therefore, it is far better to solve the problem with cold weapons. First, there are fewer dead people, and second, it is more bloody, which can cause a great deterrent to anyone.

The five elders held Xia Xiaoyun, who was already in a coma, and walked down the mountain first. The three elders followed, and Fang Yuan walked last.

When the white fog rises, standing high may not be able to see far, but it must be farther than Fang yuanframe and others at the foot of the mountain. Walking silently in the last square, I heard a rustle under the white fog in the distance.

This is the sound of a large group of people creeping down the mountain through the smoke of white fog. It is only because there are too many people that it sounds like silkworms eat mulberry leaves.

Whew -- whew!

With dozens of sharp arrows breaking through the air, the light howling sound suddenly sounded, and a continuous scream came from the white fog in the distance: "ah, ah!"

A fight for Xia Xiaoyun began.

The same scene has lasted for thousands of years. The Malays have never succeeded, just as they have never flinched from it.

Apart from the howling of arrows, the popping of stones on the ground, and the screams of the horse people, no one was heard shouting. It seems that both belligerents know that there is no point in doing so.

The five elders who walked forward with Xia Xiaoyun in their arms never stopped at all. A person of such an old age, holding a person in his arms, walked fast on such a difficult mountain road. If it was photographed and put on the video, it would definitely cause a sensation.

After the sound of fighting came from under the white fog, the nerves of the whole body were subconsciously tightened, and the pace accelerated, which soon shortened the distance between the three elders walking in front.

Although the five elders look very tough, Fang Yuan still doesn't trust her to hold Xia Xiaoyun.

Fang Yuan took a step to the side. When he was about to surpass the three elders to grab the front, the three elders suddenly twisted their body and raised their hands. Without any sign, they chopped a knife at him.

At this time, Fang Yuan was just about to raise his feet. When the old force had declined and the new force was not born, he couldn't make a faster dodge speed at all. He was surprised and had to work hard to lean back.