Poor Lin Feng, he became Liu Qingying's Porter directly.

When Liu Qingying came back, he brought two big boxes.

These two big boxes are very heavy. I'm afraid they have to weigh more than 100 Jin.

Lin Feng looks at Liu Qingying carefully. He is thinking, where does this woman's slightly thin body come from so amazing energy.

"Come on, let's go!"

Su Xi only gives orders in front, while Liu Qingying holds her hand. The two women, Tianxiang lily, have different styles. At this time, they come together directly.

And then poor Lin Feng, dragging two big boxes, far behind the second daughter.

"Zhang Xin, you will be the lobby manager of Lihua Hotel in the future. Tomorrow I will ask Xiaoqi to send a notice. I will work hard in the future and don't live up to my expectations."

Originally, Su Xi was still thinking about where to put Zhang Xin. As a result, Gao Xin, the lobby manager here, directly bumped into her gun. Now Zhang Xin is in the upper position. That's the smooth completion of the chapter.

"Thank you, Mr. Xi. Thank you, Mr. Xi."

Zhang Xin's age is not big, at this time her slightly green face, full of unprecedented excitement.

"Oh, wait for me."

These two boxes are not heavy for Lin Feng. They are just two big boxes. He has some trouble pulling them.

Lin Feng is very depressed, very depressed, because these two boxes, the car he drove over, can't put them down at all.

"Lin Feng, you take a taxi back. Sister Qingying and I left first."

Lin Feng has to say something. Su Xi has stepped on the accelerator of her car, and then the car goes straight out.

"Is it great to have a car? Tomorrow, I will buy an SUV. "

Lin Feng said fiercely.

But now he has to take a taxi back to zisu apartment.

"Master, perilla apartment, please."

Lin Feng hired a taxi, but when the master saw the big box behind Lin Feng, he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir. I don't have much oil in this car. I'm afraid I can't go far with two big boxes."

"I'll pay more, double. Shall we go?"

Lin Feng directly took out a 100 roll and threw it on the co driver's seat of the car.

"Hey, go, go naturally!"

Naturally, the driver won't have to do with money.

Lin Feng was in a good mood, but now his mood is even worse.

And this is just the beginning of his bad mood, because when the car arrived midway, he gambled on the car.

Lin Feng looks at the scenery outside the window.


All of a sudden, Lin Feng found something wrong in the distance, because a young man held a little girl and ran away.

"Master, please open the door."

"Sorry, you can't park here. Even if you don't take a bus, you have to wait for me to pull over before you can get off."

"Shit, open the door. It's going to kill you."

After Lin Feng finished, he didn't wait for the taxi driver to respond, so he bent over and pressed the door button of the driver's seat.

Then he opened the door and ran out into the distance.

"Damn, sir, do you want to take a bus or not? Your luggage is still here?"

What's more terrible is that the driver has forgotten where Lin Feng is going now, and his head grows up in an instant.

"Who do you want to return my luggage to?"

Lin Feng can't care so much now, because at this time, the little girl was directly carried by the young man into the van.

"Stop the car."

Lin Feng roared.

"Come on, brother Yu, drive. A boy has found us."

This person will hold the little girl on the van, will directly cover a wet pad on the little girl's nostrils, the little girl just a smell, she fell asleep in the past.

And just after the young man finished speaking, the man in front named brother Yu stepped on the gas pedal of the van, and then he went straight out.

"Damn it, you bastards."

Lin Feng couldn't help but squabble.

At this time, Lin Feng directly swung his two legs and approached the van with great speed.

"Wo Cao, brother Yu, is that boy still human? The 100 meter champion is not so fierce, is he? This speed is even better than our van. "

The young man opened the window and looked at Lin Feng. He saw this amazing scene in an instant.

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening, so there are not many people on the street. Even if Lin Feng runs away, there won't be many people to find out.

Moreover, more than that, when Lin Feng ran, he directly took out his mobile phone, and then he directly called a demon zero.

"Hey, listen to me. Now the van with license plate number of XXX is speeding on the road of XXX. They kidnapped a little girl. Please send someone to stop them." Lin Feng knows that he has two legs, where a van is fast, so he has to prepare for second-hand, and report to the police first. In this way, even if he lost the car, the police can lock the car“ Well After running for a distance, Lin Feng found that there was a bicycle beside him, and the bicycle had not been locked yet. He didn't even think about it. He took the bicycle directly, and then threw a hundred yuan note on the ground. He ran on the bicycle“ Oh, my car There was a young voice behind him. Only when he saw the hundred dollar bill on the ground, which had to be more than a dozen, did he look at Lin Feng's back and say, "forget it, you're cheap!"“ Damn, brother Yu, no, this man is riding a broken bicycle, faster than us. What should we do? " The young man was in a panic. If he was really chased by Lin Feng, he would be in trouble“ Hum, what to do? It's up to you, brother Yu. " After that, the man named brother Yu hit the steering wheel of the van and drove out directly to a small alley. Then he went into the alley and slowed down instantly. When he got to half of the alley, he stopped the car“ Get out of the car. " At this time, brother Yu said, and then five young people came out of the car. At this time, they were all carrying steel pipes. Creak - Lin Feng's bicycle at this time, he also pinched the brake and stopped not far away“ Why don't you run away? " Lin Feng looks at these people and says“ Hehe, why do we run? Do you think, with so many of us, we still need to run? " Feather elder brother pointed to a few small younger brothers with steel tube behind him, opening a way.