But now that they have their own small world, can they change the rules of the world and make them real natural creatures. Lin Feng's heart suddenly gave birth to such an idea, but if he wanted to change the rules of the world, such a thing seemed to be a little far away from himself.

It's said that this is at least the source power that the holy land can control. Lin Feng naturally comes up with the relevant information in his mind. It's a pity that there are still too few things in this area. The world system is also very different from the previous life. There is very little information in the library of the Priory.

There are few strong people who can achieve this goal, and the natural flow is extremely rare.

Not knowing what the other multiverse looked like, Lin Feng suddenly had a whim. Do you have the opportunity to go to subspace for a journey of multi universes? In this space, the easterners have completely become the vassals of the west, which is a bit too much.

Five days later, Lin Feng took the lead in deducing for his father Lin Qing. Five days ago, he stopped construction. He began to recover his strength, and taught everyone about array and teleportation.

Fortunately, the ability of spiritual seed is better than the skill of topping. Simplicity is the best way to transfer knowledge. After a few days of practice, they all learned how to arrange the array and simply understood the technique of transmission. If they didn't understand it, they went to discuss it with Lin Feng directly.

In this void, there is little interference. It's a great place to practice. It's very empty here, and I'm not afraid to transport dangerous things, such as flying in the sky, cars on the ground and so on.

Lin Feng's five thousand plus spiritual power and eight hundred plus essence and Qi quickly began to consume. In addition to Lin Qing's cultivation, his physical quality reached a very high level. Directly deduce that the energy required for the transformation also reaches an extremely terrifying level, and more than 2000 spiritual powers are consumed in a twinkling of an eye.

From time to time also have to let the system ease, lest the speed of recovery of essence can't keep up. From time to time, he picked up a piece of chocolate and put it into his mouth, with one palm on Lin Qing's back.

The others have been working with their full strength. This is an instant supplement. Gather the power of all the people to speed up the recovery of spirit power for Lin Feng in the Dharma array.

In order to ensure that he can still get some supplement when he is trying his best to deduce, 2900... 2800... 2700

Spirit power is rapidly decreasing in 100 units. After a while, it can only be temporarily reduced to 10 units per jump. Leave the essence to provide enough vitality, otherwise Lin Qing's body may collapse directly.

Such a huge amount of energy can be directly deduced in his body, which can transform the achievements of others for decades in a short time. This rapid change is too shocking.

ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.


Until an hour later, Lin Qing's whole body suddenly burst into light, and a huge wave of energy burst out from his body. Thanks to Huang Xiuzhen and others who had been around, they immediately joined hands to suppress the shock wave. Nevertheless, they also lifted more than a dozen Brown bamboos around their bodies.

Lin Feng's body also lightly shakes, the palm leaves his body. At this time, his face was a little pale, and there were still hundreds of spiritual power left. But the energy has been completely overdrawn.

"It's done!" He spoke weakly and was supported by Huang Xiuzhen, who was both surprised and happy, to have a rest.

"YES!!“” Great, Qing, you're finally promoted“

Both of them are so happy that they are about to jump up, which means that Lin Feng really has the ability to force them up. This can save decades of hard work. At their present age, where are they going to waste decades of hard work? Now they are happy and looking forward to it.

Lin Feng, who was over consumed, fell asleep. It had been a long time since he had slept so deeply. Completely lost consciousness and fell into deep sleep.

I don't know how long later, he found himself in the dream space, which is just a pure white space. Nothing but my own existence.

Lin Feng has not passively entered here for a long time. This pure white space is the most primitive dream space. Before, he came in on his own initiative almost every time after he knew the secret of the dream. Dream space has long been built into a paradise like environment, which will automatically appear as soon as it comes in.

Today, he suddenly appeared and returned to this pure white space, which made him feel nostalgic and nostalgic. This is the feeling of dreaming, but a hazy feeling appears in the heart, just like someone is calling himself.

No, it's a call. A mysterious and mysterious feeling, Lin Feng subconsciously lifted the barriers of dream space. Flying in the direction of this call, speeding up, he wanted to find out what it was.

Give him a familiar and anxious feeling, like a call for help from a relative who has an accident.

Speed up! As he accelerates, his whole consciousness seems to be pulled, turning into a streamer in the dream world, faster and faster.

I do not know how many colorful clouds through, Lin Feng appeared in front of a ball, this ball inside is actually a small world. It looks a bit like the world he created, but the people inside surprised Lin Feng.

Inside, it turned out to be jaslie. The picture of the world inside is constantly changing. It seems that she is being chased by a young man, who is very powerful. He beat the Third Elder martial sister with no fighting back. She is protecting a little boy. She looks a little like her, but this young man is too strong. Although she tried her best, the little boy was still killed in the end. Jaslie rushed to fight against him. The world began to shine and seemed to collapse. Poof!! The ball world disappeared in an instant. It was obviously a dream, and it was the nightmare of the Third Elder martial sister Jia Sili. She was extremely helpless in her dream, thinking of herself subconsciously. Lin Feng didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen again. Is it because of my space or because I can get the ability to move freely in the dream world. This has caused all this, but the biggest reason is that they have become more powerful. According to legend, as long as someone mentions his name, the spirit will be perceived. Do you have this kind of magical power now? But why is elder martial sister so anxious to call me back? What happened? Lin Feng looked around again. Not far away, there were dense spheres of different sizes, high and low, far and near. Obviously, all these dreams were created by the people living around in their sleep. After scanning a few, he recognized the people in Zhenwu hall. I don't know what happened, just find the people in the martial arts school to understand the situation!!