
The National Library, where Lin Feng came to the important secret stronghold of the Sorcerer's order, is still the same. However, compared with his first arrival, his strength and strength are far different.

Last time, we pieced together five billion yuan from the industry of Longshan city to produce a ruyi dish, which almost stopped the whole industry.

Fortunately, he is not a pure profit-making unit, otherwise he will definitely go bankrupt. Even if he doesn't start work, his heart will not be broken. In one temple in Longshan City, no one dares to make a mobile phone.

Lin Feng said hello to the three female members of the Sorcerer's order in front of him. They are all first-class monks, and their strength is not so good. By serving here, they can get 50 contribution values a month. As they are not so strong, this is a good stable income.

No matter the orthodox friars or the demonic friars like the order, they will not lack money. Although money is still common in the world of Xiuzhen, its purchasing power is extremely poor. The money is not rushing in. It's impossible for everyone to be a big man with billions of money.

Working is often a common choice. These nuns are not only service personnel, but also security guards. If you can skillfully use the array of the whole library, even if you are a level 3 or 4 strong person, you can block a moment and a half.

"Welcome, Mr. long Ying!" One of the black haired and big eyed nuns came to Lin Feng and said hello with a smile.

Obviously, when they first came in, his information had already been known by them. Lin Feng asked with a smile, "Hello, is there any seal stone circulating in the market recently?"

The black haired nun immediately bowed her head. Two seconds later, she shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. long Ying. Seal stone is a special commodity with a small production. There has been no circulation record in recent years."

Lin Feng doesn't care, and then goes to one side. The seal stone is a sharp weapon against powerful creatures. In the past, when many powerful creatures could not be killed or subdued, they needed to use seal stone.

This is a powerful magic weapon that can gather the power of all people. It can gather the quantity with its own particularity to achieve qualitative change.

The enemy he provoked was more and more serious, and one day he might jump out of a five level abnormal like Liu Jian. It's better to do prevention earlier. With the seal stone, the protective array in the sky can have a counterattack against the top strong.

Lin Feng presses his hand on a glass screen, on which his personal login information immediately appears, and the column of special advisor on it turns red.

Consultants are also graded, and the lowest grade is green, that is, first-class consultants, equivalent to interns. The next level is blue, which means you have the qualification to become a full member.

On top of blue, there are purple, gold, and then red. Lin Feng remembers that his first visit was green, just like salaya.

Because in fact, as a trainee, he was excluded by Eric's circle, but now he's jumping level Four. What's the matter.

Hesitated in the hand for a while, immediately then inquired own information.

A line of prompt "dragon shadow" will pop up on the screen, and the member information query needs 30 contribution values.

Lin Feng is really curious to find out that he still has to pay. He remembers that as long as full members are below level 2, they can use contribution value to query, and only when they pay for protection can they not be found.

Screen quickly brush out a line of information about the Dragon shadow, the original name: Lin Feng; Age: 20 years old; Occupation: student.

School: zhenwumen, a traditional oriental martial arts school; Personal strength: Level 4 (extremely strong); Skill: the combination of Oriental martial arts and cultivation.

Event: on March 28th, XX, Aldrich, a level 4 strong man, was killed and more than 1000 elite men were annihilated.

Lin Feng saw the latest one at a glance. There was no doubt that the most sensational thing he had done recently was to kill the incarnation of Burundi.

To some extent, a four level strong man with the ring of chaos and many secrets. He is more difficult than the level five elder, but the big man who was killed by the four winged angel is the agent of subspace.

But no matter what kind of adventure he had, it was because the boundary between subspace and the real world was too big to escape.

Aldrich is not the same. His strength is not the top, but he lies in the cracks of the world relying on the void. He just relies on the chaos to make the world full of wind and rain.

In the end, it forced the pursuer to reach a tacit agreement with him, which showed that being able to run is often more important than being able to play. No matter how strong you are, there will always be someone better than you, but as long as you run away, it means that the initiative is in your hands.

You can take the initiative to attack at any time. Everyone knows the truth of preventing thieves in a thousand days. People will be afraid of such enemies.

However, Aldrich is in his hands, among which Victor and Clarence are the most clear. They are members of the mosaicism and can be regarded as Aldrich's close allies.

After making a comprehensive evaluation, Lin Feng turned red directly. He was a real consultant. It represents a detached position. He can become a full member at any time if he wants to. This is a series of reactions brought by strength.

As long as you have the strength, you can get respect everywhere. Aldrich's weight is much stronger than that of the demon hunting team killed in Romania before. Besides, in that incident, Eric was still in the front, and there was a platinum on the red consultant. This is only a big man above level five who can get it. He already has considerable authority at this level. Most of the materials that used to be read with extremely high authority are now open to him. Lin Feng thought that he would make some contribution to victor and to read them. Now it seems that we have saved a lot of money. We should immediately open the trading market to see if there are any materials we need. The first is "source carbon", a special material produced only in the depths of the earth's crust. The composition of matter is unknown, and it has a series of characteristics, among which the most widely used is its stability. It has the function of natural and stable energy. It is the best core material for making magic weapons and arrays. There are only five selling messages on the list. 100 year source carbon: 300 years, 400 contribution value. Millennium source carbon: 700 contribution value in 2000. Ten thousand year source carbon: eleven thousand years, five thousand contribution value. Among them, the Centennial source carbon is the most. There are three of them, all of which are Centennial, and the price difference is very low. It seems that the sex difference ratio of thousand years is the highest, but Lin Feng can't see it. His eyes have been staring at that thousand years. As long as you get one, the feasibility of your own plan will be much higher, and the potential of the firmament has reached the bottleneck. Ordinary materials can no longer enhance the array. Within 10000 square meters, even the underground is full of natural veins, forming a dense array circuit.