Farrell refused. In front of all that stupid genius and everyone, he announced that he would come back one day, and then left the family that made him sick.

After a series of life and death, he got a firm foothold in the kamet mercenary regiment, which ranked no more than 1000. I don't know how much better the treatment is than that of the owner of his small rural family. However, with the full cultivation of that family, the son of the patriarch also caught up with him after he reached the third level.

The third level is also strong and weak. He is the elite who has been trained all the way from the big mercenary Corps. Otherwise, no one can get into the kametes.

Like the son of the patriarch, he was confident that he could play three or five. But when he heard that the guy was promoted to the third level, the family had prepared a full set of native magic books. Farrell was extremely uncomfortable.

He went through life and death. Every book of magic was bought by careful calculation and life. He was also a child of three generations. That guy didn't do anything, so the family prepared a complete set. For this reason, he sold a town. Why?

For what?

Farrell put out the idea of going back to slap his face. If the family can prepare Level 3 magic book for him, can they prepare level 4 magic book. With the waste in that greenhouse, we may not have a chance to reach the level of level 4 professional in our life.

Not to mention the level 4 magic book, there is no local magic association in their place, so they need to go to the guild of the next level to buy it. Level 4 magic has involved a wide range of magic, more arrays, and so on. When it comes to tactics, you can't get it in your life only by the financial resources of that small family and without the care of the strong.

But he was different. Although he lived a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife in the mercenary regiment, he was full of infinite possibilities. With his strong belief, he has come to the present step by step. This time, he has found four fish who have missed the net. As long as he finds four more, the money he will get will be very considerable.

Most importantly, as a large mercenary regiment, they have the bargaining power in the magic association. As long as they want something in the newspaper, the mercenary regiment will have a special person to purchase it and get a discount of 5-10%.

This is also one of the biggest advantages of mercenary regiments in attracting talents. Local magic associations often cooperate with large organizations to deal with thorny problems.

This is also mutual benefit, Farrell mind from the excitement back, eyes such as electricity, a blink does not blink, scanning every place.

All of a sudden, his eyes slightly stagnated, and he noticed that there was an abnormal trace several miles away, which seemed to be a snow trace pulled out by something. With the help of Hawkeye technique, he just opened his eyes slightly, and the shadow there immediately expanded and drew closer.

Along this trail, I moved my eyes forward a little, and then I saw a humble white moving forward slowly, "stupid behavior!" Farrell hooked up the corner of his mouth, and immediately sent the magic message back to the action team.

Rilla's body suddenly froze. She seemed to hear the subtle movement approaching quickly. At first, she thought it was an illusion. But when the sound became more and more obvious, she raised her head and saw several black spots rushing down in the sky.


There was only one thought left in her mind. After climbing in the snow for two days, she stood up stiffly and ran forward. It was very close to the camp. As long as she ran home and held on, she might see the child again.

At this time, Rilla can only hope to run a further distance, as close as possible to the tribal camp where there will be patrols.

That's her only hope. The mercenary regiment is so powerful that she has been thinking about whether the camp has been broken by them. But when she saw that the other party was still deployed outside, she kept a glimmer of hope in her heart.

If the camp has been broken, the other party can wait for everyone to fall into the trap directly in the camp. There is no need to spend so much effort on the periphery.

In the snow, the giant has a huge physical advantage, but this advantage is completely wiped out in front of the flying Yuzu.

Five or six Yuzu people didn't come down in the air, but they were ready to play magic and fell on her one by one.

Electric shock, curse of fatigue, vertigo, although they are all level 1 and level 2 small spells, they still accumulate when they fall on this tired body.

Rilla's head was heavy and her body was shaking. She ran instinctively. Her feet were getting heavier and heavier, and she was deep in the snow. Every time she lifted it, she needed all her strength.

The six Yuzu people in the sky, looking at the giant, all lowered to their heads and hung slowly, laughing as they spoke.

Another game to start with. This is a walking treasure house. With fewer and fewer wild giants, the market demand can not be met. Now the value of wild giants has reached its peak.

Finally, Rilla couldn't lift her foot in time any more and threw herself into the snow.

Several people in the sky cheered and immediately fell to the ground. In their cheers, they did not notice that in the dense forest more than 100 meters away, angry eyes were watching all this.

With a gesture waving, a burst of empty sound covered in the wind and snow, in the twinkling of an eye and a few slowly falling people hit. Six Yuzu people suddenly turned back, "what?" Dozens of javelins, several times larger than their bodies, hit them. Although they were elite mercenaries, they made protection and evasion actions at the first time, the huge sharp log ran through them without any reason. Before the six of them reached the ground, they became a pile of debris. Blood dripped down from the air, and some hot and humid liquid wine came to Rilla's body, listening to the whine and chaotic crash scream on her head. She looked up blankly, and saw the flying blood feathers in the sky. Her eyes were stunned, watching the broken and familiar limbs fly away. Then came a heavy sound of footsteps, which made her heart jump violently and uncontrollably. This is a giant's step. Only a giant can have such a movement, and there are many. Sure enough, a group of tall figures came into view. Suddenly, Rilla thought of something and cried out: "be careful, they are mercenaries. They attacked the hunting team!" A total of 13 patrol members, the leader is Abramovich. When he saw that it was Rilla, he immediately said, "don't worry, we're ready. Now you're home." When Rilla heard what he said, her heart relaxed, and then she lost consciousness. Without Abramovich's command, the team members rushed up to pick up Rilla, while some rushed up to pick up the weapons of just six people.