Liu Ruobing forbeared again and again, trying not to think about the sword mixed with the garbage, but his eyes would sweep away from time to time.

To give such a sword to a person who can't use it and leave it in the corner like rubbish is a crime to the preparatory students who are extremely eager to own a sword.

Fortunately, he is my brother. It's not right for him to give a gift to his sister. He hasn't learned fencing yet. It's too wasteful to use such a good sword in school training. It's also too wasteful to use it to fight with those broken swords in school.

And I'm about to take the exam. With a good sword, I can just strengthen it, and I'll have a better grasp of the exam?

Liu Ruobing didn't notice the same complicated expression of another person in the room, even more than her. She slowly crossed over and sat at the table with Lin Feng.



"Lend me that sword for a while."

Liu Ruobing's tone is flat, using the tone of ordinary conversation.

Take it for yourself Lin Feng pointed to that corner, eyes did not lift, his attention on the small book given by Su Changlin.

It's wedge-shaped characters, but there's nothing special about it. It's just ordinary characters with some illustrations inside.

It seems that it should be printed, which shows that the world still has a certain level of technology. Seeing that he didn't care at all, Liu Ruobing's heart leaped wildly. All his resentment was swept away, and he was about to stand up, but he restrained his impulse.

No, I can't be too hasty. She said, "what are you looking at?"

"Reading?" Lin Feng bowed his head and said.

"Can you read?" Liu Ruobing questioned.

I don't understand

What are you looking at

"Look at the picture As a matter of course, Lin Feng waved the small book in his hand, which was illustrated with some kind of ghost.

Liu Ruobing: "do you want me to teach you literacy?"

Good Lin Feng handed it over, "read it to me."

She took over the small book, which was like the internal information of the night watchman. It introduced some common ghosts in the area and taught people to identify the basic danger level.

The book is very detailed, which is more detailed than the textbook she got. She tries to read it slowly, for fear that Lin Feng can't understand it.

But fortunately, he didn't speak or interrupt in the whole process. It took him half an hour to finish reading. Liu Ruobing's excitement had been exhausted.

Eyes do not Piao to the corner of the sword, and so hard to read, see Lin Feng did not ask, she secretly relieved, when the teacher teach people to read this kind of thing or put aside.

She returned the book, got up, took out the sword, wiped it again and again with her handkerchief, and finally went out.

Shu Lanxin looks at her with admiration. This is her family. Just take it and use it.

After tonight, I should also be able to like her, like my family.

In the evening, when Liu Guangming and others came back from work, the family gathered around the table and talked a lot.

Because the brother and sister are going to the city tomorrow, Feng Mingyue and her sister naturally have to take care of their brother. Liu Ruobing glances at Lin Feng from time to time and thinks that no matter how powerful you are, you don't have to listen to me when you get to a new place.

At the beginning, she came to the college by herself, which seemed helpless but still fresh in memory, and lasted for a long time.

Although I have been dreaming about life in the city since I grew up, and I feel extremely bored at home, I just can't help thinking about home and family.

He was a little proud in his heart and felt more at ease with his sword. Liu Guangming didn't say anything when he knew that the captain of the night watchman of the sword had sent Lin Feng.

The elder brother asked his younger sister to do what he should have done. Besides, he didn't even touch the sword. He didn't know how to use the sword. It's not normal to give it to his younger sister who is about to take the exam.

The more she talks, the more uneasy she feels. The longer she drags on, the less confident she will be. Especially after that, the more she looks at Lin Feng, the more advantages she will find.

His sitting posture, manner and spirit are completely different from those around him. At first glance, he doesn't feel anything, but if he observes carefully, he will find his unique features. Why didn't I find these before?

When the room was quiet again, Liu Ruobing's ears suddenly stood up and a footstep came out of his room. He took a few steps and stopped. It seemed that he was hesitating about something.

Who will it be? There is a soul lamp hanging in the hall. She has been sleeping here since she came back. When she quietly opens a crack, she finds a figure standing in front of her brother's door. "It's her." Liu Ruobing has a little doubt in her heart. Then she thinks of something, and her face suddenly turns red.

There were two slight knocks on the door, and she heard the footsteps. A strange and complex emotion surged up in her heart, as if her own things were going to be robbed.

She spat and closed her eyes.

But the ears still can't help listening. After the door opened, the footstep went in. Lin Feng looked at the woman entering the door, with a look of consternation, "what's the matter?" Shu Lanxin's blonde hair was scattered, and she showed her bright white skin at random. Her face was slightly red, and she did not dare to look at him with her head down: "you are going out tomorrow. How do you think about me and us?" Are you worried about this? " Lin Feng answered clearly, "don't worry, even if I enter the city, I don't have the heart to think about these things." Shu Lanxin is silent. This is not the answer she wants, but this guy is not interested in himself at this time. Isn't it obvious that this kind of night, single men and few women are in the same room? As soon as she clenched her teeth, she stepped forward and almost touched Lin Feng on her chest. These days, she was very comfortable here, and her figure also changed a lot. As soon as she was proud of her figure, she looked up at Lin Feng's eyes and her lips were slightly open: "don't you want to?" Lin Feng had no fluctuation in his heart. From his experience, we can see the reason why this woman made a surprise attack tonight. However, this body belongs to Liu Qisheng, and she is also himself. It doesn't feel right to do this kind of thing. Second, Shu Lanxin, a woman, doesn't really like her body. Now she's here just because she wants to hold on to herself and makes a temporary decision. Looking at her sacrifice, Lin Feng wanted to know. Unexpectedly, one day, he took her to the door and said, "go back to sleep. As long as you don't let me down, I won't let you down." If Shu Lanxin is struck by lightning, she moves her steps mechanically. She doesn't know how to return to the door. Looking at the closed door, she can't believe it. " He turned me down How could he refuse me All the time, self-confidence collapsed in this moment. It turned out that in the eyes of the other party, it was just like this.