All the people sitting here are leading figures, at least half of them are successful people. They are very skillful in acting, and their Kung Fu has reached the full level. When you say a word to me, no one shows any panic, so as not to lose points in front of others.

"What do you think that is?"

The assistant secretary pointed out the window. Her voice was sharp, but she didn't care about the scene. Wang Zhongtian was not happy, but she turned and looked out.

Through the ground glass wall, there are two suns in the sky. One is red, which is the original sun, but now there is another green one. The red one can't be seen directly, while the green one seems to be translucent and doesn't emit light, so the naked eye can see directly.

At the moment when he saw the green sun, Wang Zhongtian, who had been practicing well, could not help being absent-minded. Such a phenomenon was beyond cognition. No matter how much knowledge he had, he could not explain it. No matter how eloquent he was, he could not explain it.

People in the conference room rushed to the window, with their eyes blinking and their mouths wide open. "Then... What is that?"


At this moment, with a huge vibration coming from their feet, the building they were in began to shake violently.

Just a moment later, the building was already tilting. There was a scream in the meeting room. Wang Zhongtian, with his familiarity with the place, made a choice for the first time in the panic. He rushed into the million dollar desk of the president's office.

In a violent vibration, the whole floor collapsed, and immediately fell into darkness. Wang Zhongtian, who was huddled under his desk, was not injured, but still coughed violently by the choking cement ash.

He felt that the building was pressing down one layer after another, and it was falling down quickly. In a huge crash, Wang Zhongtian knocked his head, and it was dark all around, but the movement still did not stop.

He heard a strange sound, like someone whispering in his ears. The temperature of the surrounding air seemed to be falling, like turning on the air conditioner. It was clearly a hot summer. Just when Wang Zhongtian thought about the problem vaguely, he doubted whether he had a problem, but a faint shadow floated in front of his eyes.

Instinctively shrunk for a while, but the million dollar desk was finally crushed, and it was pressing on his leg that the pain came.

The transparent shadow seemed to want to say something to him, but he didn't understand a word. Wang Zhongtian only felt very painful and afraid. He was more afraid than ever in the dark, and the temperature was still falling.

In the outside world, half of the planet has witnessed the green sun. Even if you don't see it, you can see it hanging high in the sky.

The emergence of the green sun has also led to various disasters. In the CBD District of Badong City, among the ruins of fallen office buildings, an unprecedented tower building emerges from the ground.

The fire engine didn't arrive until two hours later because of the abnormal phenomena in the sky and the earthquake on the ground. It's strange that the sun is still high in the sky, but the light that used to shine on people no longer makes their skin tingle.

At the beginning of the rescue work, there were obstacles. The spire that emerged from the ground first attracted the firemen. However, the first group of people who came close to the spire just entered 100 meters, they had hallucinations. They saw the phantom floating in front of their eyes.

The temperature is ten degrees lower than the outside. With strong curiosity, they clear out a channel and enter the tower, and then there is no more. Then, they are like entering another world, and there is no sound, and even the radio signal is lost.

Lin Feng was awakened in his sleep. He came out of the tent and looked up at the sky. His pupils contracted violently. A green sun was hanging in the sky.

There was something wrong with everything around. It was aura. There was aura in the gully. Aura was moving.

Take out the mobile phone, the headline "green sun appears in the eastern hemisphere, earthquakes appear everywhere at the same time, mysterious buildings appear underground."

"It's the dark temple. They've finally started."

Lin Feng suddenly realized that they chose to develop in this world because of the particularity of the world. Five worlds exist side by side, just like five parallel worlds, but actually they do not interfere with each other.

Other suns can only be seen at very special times, which has become a folk legend. At special times and places, five time and space will intersect and some strange things will appear.

Taking advantage of the particularity of the universe, the dark temple tried to integrate the five worlds. They used the sun as the key to pull it over and triggered the first round of aura explosion.

At the same time, it also allows the xulingjie to contact with the world first. The aborigines of xulingjie are pure energy creatures with their own civilization and technology.

Because of the fusion of the two worlds and the change of physical rules, their civilization has experienced a serious retrogression, but new opportunities have also been found in this world. The meat people here can make them get new sensory stimulation.

In this way, the two worlds are forced to blend together. At the border, there will be countless conflicts all the time. At the beginning, the virtual spirit is greatly limited and has to keep a low profile. But with the passage of time, the integration of the two worlds became more and more serious, and their latent ranks among human beings became larger and larger, and soon the enemy occupied areas appeared. Lin Feng had read those materials and could remember them clearly, but the specific day was not so accurate, because the recorder didn't care much about it. This is also the reason why he resolutely started to kill Hong you's clowns. Under such a great change, only strength is the truth. The relationship network that they rely on can play their greatest power only in peacetime. In the new era, we can only be a man with our tails in our hands, because soon the secret of aura will be exposed to everyone. In order to fight against the virtual spirit, the relevant departments not only disclose the secret of aura recovery, but also create a practice system. The establishment of schools, rating agencies, numerous training institutions also came into being, entering a big era. At that time, due to the new energy brought by the green day, Aura will appear in the atmosphere all over the world, but it doesn't mean that the blessed land of aura will be useless. It is still the place with the most abundant aura. On the outside, it can only be said that you can cultivate, but in the land of aura, the concentration is also doubled, and the effect of cultivation inside is several times better than that outside. This is an era of great explosion of cultivation talents, from which countless civilians stand out and are recruited by various forces with resources. Cultivation is no longer limited to a few forces such as the super family.