Kyoto, an underground secret base.

No. 1 is receiving the emissary of the eagle alliance. The protest has been sent out. The high-level officials of the Asian alliance are angry. It's about tens of thousands of virtual souls. They won the battle and were picked peaches.

Watching the other party run away from the negotiation table is not a slap in the face. It's natural that people can't bear to be slapped in the face by all the people of the Asian Federation.

No. 1 immediately summoned the other party's ambassador and made solemn representations, asking them to hand over Anthony and Lord Xuling

Obviously, the ambassador already knows what's going on. He is not in a hurry and defines the matter as personal behavior. They are also looking for Antony and others. When they find someone, they will give an explanation to them.

Everyone can see that he is perfunctory. What can we do if we can't find someone? It can never be explained.

Of course, the situation is tense now. These two regions are the only ones left in the world. The other European Union has been beaten to pieces and the whole territory has shrunk by half.

Now there is not much sense of existence. Of course, there is no possibility of conflict between the remaining two regions. Even if we want to have a conflict, it is not easy. After all, there is more than ten thousand miles between them.

Just when the ambassador of Eagle alliance pretended to be innocent and said he would thoroughly investigate the matter, a staff member came in and reported a piece of paper to No.1

All of a sudden, No. 1's eyes, which were not very well, lit up, and then his expression eased. He put away the report and handed it to the secretary.

The ambassador has been paying close attention to his changes and beating the drum in his heart. Is there something big going on? How could this man, who is in charge of one pole of the world, have such emotional fluctuations.

However, he behaved very gentlemanly and did not ask rashly.

Until No.1 looked up again and said in a calm voice, "it seems that you don't have to check. Anthony somehow provoked savages. Even the aircraft was smashed and flattened by people. People have been rescued by us."


At first hearing the news, the blonde Ambassador opened his eyes and blurted out in disbelief

"No way. How could he provoke savages?"

"Then I don't know. Just like what he did before, this man may have some other purpose."

One light tunnel, and then stood up: "Mr. ambassador, this matter is not over, the virtual Spirit Lord fled, you must give me a statement."

With that, he turned and left the conference hall. For a moment, the ambassador of Yinglian gang was stunned. How did it become like this.

This is stealing chicken. If you eat rice, you can compensate for it. You can also argue. But what's the situation with Anthony, and Edward, and the flying machine? That's a top secret weapon.

In this case, if the black technology products that can fly freely fall into the hands of the Asian Federation, it will not be difficult for them to understand the principle with their technical ability.

Thinking of this, he could not stay any longer and left the bunker in a hurry

Mio, when the first arrived, his staff and senior members were already waiting.

"It's 120000?" He did not rush to sit down and asked directly.

"Yes, the news has been confirmed, it's just the ghost who occupied the land of Cranford, and there are also Jay's men."

"Oh, how much more?" No. 1 sat down with a rare smile on his face.

Since the change of the world, he has seldom laughed. He stays hundreds of meters underground every day, listening to the news reported from all over the country.

Ninety nine percent of it is bad news. Every day the situation in this country is collapsing. All the pressure is on this old man. The fate of two billion people is determined by his words and deeds.

In less than a year, the population has dropped sharply by more than 100 million, which is a huge number. In some small countries, it is already a case of national subjugation.

Thanks to the strong foundation of the Asian alliance, it has been able to barely support such a day. Until Ma Zheng was born in Huangsha City, it brought a glimmer of light to the dark and desperate future.

That war added 70000 practitioners to the alliance, and then the war academy and the yellow sand Corps appeared. Then they went to the dawn blessed land, and let the old practitioners who had stagnated ascend to a new level one after another.

The emergence of a number of high-end combat forces has filled the vacancy in this level, which can be said to greatly alleviate the situation.

Now, it's 120000. No, it's more than that. There's another void Lord

"There are still more than 40000 people under Jay's hand. We destroyed a lot of them when we raided the artillery positions before." A staff officer came back.

When I said this, I was a little sorry. I knew I would not fight so hard. If I killed one, I would lose one practitioner.

Although they were sitting in the rear, they were also deeply aware of how precious each practitioner in their hands was. They used to use them as baby pimples.

Although there was an increase of 70000 in Huangsha city after the first World War, 30000 of them were in Huangsha City, and the new increase of 40000 has not yet formed a combat effectiveness. In fact, the situation has not improved much, just a little bit more chips for the future.

Forty thousand! Another battle in Huangsha City, plus 120000 in Cleveland, it's as much as 160000. In a flash, No. 1 felt that everyone's breathing increased a lot. Although they knew the news in advance, they still felt absurd“ Our ma zhenshou is really amazing No. 1 sincerely sighed that other people nodded and praised each other. Even some senior officials who had complained about his monopolization of 30000 Xuling had to take an attitude at the moment. In the face of such achievements, after reading the incident report, they all felt a huge gap. The original discomfort and calculation were suppressed. They had no choice but to do so many great things in silence, Get rid of the enemy that the whole yellow sand army can't deal with. In Ma Zheng's eyes, what they use to fight with others, to rob others, and their own calculations, it seems that they are not in the class. Other people are fighting with the outside world, but they only stare at the bowl. This contrast is that they are resourceful enough, the city government is deep enough, and they still have self-knowledge. No. 1 glanced at the senior members under his command. Many of them were big men. Behind them stood the aristocratic families, who were practicing. In the past, he had to rely on these people to act according to their faces. Now, looking at these people's faces, he just felt a kind of elation. This is a very realistic problem. The newly added legions of practitioners are directly affiliated to the alliance, and other people have no right to mobilize them. The stronger his strength is, the more honest these people are. In the past, although we were all in the same boat, But each has its own interests. Even now, it's inevitable and beneficial. Of course, it's to fish in your own pocket first.