
Old seven, who had just finished shouting, was stabbed by others. There were only three left, including black judge, life threatening knife and zhisanxing.

At this time, they had no time to grieve. Lao Qi was decapitated. He started with five thousand taels. Some of the pursuers were working alone or in teams. At the moment, none of them was envious.

Seeing that the three were forced to the cliff, they did not dare to rush up, because if they jumped directly, they would have to work harder.

Finally, whose head fell into? It's really possible, which also gives the three people a chance to breathe.

In recent days, a rare moment of peace, Zhi Sanxing looks at his two brothers, his face is full of bitterness.

No matter how brave and cruel the black judge used to be, no less than ten people have been killed in recent days, but sometimes his manpower is poor.

To get this moment, quiet down, it is inevitable to give birth to the hero's twilight, the tiger was bullied by the dog sad.

It's not that they didn't hurt the target when they went to ciyoutang. On the contrary, Lao Qi was half dead when he came back.

No one really paid attention to the fact that they killed a baby to vent their anger. Even a normal family had no way to deal with them, not to mention the orphans who had no father or mother.

I didn't think that anyone would come out for them, but this is the fuse.

"Life threatening sword, if you know what to do, you can catch it. Don't make it difficult for everyone." A swordsman standing a few feet away said.

The Dao in Lao BA's hand is full of gaps. This excellent tungsten Dao is worth more than 1000 liang of silver. I don't know how many weapons it has collided with in recent days, and how many souls it has killed

At this moment, the most reliable partner in the past has been completely destroyed, and there is no significance to repair it.

"Put your mother's fart. If you come up, I'll jump down with you." Hasten life knife eyes from the knife back, is also desperate to shout at each other.

Knowing that his head is worth five thousand Liang today, he can see it more easily.

Zhisanxing is full of tricks on weekdays, but now he doesn't say a word. What else can he say? At this time, he can't be spared by the flowers on his tongue.

At this time, he was sleepy, hungry and full of injuries, which made him unable to support without force.

This is because people are protecting him intentionally. His strategy can only be brought into play in a peaceful and stable environment or in a battle with the wind.

Once in danger, the head will jam, often not easy to use.

The wind and rain building is the organization that receives orders. The heads of the thirteen thieves were sent one after another, and finally 19 heads were sent.

Only seven of them can be verified to be true. The rest are either beyond recognition or for various reasons.

As an intermediary who specializes in this business, they naturally have intelligence channels to confirm the authenticity. It took only 35000 taels, and the thirteen thieves were killed.

As for what happened in the process and how many people ate black for the sake of black head, no one would care.

As for who they offended, it's widely spread in the world that they attacked the ciyoutang in the imperial capital that day and committed a taboo violation, so some big people wanted them to die.

All in all, ciyoutang is famous in this rumor. Anyone who dares to fight against them from now on will have to weigh it.

Can you resist the power of 5000 taels? To be honest, it's all in the world. Who's not for profit.

Once you are offered a reward, even your brothers will become untrustworthy. This time, the thirteen thieves are so proud that they make many friends.

But in the end, the eldest and the second were all trapped, and the others were not so good. Even the family tried to pit them, leaving only half of their lives to fly on the grass. They were sent to the fans by their cousins, and they were still sleeping when they got to the ground.

Who's not afraid of such a thing? Lin Feng asked Wang Xin to continue to hang up the bill. Each official disciple of the white lotus sect was one hundred Liang, and the money was calculated according to the grade.

The small leader is five hundred Liang, the hall leader is one thousand Liang, and the Dharma protector is ten thousand Liang.

Fengyu building regards Wang Xin as a VIP customer. Although according to the real value, the Dharma protector of Bailian holy religion is only 10000 Liang, and the master of the hall is 1000 Liang, they are underestimated.

It's a huge thing. It's powerful everywhere. No one dares to provoke it on weekdays.

However, in the underground world of the imperial capital, there are more and more powerful people, and there is no shortage of military men who work hard for money.

It's too difficult for those hall leaders to protect the Dharma. But there are many people in the white lotus sect.

On weekdays, there are dozens and hundreds of people in a fragrant temple every time they worship their unborn mother. They don't worry that they can't find a target.

Ordinary disciples are also one hundred and twenty-one. It's not a small sum of money. Killing a few of them is enough for a year and a half.

If you want to be more serious and destroy a incense Temple directly, there will be at least ten formal disciples besides those incense disciples. That's a thousand taels of silver. It's not the same as killing a hall leader.

For a time, the holy religion of Bailian in the imperial capital was in a great crisis, and there were constant accidents in various incense temples. The most arrogant saints became fat and were beheaded one by one. Some are on the street, some at home, some in the alley. For a moment, people in the imperial capital of the holy religion in Bailian were in danger. They just wished they had not joined in. Unfortunately, they usually acted too high-profile. Now you can't pretend to be innocent. A week later, Fengyu building sent a reward of 60000 Liang, which can be described as killing people. Even Wang Xin, who is in charge of this matter, is a little frightened. This is the power of money. Until now, she vaguely understands it. Why is Shifu so powerful, but he never stands up to get rid of the chief evils of Yanjia? It's not that he can't do it, but that he can't fight. In this world, the most powerful power is not martial arts, but money and power. Just the power of money instigated the influence of the whole area around the imperial capital, and countless green forest heroes took part in the feast. Originally, the arrogant Bailian holy religion suffered a heavy loss, so that for a moment, it disappeared from the imperial capital. Bailian Saint went to the palace to face the saint herself and cried out about what happened to the disciples. In the end, the order was withdrawn by the wind and rain building. It's no end. The Bailian holy cult has been forced by the cattle for so many years, and I don't know how many people have been suffering for a long time. There are many people who want to see them eat and suffocate. After several persons in charge of this case were changed in Dali temple, they were put on the shelf. It has become one of the numerous headless cases. Lin Feng has not been harassed any more, and there is no curfew near the ciyoutang. Even the gangsters in the street seem to have heard a little bit about it. They are polite to the orphans. On the one hand, it's because of the rumors, on the other hand, it's because of the soldiers of the inspection department. However, the soldiers and horses only stayed for a week and then withdrew. Maybe they thought it was too conspicuous and put on two teams of Imperial City Department to protect them secretly.