"If, what happens after Ye Feng's operation on her little girl?" She asked in surprise.

"Something happened..."

After hearing her mother-in-law's words, the head of the Miao nationality said coldly: "no matter who it is, it will begin to bear the most crazy and tragic Revenge of a thousand year old Miao nationality who has broken the inheritance."

Yuqingmiao light said: "I will let them know, what is dead net broken."


At the same time, Ye Feng is following Lao Bazi to Dongguan City Center.

"Is this CAITONG building?"

Ye Feng looks at the office building through the window.

At this time, it's noon break time. Many white-collar elites in suits and skirts meet to take a walk downstairs or rest in a nearby cafe.

"Yes, this is the most prosperous commercial CBD in Guancheng. According to legend, CAITONG building is the best building in Fengshui. 80% of the companies on it are Hu's enterprises!"

"I always thought that the relationship between the Hu family and your Miao village should be good, but now it seems that it is not so!"

"The Hu family and we never violate the well water, but in the last ten years, we don't know why, the Hu family began to intervene in the hermit clan, and even constantly incited some of the leaders in the periphery to revolt!"

"Hu Haofeng!"

Ye Feng read the name lightly.

"Let's go!"

Ye Feng took the people out of the car and went to the hall of the office building.

"According to the news, it should be on the 14th floor!" Lao Bazi went up to the elevator.

The elevators here are made of induction cards, not office buildings. The staff can't get in.

But it's hard for Ye Feng to touch the person next to him and switch the induction card.

If you can't even get in, it's not embarrassing.

Looking at the changing number of floors on the elevator, Lao Bazi sighed and said softly, "we have sent many people to this building before. Most of them don't know about life and death. We don't know what's mysterious here!"

"In the face of absolute power, all kinds of intrigues are just paper tigers!" Ye Feng doesn't care.


Soon, the fourteenth floor arrived. When the elevator was opened, the people on the scene were surprised to grow up.

Even Ye Feng was surprised, because there was an antique temple in front of them.

Yes, an ancient temple.

Several huge wooden pillars stand in the stairwell. It seems that the office buildings on the second or third floor are used to get through, because the office buildings are only about two or three meters in height, but the big wooden pillars surrounded by the arms are at least three or five meters in height.

There is a big archway like thing intertwined between the wooden pillars. In the archway, there is a plaque with the words "Five Dragon gods" written on it.

Coiled on the wooden pillars, the Dragon flies up and down to guard the plaque.

In this ancient temple, there are not only cornices, sandalwood, censers and stone gates, but also rows of attics and antique rooms.

Looking from the archway, there are all kinds of magical figures and exotic animals carved on the attic.

"My God They actually moved an antique Taoist temple into a modern office building. " Yu Rongrong said in surprise.

If you see this simple Taoist temple in the village or in some fields or mountains, you won't be surprised.

However, in a high-end office building in the center of Dongguan City, the capital of a modern Province, the difference between the former and the latter is so great that it makes people feel strange and strange.

"I didn't expect it to be true..."

Looking at these things, Lao Bazi shook his head and said in surprise: "they all said that you would be surprised when you come to the five dragon Shinto Temple of the fifth master of insects. This really surprised me. "

"How much does it cost..."

Looking at the sign of the Chinese spiritual Association next to the Taoist temple, Yu Rongrong shook her head and gave a bitter smile. It was really powerful.

"Who is the fifth master of insects?"

Ye Feng looks at the office building being demolished like a warehouse. He reaches out and touches these wooden pillars for support. They are solid wood. I really don't know how they came in.

It is true that money can make the ghost push the mill. This scale is not only the ghost push the mill, but also the ghost push the mill.

"Chong Wu Ye is the Royal Wizard of the Hu family. It's said that he's very powerful. He's a confidant trained by Hu Haofeng himself. The wizard and Chong Wu are his right-hand men!"

Lao Bazi explained: "however, the fifth master of the insect is so good at seeing the head but not the tail. Most of them just heard about it. Few people have seen it, and it's so hidden that there's almost no news in the market!"


Ye Feng stepped forward and gently pushed open the gate under the archway. In the empty Taoist hall, there was a incense burning desk in front of him.A faint light fell from the top glass and directly shone on the futon in front of the desk, giving more light to the dark hall.

There was no light in the hall, and two rows of people in ancient clothes stood quietly on both sides. There are men and women in their 30s and 40s. There are also some old people with white beards. They all seem to have a lot of temperament.

At least Ye Feng has never seen such a dragon. It has the head and characteristics of a dragon, but it is bloated all over. A big mouth is remarkable, but it doesn't have the beauty of the lines of a Chinese dragon at all.

See Ye Feng push the door to come in, all just turned around to see one eye, did not say anything, still standing quietly in the original position.

"Master worm five, do you think my child can be saved?"

At this time, from the middle Taoist temple, a group of people came out with great gratitude.

Seeing Ye Feng's arrival, a girl in a white training suit trotted over in the Taoist temple. "It's Mr. Ye Feng. Our master said," please wait a moment. He will come when he is busy. "


Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng frowned and motioned for long Ying and others to stay still to see what the fifth master was.

"Please wait a moment, distinguished guest!"

After seeing the people off, the man sitting in the middle of the putuan in the Taoist temple raised his head and said slowly.

However, instead of turning around, he took a piece of paper from someone else's hand, looked at the number written on it, turned his head and asked a woman like all believers around him, "is this the eight characters of the child you asked me to help last time?"

"Yes, Mr. Long Wu, please be merciful

The believers on the opposite side, prostrate respectfully on the ground, said: "I have only one daughter, please be merciful!"

"This little girl is my predestined friend, and I will treat him myself. I'll be there tomorrow afternoon Please make sure your child stays at home

The old man still did not turn back. Just light said.