Chapter 139

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
Hudson Valley, wooden villa.

On the big bed in the bedroom on the second floor, Jason and the three are sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the mobile phone beside the pillow began to vibrate wildly.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

The mobile phone vibrated for more than ten seconds, and Jason still slept soundly.

Harry frowned and slowly opened her sleepy eyes.

Thinking that she was about to become a mother, Haley was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all. She tossed in bed for more than an hour until a few minutes ago.

At this time, she was still in shallow sleep. The vibration of her mobile phone woke her up directly.

"Who!" Harry muttered angrily.

Turning on his cell phone, the caller showed that he was a member of the clown organization and a fugitive from long island prison.

He worked as a contact for stan in Washington.

Calling so late, does Stan have something urgent to inform.

With doubt, Haley pressed the call button.

“boss! Great, finally answer the phone. S.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. has found the Valley Villa. The missile is coming soon. Hurry and leave! "

Hearing the speech, Haley woke up.

She turned over fiercely, rolled between Jason and belmord, grabbed their hands, moved her mind, and disappeared in an instant.

The next second, the three fell outside in the dense forest.

Lying on the cold and wet ground, Jason woke up in a moment.

"Haley, are you..."

He stood up before he finished.

Two missiles with tail inflammation cut through the sky and accurately hit the wooden villa not far away.


A loud noise!

The wooden villa was instantly submerged by the hot fire and turned into fragments.

The sight of the three people was slightly hurt by the red and white fire.

The land in the pasture is relatively soft. The missile went underground and exploded, directly causing the collapse of large areas of land around.

A row of houses tens of meters away from the wooden villa fell into a dark pit.

Jason frowned and stared at the mess in front of him.

The two women around him also covered their mouths in surprise.

How close!

More than ten seconds later, the three will be completely finished.

After a long time, Jason took a light breath and asked, "Harry, what's going on?"

Harry said with an ugly expression: "Stan's contact just called and said that the s.h.i.e.l.d. found the location of the Valley Villa and fired missiles at the villa. Let me take you away urgently. What's the specific situation? I acted before he finished. "


Special shield again!

Counting the missile attack a month and a half ago, this is the second time!

Jason's eyes turned red and suddenly his veins burst on his forehead.

He clenched his fist and said coldly, "there must be surveillance from the s.h.i.e.l.d. near here. Harry, find him."

Haley nodded and unleashed her powers.

Soon, the spatial image within a kilometer radius came to her mind.

Those s.h.i.e.l.d. agents who thought they were hiding very secretly had nothing to follow in front of Haley's super powers.


"Hoo! The task is completed and we can meet the captain. "

Looking at the fire all over the sky and hiding in the deep forest, the special combat team members with binoculars breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up his backpack on the ground and was ready to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he saw three figures appear in front of him.

A muscular man in boxers and two stunning beauties in silk pajamas.

"Jay... Jason!"

Seeing Jason, who should have turned into a corpse, suddenly appeared in front of him.

The special combat team members were so frightened that they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Jason's eyes were cold and walked forward.

The special combat team members recovered, pulled out a miniature submachine gun from their backpack and fired at Jason.

"Go to hell!"


Orange bullets hit Jason and all fell to the ground.

Jason gathered energy, walked lightly and appeared in front of the special combat team members in an instant.

The strong arm swung round, and the violent energy gathered on the fist, faintly emitting a light blue light.

With a roar, the big fist of the sandbag hit the head of the team member fiercely.

The hardest skull of the human body is as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of huge energy.


The player's head burst like a watermelon.

Broken meat, brains and blood splashed Jason's face.

The gunfire stopped suddenly!

The headless body fell straight back to the ground.

Jason licked the blood from the corners of his mouth and said, "next!"

Late at night, the sound of submachine gun was very harsh.

Rumlow thought the mission was successful and was preparing to send a message to Nick Frey when he heard gunshots in the dense forest not far away, accompanied by bursts of fire.

Just when he looked blankly and didn't know what had happened.

In the other corners, gunshots rang out one after another.

“shit! Jason is not dead! "

Romlow thought of the only possibility in an instant.

He dared not even pick up the black bag on the ground, so he ran out.

But before he ran a hundred meters away, three figures appeared in front of him.

Jason killed several people in a row, and his body was splashed with blood and broken meat, just like the devil who had just climbed out of the sea of blood.

Romlow stopped and stepped back vigilantly.

"Oh, bigguy, I'm just a soldier, I'm just obeying orders, I..."

Romlow hit his back against a tree and couldn't retreat.

Jason didn't say a word and walked slowly towards him with a cold face.

The strong right arm condensed again, the terror energy visible to the naked eye.

Romlow glanced and gave up the idea of resistance.

"I surrender. Don't kill me. I confess that I'm not from the Divine Shield Bureau. I..."

Jason interrupted him, raised his fist and said, "it's none of my business who you are."

"No! It has a lot to do with you. " Romlow took out his video phone and said, "whether you want to kill me or not, please talk to my boss before you decide."

"Your boss? Nick Frey? "

Ramlow shook his head and did not explain the direct click video call.


Three wings headquarters, Washington.

Alexander picked up the phone at hand, looked at the contact person on the screen, and a smile of appreciation came from the corners of his mouth.

When the video call is connected, Jason is covered with blood in the picture.

"Jason Walter, you didn't disappoint me."

Alexander sat down in his chair and said, "I know you are angry and have many questions, but now that you have passed my test, I can share my secret with you."

Seeing the face, Jason's memory began to roll in his mind.

A few seconds later, several blurred images were found.

Jason moved his lips and said disdainfully, "no, I know your background very well. You and he are Hydra people. Not only that, there are also many hydras undercover inside the s.h.i.e.l.d. "

Hearing the speech, Alexander's expression was like seeing a ghost, and the smile on his face could no longer be maintained.

Hydra has been lurking for decades. No one knows its existence. How does this murderer know? Is there an undercover in Hydra?

For a moment, Alexander patted his palm and said with appreciation, "very good! It seems that I still underestimate you. Now that you know all about it, I won't give up and tell you the truth. "

"First, bombing your house was Nick Frey's proposal. It has nothing to do with me or Hydra. "

"Of course. I could have stopped his plan, but on second thought, it might be a good test. If you can pass this test, you are qualified to join us. "

Jason's face showed disdain.

Alexander was not angry, and then said, "I know that nine out of ten arrogant people like you will not choose to join Hydra. It's just a proposal. It doesn't matter if you don't agree."

"In my opinion, Hydra and clown have a good foundation for cooperation, because we have a common enemy, s.h.i.e.l.d. and Nick Frey."

"Cooperation? What benefits can I get? "

Alexander said: "there are many benefits of cooperation with Hydra. In fact, we have been secretly sponsoring many terrorist organizations. The violent and terrorist cases around the world are basically related to Hydra."

"That Mr. Norman Stanfield is your man. Don't be too busy defending. Hydra has got the conclusive evidence, but I sealed it for the first time. The s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. agents, including Nick Frey, don't know. "

"As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I will promote Stanfield and ensure that he will become a level 7 agent of the Divine Shield within two years. You should know what a powerful organization the s.h.i.e.l.d. is. Becoming a top-level organization of the s.h.l.d. is beneficial and harmless to your clown organization. "

"Secondly, the clown organization lacks funds, equipment, weapons and official protection. I can provide these to you free of charge. I don't need you to do anything for Hydra."

"How's it going? You won't suffer from this cooperation. "

Hearing the speech, Jason was silent, and the energy of his right hand slowly recovered from his body.

"Don't suffer? The Hydra just spent a little money and provided some information, so it can use the clown organization as a weapon to deal with the Divine Shield Bureau. You can't lose any money in this business. "

Alexander smiled and said, "isn't it good for us to cooperate and win-win?"

Jason smiled and nodded, "yes, of course. I can try to cooperate with you. As for long-term cooperation or short-term cooperation, it depends on your sincerity. "

Alexander breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "that's it! Hydra and clown organizations work together, and the destruction of the Divine Shield bureau is just around the corner. "

"By the way, Ramlow is my man. Now that we have reached cooperation, you can spare his life. As compensation, I can give you the spy of s.h.i.e.l.d. hidden in the clown organization. "

Sure enough, there is a traitor!

Jason's face showed anger again.

"Yes, I agree to this deal!"

Hearing the speech, Ramlow was relieved.

"The traitor is a level 7 agent of the s.h.i.e.l.d., Clinton Barton, nicknamed 'eagle eye', and people familiar with him call him Clint."


Jason suddenly remembered the new man Billy recommended to him during the day.

"He is a divine archer. At the same time, he is proficient in fighting, flying and all kinds of cold weapons. He is an ace in Nick Frey's hand!"


First watch!