Chapter 276

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
"Hani, you have to wait a little longer. I haven't finished yet."

When she heard footsteps approaching, Haley didn't lift her head and concentrate on enjoying the pasta.

"Sit down, this is my wife..." Jason opened his chair, and the strong man sat down after thanking him.

Aware that there were more people around, Haley quickly raised her head and looked at him curiously: "this is..."

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet." Jason handed over the menu, too.

"Sol! Sol odinson... Sorry, I can't order. You'd better come. "

"Poof! what!”

Harry was so surprised that she almost sprayed out the pasta.

Then he stared at him in horror and turned to look at Jason.

He's Thor!

It's said that I won't contact the protoss for the time being. How can I bring others over for dinner in the twinkling of an eye? I'm not ready yet.

It's time to start later. Do you want to start first.

Since the opponent is a Protoss, I'll call some helpers. It's not a loss.

Harry's mind broke and winked at Jason in a panic.

"Nice name."

Jason called the waiter to order a lot of food and took the opportunity to respond to Haley to calm her down.

The speed of serving food in the restaurant was very fast. As soon as the three exchanged their names, the two waiters put three plates of food on the table.

Sol thanked again and began to wolf down.

Although Asgard is the leader of the nine realms and the treasure of heaven, the earth is more dominant in terms of food.

In front of him, a plate of ham and cheese pizza for two was rolled up by sol and used as a pie.

“nice!” After swallowing the pizza, he looked away and put out his thumb to praise: "I've never eaten such delicious food."

Jason scolded woodlouse in his heart. He laughed and said, "eat more and have enough!"

Sol nodded gratefully and continued to destroy the next food.

Deprived of his divine power by Odin, he became a mortal completely.

This strong body also began to weaken rapidly. In order to slow down the decline, he must supplement a lot of nutrition.

Jason just ordered enough food for ten people to enjoy at dinner. As a result, sol ate it alone.

"The drink tastes good."

Sol took the coffee and drank it, then nodded in approval.

"Another drink?"

Jason smiled as if he were watching an orangutan who could eat.

"Well, another drink!"

Sol threw the ceramic coffee cup into pieces and startled the guests around.

The waiter heard the sound and ran out to check. Jason took out some change and blocked their mouths.

"Clean the floor and have another caramel macchiato."

"Just a cup of coffee? You can have some more." Harry smiled and talked. She was very friendly.

Just ten minutes after dinner, she had been secretly observing sol, and her nervous heart finally relaxed.

In her memory, the protoss should be strong, kind and dignified.

But the Thor in front of him not only has no dignity, but also has a somewhat funny feeling.

The tension was dispelled by him.

At the same time, she guessed Jason's meaning, so she began to take the initiative.

"I'm full." Sol responded with a smile and touched his stomach.

"I think you are barefoot and have no money. Have you been robbed?"

Not a family. If you don't enter a family, they even have the same routine.

"No, i... I am..." the smile on Sol's face stiffened.

Recalling what happened a few days ago, he mocked himself: "I made a mistake and was driven out of the house by my father."

Father, that's Odin.

I didn't expect the protoss to have such a family ethics plot.

Harry and Jason looked at each other quietly.

Harry's eyes were surprised, Jason's eyes were mocking, as if to say: look, the so-called God is just like this.

The waiter cleaned up the debris and brought another cup of coffee.

Harry stood up to take it and put it in front of sol.

"Quarrels between father and son are common. I'm sure you will reconcile."

"Thank you." Sol held the cup in both hands.

"What should you do next? You can't sleep on the street. The public security is not very good recently." Haley is a little worried.

"I don't know." Sol was also confused about the future: "but I have to find my hammer first."

"Hammer?" Harry looked blank.

"Yes, that's my weapon, a great weapon."

Talking about Thor's hammer, sol smiled again and couldn't wait to show off the magic hammer.

The two asked and answered, chatting very vigorously.

Harry is a master of psychology. From the moment she accepted Sol's identity, her every move perfectly explained what a bosom sister is.

Sol didn't feel any pressure when chatting with her. On the contrary, he was very worried about being expelled by his father, and he was willing to talk to Haley.

Jason, who first invited her to dinner, became a bystander.

Saul loved to show off. With Hallie's deliberate guidance, he shook things out in less than ten minutes.

Including his true identity, his Protoss parents, his plastic brothers, and his past glory and mistakes.

"Oh! Buy! Ah! "

Harry supported her small head with her hands and narrowed her eyes into crescent moon.

"Your story is wonderful, but I still don't believe you will be Thor."

"I know I don't believe it." Sol was embarrassed to look at Haley and could only cover it up with the action of drinking coffee: "but I promise, everything I said is true."

Harry smiled and winked at Jason without leaving a trace.

The information has been obtained. What should we do next.

Jason was actually surprised.

He didn't expect to meet sol here, and he didn't expect that the fool was fascinated by Haley and told all the important information directly.

As for what to do next... He doesn't know.

Kill him?

With Jason's current strength, Saul doesn't even need 0.1 seconds to get rid of the mortal state.

But after killing him?

The angry asgards will come to revenge on a large scale!

Not to mention Odin, the Lord of the gods, Asgard's soldiers alone can uproot the clown organization.

Forget it, keep a low profile and let him go for the time being.

"You're full. We should go, too." Jason stood up and said goodbye.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner." Sol was a little reluctant

"You're welcome." Jason took out a pile of cash from his wallet: "take it and stay in a hotel."

Sol knew that this was the coin of the earth and accepted it without hesitation.

I will repay you when I return to Asgard.

He thought to himself.

Sol didn't come back until they completely disappeared.

I don't know when there was a car parked beside him.

"It's you!"

He recognized the beautiful woman in the driver's seat, who had knocked him down.

"You... You... You know those two people." The woman looked frightened.

"I don't know, but they just invited me to dinner and gave me the money before they left. They must be a good man."

"Good man!" She rolled her eyes in a feminine way.