Chapter 282

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
Central region, secret base of s.h.i.e.l.d.

This base has not been built for a long time. Its geographical location is remote. There are old yellow sand trees in a radius of 100 kilometers. There is no human habitation. The equipment and supplies of the base personnel are sent in from the outside by transport aircraft.

In addition to security and logistics, there are thousands of scientific researchers in the base, and their service object is only one person.

The Kun fighter landed in the hangar. Natasha in combat clothes stepped off the plane with a faint smile on her face.

You know, unless you are on a mission, this famous spy flower will not easily show such an expression.

Strange to say, this is clearly one of the most dangerous bases of the Divine Shield Bureau, but Natasha can feel unprecedented ease here, and the pressure on her shoulder is gone.

Maybe it's because the owner of this base is a cow who can protect her from the wind and rain.

"Where is Dr. Benner?"

After Natasha asked the location, she went to the laboratory alone.

In the middle of the night, Dr. banner was still wearing a white coat and glasses, staring at the progress of the experiment.

The assistant beside him held the notebook and recorded the experimental data.

A few minutes later, the dish broke and the experiment failed again.


Banner took off his eyes in disappointment and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his fingers. He hasn't closed his eyes for three days.

After a short rest, he looked up and said, "let's try again. This time, the dose is modified to..."

Halfway through, he found that the eyes of several assistants were looking out of the window, and the expression on their faces was very strange.

Banner also looked over and found a charming smiling face staring at him.

For a moment, his heart was hot and uncontrollable.

"That's all for today, Dr. Benner. Go back and have a rest."

The assistants were all smart people. The bad things between Banna and Natasha couldn't escape his eyes, so they left the laboratory under the pretext of rest.

Natasha pushed the door and went in.

Banner took off his glasses and smiled more. "Why are you here?"

Natasha blinked her big amber eyes and said seriously, "there's a job for you."

The smile on Banner's face was stiff and then returned to the original state: "Oh..."

This irrecoverable loss is really interesting.

Natasha couldn't bear to tease him. She approached him a few steps face to face and jokingly said, "come and see you, too."

Banner was overjoyed, his lost mood was swept away, and he scratched his head at a loss.

"Well... You just said you had a job?"

Work is a good thing to ease embarrassment.

"Well, take a look first." Natasha handed out a stack of information.

Banner took the information, sat back at the table and put on his eyes again.

Natasha sat opposite, her head on one hand, admiring the hard-working man.

After reading the data quickly, Banner's expression was very serious: "the cosmic cube was robbed by rocky... What do you need me to do?"

"Find him!"

"But I'm only fit to fight."

Natasha shook her head slightly, and her tender eyes seemed to say again: your ability is more than that.

"The cosmic cube will always release ultra-low doses of gamma rays. We can find the cube through this, and no one in the world knows gamma rays better than you."

"So it is." Banner thought intently. He should have a train of thought: "when shall I start?"

"Have a good rest tonight and start early tomorrow morning."

"Where are you going?"

"A place where you can startle your chin off."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it."

After talking about work, Natasha offered to invite: "let's go and have dinner together."

Banner immediately stood up and said, "OK, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I know you didn't eat. I'm waiting for you."

Worthy of being the flower of spies, three or two love words made Banna blush like a little boy in his first love.

The two left the laboratory and walked shoulder to shoulder towards the base restaurant.


Benner and Steve both have permanent residences. It's easy to find them, but Tony Stark is different.

Since he was scared of being beaten by Jason, he seemed to have a psychological shadow. Wherever Jason appeared, he retreated.

Malibu's luxury house does not live, and the company with a market value of trillions does not care. It seems that the world has evaporated, and Hollywood stars and ladies are a lot lonely.

In the past, he somehow left an encrypted number for Nick Frey to contact him in case of emergency.

But since they broke up, this number has become empty.

However, Tony is not a heartless person after all. There is another way to contact him.

In other words, this is the contact information he deliberately left.

The agent in charge of the matter sat in the office and dialed pepper pepper pepper's private phone with an encrypted phone, which was provided by Natasha.


The phone was connected. The caller's voice was clear and nice. It was obviously not pepper.

The agent was not surprised at all, and then said, "I'm an agent of s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., No. 009527. I hope to talk to miss pepper Potts."

"Sorry, you have the wrong number. I don't know the person you said."

"It doesn't matter, but please tell Miss pepper: the situation on earth is extremely urgent. We need iron man to save the world."

"Doodle doodle..."

There's no connection over there. Just hang up.

The agent remained on the phone, confident that Tony Stark would call him back.

Stark is a sentimental man. That's what Nick Frey thinks of him.

After waiting for a whole hour, the plane finally rang.

"Hello!" The agent immediately picked up the phone.

"Who are you?"

Yes, it's his voice.

The agent cleared his throat and introduced himself word by word.

"What's up?" Tony's words are like gold.

"The s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. needs your help. We can't talk about it in detail on the phone. Let's talk about it when we meet."

"Yes, I'll see you in Houston in an hour. You can't wait!"

The agent was surprised and hurriedly said, "Mr. stark, an hour..."

The phone hung up again.

I can't get there in an hour.

Forget it, bet.

He quickly picked up his coat and ran to the apron. A Kun fighter took off immediately and flew to Houston at full speed.

It turned out that the agent's calculation was correct.

Even at full speed, the fighter will eventually be some distance from Houston.

But just then, the airborne intelligent voice assistant gave an alarm and the aircraft's flight system was cracked.

The agent didn't understand what he meant. The cabin door suddenly opened and a red and gold war armour flew in.

"Mr. stark?" The agent held the pistol nervously, although he knew it didn't work.

Tony opened his mask and said coldly, "give me the information."

Seeing the real person, the agent was overjoyed and quickly handed over the prepared information.

The content of the electronic version is very detailed, including not only the information of rocky and the universe cube, but also the information of banner, the black widow and the U.S. team. Nick Frey, a miser, was generous at last.

After a cursory sweep, Tony looked dignified. It seemed that he would stay up late tonight.

He didn't give a reply. He just collected the information and left the plane.

"What the director said was true..."

The agent piloted the plane back and said with relief.