Chapter 292

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星

Who is it!

Jason rolled his eyes helplessly.

Well, another big man who hasn't heard his name.

I thought life would become boring after ruling the earth. Now it seems that the Marvel Universe is much larger than I thought.

"What does mieba want to do when he collects infinite gems? Can you summon the dragon to realize your wish by collecting six infinite gemstones? "

Rocky didn't know the stem to summon the dragon, and in his memory, the dragon was not a powerful creature. When summoned, it would be a mount at most.

"Infinite gemstones are the origin of the universe. Whoever can collect six infinite gemstones is the master of the universe. Just a snap of your fingers can destroy the world or save the world. "

Sleeping trough, so powerful!

Jason was stunned.

Just snap your fingers and you'll get what you want. It's much more powerful than the dragon. At least you don't have to chant a curse. There's no limit once a year.

Jason felt hot inside, as if he had found a new goal in life.

He continued to ask, "what about mieba? Does he want to save the world or destroy the world?"

Rocky shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know mieba. I just looked at him from a distance and didn't know anything about his plan. "

Hearing the speech, Jason looked disdainful: "hum! It's a shame to lose the second generation of God for your sake. "

Without blushing or blushing, rocky took the opportunity to say, "but I know many secrets of the universe. As long as you don't kill me, I promise to tell you all these secrets."

"Well, I don't believe you will be so honest." Jason smiled wickedly, clenched the scepter in one hand and pointed to Rocky's chest.

"You are a crafty man, and your words are half true and half false. It's better to control you with spiritual gemstones."

Hearing the speech, rocky looked pale and obviously nervous.

"Look, you still have something to hide." Jason noticed the change of expression on his face and said sarcastically.

Facing the shining scepter, rocky retreated continuously, looked up anxiously and looked up at the sky.

Jason also looked up. As a result, there was nothing but the stars in the sky.

"Why do you expect your father to save you? If I'm right, Asgard's tools for shuttling through the universe should be damaged. "

Rocky looked at him incredulously.

The Rainbow Bridge incident is Asgard's secret. He knows so much about it.

"Hehe, it seems that I guessed right." Jason's expression on his face was more proud. Holding the scepter, he slowly leaned closer and said, "don't struggle. No one will save you."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a flash of lightning in the dark night sky, and a few seconds later, a loud thunder sounded.

thunder shower?

Jason frowned.

Hearing the thunder, Rocky's mouth tilted slightly.

He got up from the ground, looked up and said, "the rainbow bridge is indeed damaged, but don't underestimate Odin. There is more than one ability to send people to the universe. "

As soon as Rocky finished speaking, there was a breaking wind in the sky.

Looking up, a dark figure flew here at top speed.

Jason gathered energy in an instant and threw the energy ball out.


The energy ball collided with the figure and made a violent roar, but the dark figure was safe after the explosion.

Jason saw the man's face clearly in the light of the explosion.

Thor - sol!

"Those who come are not good!" Jason whispered.

"Rocky!" Sol shouted at a loud voice and threw the Thor hammer at Jason.

Thor's hammer carries the power of lightning and Odin's blessing.

Jason is just a mortal. He doesn't dare to fight with him without understanding. He dodged the attack with a beautiful.


The hammer made a big hole where Jason had just stood.

The next second, sol, wearing fairy armor and red cloak, fell to the ground.

He stretched out his strong arm and opened his palm, and the Thor hammer immediately flew back into his hand.

Jason's eyes lit up and thought it was cool.

The two were separated by more than ten meters and looked at each other.

The expression on Sol's face was somewhat angry and complicated: "Jason... Long time no see!"

Jason nodded and said, "it's been a long time. But as soon as we met, you gave me a hammer and blinded me to the meal I invited you to eat. "

Saul was indignant. He reached out and pointed to Jason's nose and said, "don't pretend. You invited me to dinner just to get close to me. Jane has told me everything about you. You are a cancer on the earth and a murderer stained with blood! "


It's his girlfriend.

Jason said with disdain: "it turns out that the legendary Thor is a person who judges things by listening to the pillow wind. I've really seen a lot. Who do you inherit, your father Odin? "

Sol choked and couldn't speak.

He really only heard Jane fortes say about Jason, but a beautiful and kind person like Jane would never lie.

Sol didn't come to judge right or wrong. He pointed to rocky and said, "don't talk about it in advance. I ask you, why did you hit rocky? He's my brother! "

Jason pointed to the organization comrades lying around and said sarcastically, "since your brother came to the earth, hundreds of thousands of people have died directly or indirectly in just a few days, including my woman and my subordinates. Why do you say I shot him!"

Hearing the speech, Sol's expression stiffened.

All he knew was that rocky had caused trouble. He didn't expect him to kill so many people.

"In fact, he was adopted."

Jason: "I don't care if he was adopted by Odin or his illegitimate son. Those who dare to touch me must be punished. "

Sol shook his head and said solemnly, "although rocky committed a great crime, he can only be punished by Odin, the Lord of the gods."

Jason looked angry and said coldly, "are all my people dead in vain? Isn't the life of people on earth life? "

Sol: "

After a thought, Jason energy possessed: "since we can't agree, let's fight. If you win, rocky belongs to you, and if you lose, you and he belong to me. "


As soon as the voice fell, Jason blinked behind sol.

He held a huge energy ball in his hand. As soon as sol looked back, the energy ball would hit him in the face.

But sol is worthy of being the descendant of Odin. His fighting consciousness dumped rocky dozens of blocks.

He didn't look back at all. He swung a hammer and threw it at his back.

Jason was surprised and bent back quickly.

The hammer containing the power of lightning wiped his face.

If the reaction had been a little slow just now, it would have been hit into a concussion.

Thor still has some skills.

Just a move to defend and counterattack, Jason judged Sol's falseness and reality, and then pushed away.


Before Jason could stand firm, sol raised his hammer and roared.

In an instant, a flash of lightning fell from the sky, splitting Jason who had nowhere to escape.


Sol was ecstatic and confident in it.

Because countless enemies have been destroyed under the thunder, and there are many more evil and powerful people than Jason.

"Both brothers have the same character!"

Before the smile on Sol's face bloomed, Jason's voice came from the dust.


As the plot needs, Thor's strength has been strengthened! The movie version of Thor is totally funny. A Protoss is actually fifty-five with a human.