Chapter 294

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
"Rocky, where is the cosmic cube?" Sol grabbed Rocky's shoulder and pressed for the whereabouts of the cosmic cube.

Rocky has committed an unforgivable crime by making waves on the earth and killing hundreds of thousands of people.

With the support of his brother, the earth people still dare not do anything to him.

But if they return to Asgard, they don't know how their father Odin will punish him.

So sol hoped that he could honestly explain the whereabouts of the cosmic cube, try his best to compensate for his mistakes, and maybe return to Asgard to avoid death.

Rocky spread out his hand with a mocking smile. "I'm here. I lost it."

"You..." sol was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Hey..." Tony sighed softly, thinking that today's task was not easy.

Sol's face was burning and painful. He felt like he had no face.

He had just boasted in front of the tin man, but Rocky's words gave him a slap in the back.

"Rocky, hand over the cosmic cube and give up your unrealistic ambition!" Sol raised the hammer as if he really wanted to beat rocky up.

"Don't forget, you need the cosmic cube to bring me back. Kill me and you'll never go back. " Rocky's expression was calm, confident, and he didn't panic at all.

In the face of Jason's unreasonable madman, he may be afraid.

But the man in front of him was his familiar stupid brother. He knew exactly what the other person was thinking.

Sure enough, sol had no choice after he made a cruel attack.

He can't fight again. He can't ask the result. He really has no choice.

Then Tony said, "take rocky on board. Even if he doesn't say, we have other ways to find the cosmic cube. "

Sol thought for a moment and had to nod.


Tony led the way, and sol took rocky to the boat.

It is said to be a ship. In fact, it is an aerospace aircraft carrier secretly developed by the s.h.i.e.l.d.

The aircraft carrier is larger than all aircraft carriers in service, and is equipped with four giant turbine engines, which can send the 10000 ton beast to an altitude of 10000 meters.

In addition, the aircraft carrier is also equipped with the most advanced technologies and weapons on earth. It can even disappear completely in the field of vision through the reflective panel.

In order to welcome rocky, s.h.i.e.l.d. specially prepared a special room for him.

The room is surrounded by high-strength transparent glass to monitor Rocky's every move.

Once rocky does something strange, just press the button and the room will fall from 10000 meters.

In order to deal with unknown enemies, the Divine Shield bureau can be said to be fully prepared.


In the aircraft carrier laboratory, Natasha and Banna are tracking the cosmic cube through gamma instruments.

Tony took off his armor and took sol into the lab.

After looking around, he asked, "the captain hasn't come yet?"

Natasha shook her head, feeling a little lost.

"It was a great blow to him that two women who loved him died because of him. If it were me, I would rather find an uninhabited island and die alone. "

"Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen to you." Tony leaned over and put his right hand on Banner's shoulder.

Benner's face turned red in an instant.

He looked at Natasha quietly and saw that the other party had no disgusting expression. Then he changed the topic and said, "by the way, did rocky speak?"

Nonsense, if rocky spoke, how could they sit here chatting.

Tony: "no, this guy's mouth is too hard to convince his brother who grew up together."

Several people turned to look at sol and saw him standing in the corner with a lost face.

Rocky's brother really broke his heart.


The door of the laboratory opened. Nick Frey came in and asked, "sol, do you know the purpose of rocky taking the cube?"

Sol nodded, "his purpose is to rule the earth. He has an army called qitari. Although the combat effectiveness of the army is very poor, it is not their opponent at all in terms of your Earth's current armament strength and scientific and technological level. "

Tony tilted his lips, disdaining Sol's ability to see the earth's armaments.

The prince of the Lord of the gods actually fights with a hammer, which is even more worrying about the level of science and technology in your country.

Banner asked, "an army in outer space? Then rocky must want to use the cosmic cube to open the door of time and space. "

Natasha nodded, "that should be right, otherwise why should he take Dr. Eric."

Sol: "Dr. Eric."

Benner: "an astrophysicist."

Sol: I know. He's my friend, too

Tony: "I have to say, Rocky's plan is really good. If you want to blame him, you should blame him for provoking the least people as soon as he came to the earth. Otherwise, the probability of success of the plan is very high. "

Sol: Jason Walter

Tonillo was surprised, "do you know him? Not your friend, too. "

Sol shook his head and recalled, "when I first came to earth, he invited me to dinner. The second time I came to the earth, I had a fight with him, very strong! "

Tony said sarcastically, "Oh, so you two are quite destined."

Sol looked serious. "Then I heard Jane talk about him. This guy is a bad guy on your planet, isn't he?"

The people in the room looked at each other.

Each of them had contact with Jason, and Jason left them unforgettable memories for life.

bad person!

Jason's actions have gone far beyond the scope of bad people.

The word devil may be more appropriate.

Tony: who comes first

Natasha looked at him and said, "you go first."

"OK." Tony did not refuse: "he stole my money, killed my friends, humiliated my wife, robbed my armor, destroyed my factory, blew up my house... Forget it, there are still some things I can't say. Banner! "

Banner then said, "he caught me and experimented like a mouse. He also killed my girlfriend."

Natasha: he killed my best friend or tortured him

Nick Frey: "let me make a summary. Jason and his clown organization are making waves all over the world. So far, the number of people killed by him has exceeded one million, and the economic loss has reached trillions of dollars! "

After listening to them, Salton understood and said with a smile, "sure enough, Jane didn't lie to me."


Natasha: wait, I'm off the subject. We're talking about rocky and the cosmic cube. How can we talk about Jason and the clown organization? "

Nick Frey pulled the topic back: "sol, do you have a way to get rocky to speak?"

Sol shook his head and said, "no way. Rocky's ideas are always elusive. He has the title of king of tricks in Asgard. To tell you the truth, I was surprised to see him suffer under Jason. "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the room stopped talking. As soon as their eyes lit up, they seemed to have found a new world.