Chapter 356

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
At the end of the meeting, the virtual projection gradually disappeared and the five members went offline at the same time.

They have each prepared their own draft and are ready to report the matter to the leaders. At the same time, they are also ready to be scolded or even dismissed.

In the empty conference room, two men face each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Alexander was forked, with a fat stomach, and his white face was red with blood.

"Pause insight program! You're playing with me! Do you know how many years I have prepared for this plan? Do you know how much effort I put in? Do you know that if this plan succeeds, we can wipe out criminals all over the world! "

The fine saliva sprayed on his face, but Nick Frey didn't even blink and nodded in agreement:

"Sir, I know everything you say."

"No! You have no idea! " Alexander turned his head and didn't want to see his face.

Nick Frey patiently explained, "Sir, it's because I understand the importance of insight into the plan that I have to make sure it doesn't make any mistakes. Last night's events showed that there was an insider in the s.h.i.e.l.d., perhaps more than one. Once the insider reaches into the insight plan, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, before this matter is investigated clearly, we must not start the 'insight plan'. "

Alexander let go, sighed helplessly and said, "OK, anyway, the plan has stopped. You can say anything now."

Nick Frey comforted, "don't worry! As long as we get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible, the 'insight plan' can be restarted. "

Quarreling won't solve the problem.

Alexander was silent for a moment. When he calmed down, he asked, "how are you going to investigate this internal investigation?"

Nick Frey thought for a moment and said, "Sir, you're in charge of the internal investigation."

Alexander was puzzled and asked, "you mentioned the internal investigation. What do you want to do at this time?"

Nickelfrey turned and walked slowly out of the conference room. "I'm going to New York. I have something important to deal with myself."

"What's the matter, so anxious?"

Alexander was confused by him and wanted to go out and ask, but the man was gone.


Go back to the office and finish a cigarette.

Alexander's remaining anger did not disappear. He dialed the internal phone and asked Stanfield to come at once.

The silver gray suit was open, the white shirt had a button open, and there was a beard on the chin that had not been shaved all night.

Stanfield was disheveled and smiled. He opened the chair in front of his desk and sat down. He asked:

"Mr. chairman, what's the matter with my suspension inspection?"

"You asked for it!" Alexander, with a cold face, closed the office and asked:

"The mysterious man who attacked Nick Frey last night is from your clown organization?"

Stanfield nodded and admitted, "yes!"

Hearing this, Alexander clapped his hands on the table and shouted, "since it's your man, why don't you kill Nick Frey on the spot or control him completely! Now Nick Frey is suspicious. He not only suspended the insight plan, but also started an internal investigation. "

Stanfield put away his smile, but looked at his expression as if he didn't care about the internal investigation.

He said calmly, "the top cadres of the clown organization are free people without any constraints. What you want to do and what you don't want to do depends on your own mind. Although he is new, I have no right to order him. "

"No right!" Alexander smiled angrily, pointed to Stanfield's nose and said, "now I tell you, Nick Frey started the internal investigation to target you. From now on, you have to be grounded at home for 24-hour surveillance. "

"So I can rest!" Stanfield stood up and prepared to leave. He spread his hand and said with a smile, "great. There's a new play of Netflix to chase!"


Watching Stanfield leave the office unhurriedly, Alexander clenched his fists and burst his lungs.

There are no double blessings and no single misfortune.

After years of preparation, the "insight program" that has made countless efforts has been forcibly suspended.

The Hydra members hiding in the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. are also subject to quarantine investigation.

The loyal subordinates promoted by one hand quarreled with him.

Partner for many years, suddenly stabbed him in the back.

Four blows followed, which upset Alexander and made his brain AChE, as if someone had chiseled the back of his brain with an awl.

With a heavy sigh, Alexander leaned back and rested his head on the headrest.

After closing his eyes and taking a short rest, he finally calmed down his disordered thoughts and began to seriously think about his current dilemma.

Internal investigation sounds terrible, but it's not a big problem.

Alexander has worked in the s.h.i.e.l.d. for many years, and he still has this ability.

As long as the internal investigation is successfully passed, the shelved 'insight plan' can be restarted.

As for the back stab of the clown organization, Alexander suddenly looked away.

The previous state was that I was strong and he was weak. Stanfield was naturally obedient in front of him.

However, don't deceive the East and west of the river for 30 years

In short, the current clown organization and hydra can no longer stand at the same height for equal dialogue.

Stanfield's performance today was also expected by him.

But even with psychological preparation, it is still difficult to accept emotionally on this day.

Fortunately, there is no fundamental conflict of interest between the two countries, and there is a common enemy, the Divine Shield Bureau, so there will be no conflict in the short term.

Now the only thing that bothers Alexander is Nick Frey's unusual behavior.

Just in the conference room, Nick Frey was unconventional and openly disagreed with him despite years of promotion.

He also hinted that he had an abnormal relationship with Stanfield, and even stopped the "insight plan" and started an internal investigation.

These words, these things are sending him an important signal: Nick Frey has begun to doubt him!

But when Alexander secretly thought about how to deceive Nick Frey through the internal investigation, he actually handed over the right of investigation to himself.

Nick Frey is not a man who easily loses. There must be deeper reasons behind these abnormal behaviors.

Alexander made a bold guess based on the information at hand and his knowledge of Nick Frey over the years.

Nick Frey has some important information that needs to be investigated and verified.

Now the s.h.i.e.l.d. has been completely eroded by the hydra. Although Nick Frey doesn't know about it, he must know that if he wants to conduct an internal investigation, he can only get nothing, so he must leave.

Even though the s.h.i.e.l.d. has been eroded, the risk of conducting an investigation alone must be very high.

Once the enemy's core secret is touched, the only thing waiting for him is death.

If he were Nick Frey, he would secretly tell an outsider the information.

This person must be faithful and credible, and must have great combat effectiveness.

Then, he will deceive the enemy by using fake death, attract the attention of the enemy to the outsiders, and secretly investigate it secretly.

One bright and one dark, two pronged approach, this is the best way.

Worthy of being an old leader, Nick Frey's mind has been guessed by him.

Now the only question is: Why did he reveal his whereabouts to me?

Nick Frey's last words reminded him: I'm going to New York to investigate a case. You should send someone to follow me!

Suddenly, Alexander got up from his chair with a flash of lightning in his mind.

I see. Why did he tell me his whereabouts?

This is forcing me to kill him!

Alexander sat at the table with his hands and his face was livid.

Nick Frey has long targeted himself. He is not sure, but he must be highly suspicious.

Vacanda's intelligence leaked, because there were too many contacts, he was not sure who it was.

So this time, he directly told Alexander his next action plan.

If Alexander is not suspected, he can investigate step by step.

According to his character, he must have full confidence to find out all the problems before he will put all his eggs in one basket.

But if Alexander is the spy of s.h.i.e.l.d., he will not survive tonight.

As long as he died, Alexander was a traitor.

Then, the outsider will act according to his rear hand.

Outsiders... Ha ha!

People in New York are trustworthy and fighting.

Who else can meet the above conditions!

Nicky Frey... You really deserve to be an old spy.

There seemed to be two ways in front of him, but in fact Alexander had only one choice.


Just then, the internal telephone rang.

Alexander glanced at it. It turned out that it was rumlow, the special team captain of the s.h.i.e.l.d.

He's also a hydra, watching Nick Frey.

"What's up?"

"Sir, we lost it! Nick Frey suddenly disappeared in the cafe in the city center. We searched all around the neighborhood and couldn't find him! "

waste material!

Alexander was furious, but he was not surprised.

Let a group of soldiers follow a spy, this is like a mountain.

"Come back, you don't have to worry about Nick Frey. I'll send someone else to do it!"

Hanging up, Alexander took out his cell phone and dialed.

"Let him see me at home this afternoon!"


The sun was setting and the sky was dim.

On the outskirts of Long Island, New York, an elderly Ford car is driving slowly on a rugged road.

Its destination is a wooden seaside hut not far away.

Steve Rogers got out of the car, opened the trunk and carried a large shopping bag in his left and right hands.

It was heavy with his food and daily necessities for a week.

When he reached the door, he was ready to take out his key to open the door, but he heard a noise in the room.

Listen carefully, it's actually a dance music.

He is too familiar with this song, because it is a song from the 1930s and 1940s, and it is also the favorite of old lover Peggy Carter.

Steve had turned off the stereo before he went out. It seemed that an unexpected guest came to the door.

He put down his shopping bag and crept in through the kitchen window.

The room was dark. The uninvited guest turned off the lights and drew the curtains.

He took down the shield hung on the wall as an ornament and crept towards the living room.

Hold the shield, get ready, and stick your head out quietly.

A black man in civilian clothes was lying on the sofa for three and found him at the moment of his probe.

Steve breathed a sigh of relief, stood out from the corner and said helplessly, "I don't seem to have given you the key."

Nick Frey sat up from the sofa. "I never use a key to open the door... My wife kicked me out of my house."

Steve's face changed and said in surprise, "I didn't know you were married."

A spy full of conspiracy and betrayal can marry a wife.

Nick Frey opened the food bag in front of him, took out a vegetable roll and said, "you don't know much about me."

Steve shook his head as if he had no interest in his business.

Entering the living room, he was ready to turn on the light to greet the guests, but Nick Frey stared at him sharply and shook his head slightly.

Steve frowned and his fingers froze in mid air.

Nick Frey licked the crumbs on his finger, then took out his cell phone and wrote a line on the screen.

[there are cameras everywhere!]

Steve immediately became alert and looked around.

"I'm sorry to come to you, but I really can't find a place to spend the night." Nick Frey continued typing with his head down.

[s.h.i.e.l.d. has a mole!]

Steve was not surprised. He continued to play with him and asked, "who else knows you have a wife?"

Nick Frey: "only my friends."

Steve asked, "are we friends?"

Nick Frey stood up and approached him. "It's up to you."

Bang bang!

Suddenly, a dull gunshot rang out.

The large caliber sniper bullet pierced the wooden wall of the hut and then hit Nick Frey's body.


Nick Frey let out a wail and immediately fell into a pool of blood.

Steve reacted quickly and immediately squatted down and blocked their bodies with a shield.

Bullets came one after another and hit the shield with a clanging sound.

Steve held the shield in one hand and dragged Nick Frey to safety with the other hand.

Untie his clothes, his chest and abdomen were pierced with three big holes, and blood came out.

Steve quickly pressed the wound and looked into the living room.

Through the transparent glass, he found a figure moving rapidly on the distant hillside.

He wanted to chase the murderer, but if he left Nick Frey, he would lose blood and die.

Human life and murderer, Steve can only choose the former!

He dragged Nick Frey into the kitchen, found the medical box on the cabinet, took out the hemostatic bandage to bandage his wound, and then took out his mobile phone to call for help.

As soon as he put down the phone, Nick Frey clenched Steve's arm and turned his mouth slightly.

Steve lowered his head and approached, only to hear Nick Frey say in a weak voice:

"Don't trust anyone! Especially the s.h.i.e.l.d.'s! "

Before the voice fell, the strength of holding the arm suddenly subsided.

Nick Frey fell to the ground, closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

Don't trust anyone, especially the s.h.i.e.l.d!

Steve frowned.

It seems that the situation of the Divine Shield bureau is very serious!

Can it be said that the assassination was committed by the traitors of the Divine Shield bureau.

It's incredible. Nick Frey is the director of s.h.i.e.l.d.

With his suspicious and cold character, what kind of traitor can develop and grow under his eyes?