Chapter 397

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
Wormir is one of the tens of billions of death stars in the universe.

It is very far away from the stars in the galaxy. In addition, it is blocked by another planet, resulting in insufficient light, low temperature and desert everywhere.

So even if the planet has clean water and air, no civilization is willing to settle here.

After a long voyage of one and a half months, Jason led three fleets and finally appeared near wormir.

"Orbit the planet and start monitoring!"

Standing in the cockpit, varkiri commanded the soldiers to fly around the planet and conducted comprehensive monitoring.

The spacecraft is equipped with the most advanced detection instruments, which can analyze the surface image of the planet, life response, air quality, weapon defense and so on.

This is a necessary preparation before landing on an unknown planet.

After a few hours, the monitoring ended.

"No large-scale life response, good air quality and no weapon defense..." valkiri reported the monitoring results and projected the surface image of wormir.

KAMORA walks forward and slides the image to find the place where the soul gem is hidden drawn on the drawing.

A moment later, she pointed to a point on the image and said, "the position shown in the drawing should be here!"

Jason looked at it carefully and found that it was a low mountain less than 1000 meters high, with traces of artificial excavation.

"I hope it's worth the trip." Jason put on his coat and turned to leave.

"Jason, do you need to land the three fleets on wormir?" Varkiri asked.

"No! Since there is no ground armed force, sending a fleet can't play a role. You two can go with me. " Jason said casually.

"What about... General Darth Vader?"

"I don't know how long this trip will take. Let him sit on the Ravager and annihilate it immediately once an outsider breaks in."

"I see!"



The belly of the commander opened slowly.

A small spaceship flew out to wormir.

When the spacecraft approached the mountain, it began to slow down and finally landed on the flat ground near the top of the mountain.

The hatch opened and Jason stepped out of the ship first.

"How dark."

Jason looked up.

A red sun was blocked by the planet, resulting in the dim light line of wormir and the unusually cold air.


He took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of white fog.

"Oh, this place is so cold!" Valkiri and KAMORA followed off the ship.

The two girls were shivering with cold. They just rubbed their bodies to keep warm.

Seeing this, Jason raised his hand and released an energy shield to protect them.

"Much better now."

The energy shield can not only defend against attacks, but also heat by transforming heat energy. They suddenly feel much warmer.

"Much better, thank you."

"Let's go. It's still some way from the top of the mountain."

The three men walked step by step towards the top of the mountain along the artificial ladder.

Valkiri opened the way in front, and KAMORA was responsible for breaking the back with a sword to prevent any accidents.

It was calm all the way, but just as they were about to reach the top, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of them.


Valkiri reacted quickly and immediately pulled out the Dragon tooth sword.

The dark shadow was wearing a cloak and couldn't see his face clearly. The whole person was floating in mid air, like a demon greeting death. He opened his hands and faced the three humanity.

"Welcome, Lord Jason, valkiri, and KAMORA."

"Do you know us?"

Jason patted varkiri on the shoulder to relax and walked slowly forward.

After getting closer, he finally saw the face of the shadow.

It was a red, ugly face that was so thin that there were only skeletons left.

Jason thought for a moment and made sure he didn't know the man.

But if Steve Rogers stood here, he would recognize it at a glance.

This shadow is John Schmidt, the founder of Hydra and the sworn enemy of Captain America.

The red skeleton said, "my curse is to know everyone who comes here."

Jason didn't talk nonsense and asked directly, "where is the soul gem?"

The red skeleton said, "you should know that you have to pay a heavy price to get it."

"I'm ready."

"We all thought we were ready at first... Unfortunately, we were all wrong."

Hearing the speech, Jason frowned angrily: "don't play tricks. You can't scare anyone except a three-year-old. Take me to find the soul gem, or I'll really turn you into a ghost."

"In that case, come with me."

The red skeleton turned and walked towards the top of the mountain, and Jason three hurriedly followed.


Dozens of stone pillars stand at the top of the mountain, surrounded by remains.

Varkiri followed the red skeleton to the front and asked curiously, "you seem to know here very well?"

The terrain here is complex, but this guy is as easy as walking on the road.

The red skeleton sighed: "I once chased infinite gemstones in the last life, and even grabbed one of them with my own hands. But it abandoned me and turned me here into a guide. "

"Because for people like me, the cruelest punishment is to guide others to find treasure, but they will never get it."

What red skeleton said about the last life refers to the final battle between him and Steve on the spaceship.

After he was defeated by Steve, he wanted to grab the cosmic magic cube with the intention of Jedi counterattack. As a result, he didn't know that the gem was actually intelligent.

People didn't look at him at all, so they transferred him to wormir and stayed as a guide of the soul gem for more than 70 years.

A frozen glacier in the cold, a lonely planet in the cold, this pair of doomed enemies, really have some similarities.

A few people came to the end of the mountain, facing the cold wind, and at the foot was a kilometer high abyss.

The red skeleton stopped, turned and said, "what you have to face now is not only the treasure you are looking for, but also your inner fear."

Seeing strange and unknown patterns carved at the foot of the mountain, Jason asked, "what's that?"

The red skeleton explained, "the soul gem has a high position in the infinite gem because it has unique wisdom. In order to ensure that the owner understands the power of the gem, it needs your sacrifice. "

"Sacrifice what?"

The red skeleton said faintly, "in order to get the soul gem, you need to sacrifice your loved ones and exchange your soul for your soul."

Hearing the speech, Jason's mind came up with the smiling faces of the two children.

Tender, naive, lovely

There is no denying that Jason is a selfish and cruel man.

He can sacrifice anyone's life to achieve his goal.

Even for his brothers or accomplices, he will not be soft.

But there was also a soft place in his cold stone like heart, which belonged to the two children.

Jason is willing to sacrifice everything, destroy everything and give up everything for his children

Now an ugly face said in his ear: as long as you sacrifice those two children, you can get the soul gem.

Fuck you!

A mass of anger was burning fiercely at the bottom of his heart!

Jason turned and glared at the red skeleton. A huge energy claw caught the red skeleton's body in mid air.

"Ah! Don't... don't kill me... "

Jason made a slight effort with his five fingers, and the bones of the red skeleton suddenly clicked, which was unbearable.

"Fuck you! You ugly bastard must want to steal soul gems, so you came up with these ghost ideas. Say! Where is the soul gem? "

"No, what I said is true!"

"Hum! He refused to tell the truth when he was dying. It doesn't matter. I have plenty of ways. "

Jason stared at the red skeleton, and his pupils turned golden in an instant.

Damn dog, when I control you with the law of mind, I'll see if you tell the truth.

A moment later, the red skeleton was still wailing under the grip of its giant claws, and there was no abnormal state after its mind was controlled.

"This... How can this happen?" Jason frowned strangely.

"Oh, my God, you already have your heart gem. Then you should understand that the effects of gemstones and gemstones will offset each other. " The red skeleton explained quickly.

"The reason why I can't escape here is that I am cursed by the soul gem. As long as this curse remains on me, it's no use trying to control me with a heart gem. This is the evidence. "

Jason stared into his eyes to see if he was lying.

However, to his disappointment, the red skeleton's eyes and body movements are completely in line with the real reaction of normal people under tension and fear.

After a moment of hesitation, Jason suddenly stretched out his left hand and wrapped the red skeleton with purple energy.

This is the power of law contained in the power gem.

Jason once tried, and the result can be described in four words - invincible.

Unfortunately, when purple energy touches the body of the red skeleton, it immediately dissipates in the air.

What the bastard said is true!

Jason let go of his hand blankly, and his heart was very heavy, like a huge stone on it.

Red skeleton narrowly escaped death, picked up a life and immediately ran away from the top of the mountain.

Jason stood on the edge of the cliff and his whole body was decadent.

Valkiri and KAMORA looked at each other and felt very uncomfortable.

If sacrificing themselves can help Jason get the soul gem, they must be willing to die.

Unfortunately, they all know that Jason's beloved is not them at all.

"No! I don't believe it! There is mutual induction between gemstones. Even if I don't sacrifice anyone, I will get it! "

With that, he overflowed with energy and flew out alone.


Jason didn't eat or drink. He searched for wormir for ten days and nights, but he found nothing. He had to go back to the ship.

They wanted comfort, but they didn't know how to speak.

After valkiri's dictation, they all know the situation of wormir.

So everyone came together to think of ideas.

But after ten days and ten nights, I couldn't think of a way worth trying.

If you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice your loved ones, which is certain.

Although Jason is reluctant to sacrifice his children, the universe is so big that he can always find someone willing to do so.

Even if the other party doesn't want to, you can control them with soul gems.

However, most people are mortals who are not qualified to control gemstones.

Even if they are willing to sacrifice their loved ones, the end result is only a corpse on the top of the mountain.

And those who have the ability to control gemstones are almost cold and heartless people. They are selfish and can't have loved ones at all.

Such as Ronan and mieba.

This seems to have fallen into a interlocking dead end, and there is no way to crack it.


In the bathtub in the captain's lounge of the commander, Jason soaked himself in the water and wiped his body silently.

I don't know how long he did the same action. He didn't come out of that state until the bathroom door suddenly opened.

"Why are you?" Jason asked curiously.

"Who do you think it is?" Asked KAMORA.

Jason thought it was valkiri, a rough looking woman, who actually has a gentle heart and likes to be a good sister.

"I thought... Forget it, what are you doing here?"

"Varkiri shut himself in his room and asked me to see you." KAMORA found two bottles of wine from the room and sat askew by the bath.

Jason took the bottle, poured more than half of it boldly, and then sighed sadly.

"Stop sighing and tell me."

A sip of Lady Carmela's drink.

"Say what?"

"Tell me about your love."

"Oh..." Jason said with a bitter smile, "I don't have any love. I only love myself."

"I used to think so, but seeing your reaction that day, I knew I was wrong." KAMORA's words pierced the lie.

"What is this? Women's intuition. " Jason was a little speechless.

"Take it for granted. Let my intuition guess again. Your love... Is your child. " Said kamura.

Jason was slightly stunned, then admired and thumbed up: "great!"

KAMORA smiled, "it's not hard to guess. I used to be the love of my parents. As long as it is for my good, they are willing to eat anything. "

"Think about my childhood. Although the three of my family had a hard time, I was the happiest at that time."

"Until mieba invaded my home and brutally killed half of the residents, including my parents."

Talking about the tragedy of childhood, Kamal Ramen showed pain and didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, Jason took the initiative to break the silence.

"Well, tell me about you and mieba. The nebula told me more than once that mieba is doting on you. "

"Hum! Doting! " KAMORA sneered: "I was able to survive because he took a fancy to my fighting talent."

"Mieba gave me a knife, let me and Xingyun receive training day and night, and finally turn us into ruthless killing machines to help him plunder one planet after another."

"Over the years, my hatred for mieba has deepened a little, and now it has gone deep into the bone marrow. As long as I can kill him, I'm willing to lose everything! "


After listening to KAMORA's narration, Jason frowned and pondered for a moment.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his mood suddenly brightened.

Like a lost traveler in the desert, he found a clear lake.