Chapter 405

Name:Beautiful Man Author:摇滚之星
A head rolled to the ground.

Haila's face was up, her expression was ferocious, and she didn't close her eyes.

She waited for thousands of years until Odin's death seal was lifted, but she was beheaded in half an hour.

Without the law of death, she can no longer freely cross the edge of life and death, and is trapped in the country of death forever.

"It's over!"

After completing the revenge with his own hands, varkiri's resentment accumulated in his heart for many years slowly dissipated.

When she recovered a little, Jason said, "come on, we have to go to nidavi and find someone to make the rainbow sword."

Valkiri raised his head and looked at Asgard with complicated eyes. Then he threw the Dragon tooth sword to the ground and turned away without a trace of nostalgia.

After they boarded the ship, valkiri manually entered the nidavi coordinate points, and then casually asked, "Odin didn't leave any information. Do you know where they took the infinite gem?"

Jason nodded confidently and said, "of course, in this case, they have only one place to go."

Valkiri asked curiously, "where?"


Hearing the speech, valkiri didn't understand.

"The earth is your hometown. How can they throw themselves into the net?"

Jason smiled and asked, "do you know why I fell from earth to Saka?"

Valkiri nodded and said, "your explanation at that time was that you were exiled into the universe by a super strong man and happened to fall into Saka."

Jason said, "yes, the strong one is the supreme mage guarding the earth, and the time gem is hidden in her."

"Sol, they know very well that as long as they carry the cosmic cube, I will find it even if they escape to the corner of the universe. So the only way is to go to the earth to find the supreme mage, and then several parties work together to completely destroy me. "

After listening to Jason's explanation, valkiri finally understood.

"So when we get the rainbow sword, you can go home."

Jason sighed, "yes! Not to mention good, I miss the topic about the earth very much. "

Valkiri comforted: "don't worry, nidavi is not far from Asgard. Counting the time to make the rainbow sword, you can go home in the last half a month. "

Looking at Asgard fading away, Jason said, "I hope everything goes well."


Time passes at different rates throughout the universe.

For Jason, he has been separated from his family for seven years.

But for people on earth, Jason has left the earth for more than ten years.

Long island, New York.

A manor by the sea, covering an area as large as a standard football field.

There are three American villas in the manor, the largest one is the main hall, and the smaller one is the two auxiliary halls.

The main hall is where the manor owner lives.

Two auxiliary pavilions, one for entertaining guests and the other for the servants and bodyguards of the manor.

The manor has a standard garden and swimming pool, a small golf course and a private pier equipped with cruise ships.

If you can have such a big manor in New York, the owner here must be a rich family.

The rising sun shines in every corner, and the quiet garden is full of birds and flowers.

Two servants pushed the dining car from the sub hall to the restaurant of the main hall.

Put the breakfast carefully prepared by the cook at both ends of the 20 meter long table, and then the servants began to clean the tableware and wait for the master to go downstairs for dinner.

More than ten minutes later, the sound of leather boots trampling on the wooden floor sounded.

The servants who were cleaning up on the first floor looked up at the stairs at the same time, with a sincere smile on their faces and bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, young master, young lady!"


After a few seconds of deadlock, the servants raised their heads when they got the reply from the master.

Two young men and women came down the stairs on the second floor, came to the table and sat down.

The man is handsome, wearing a small black suit. His tight style makes him tall, long legs and extraordinary bearing.

The woman wore long blond hair, a goose yellow western style dress and a pair of short brown leather boots.

Slender white thighs folded together, no matter a frown or a smile, can capture people's hearts and souls.

Without saying a word, they ate breakfast silently and enjoyed the servant's service.

Looking closely, I found that their facial features were somewhat similar, which must be related by blood.

But outsiders don't know whether they are siblings or siblings?

The brothers and sisters with immortal appearance are Jason's two children, Brian Walter and Angelina Walter.

Jason has been away for nearly fourteen years.

At the beginning, those two little children with milk smell and dry smell have become bloody teenagers in a twinkling of an eye.

Looking back on the past, brother and sister lived a wandering life in their childhood.

In order to avoid the pursuit of his enemies and the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., Jason had to change their residence every once in a while.

They often just get familiar with an environment and will soon move away.

When he was a child, Jason's sudden departure led the whole family to move to Africa and live in an underground factory that was safe and reliable, but depressing.

At that time, the brother and sister hoped that their father could go home early every day.

But whenever they mentioned it, the two mothers would deceive them with all kinds of lies.

Until they grew up and became sensible, they realized that their father was driven away by a powerful mage and was no longer on this planet.

Although countless information has revealed that his father is still alive, no one can guarantee whether he can come back in this life.

After staying underground for several years, they finally moved to the ground and settled in the vakanda kingdom in Africa.

It was here that their childhood really began.

They made new friends in wakanda, received nearly a decade of advanced education, and ended their happiest childhood.

However, although vakenda is good everywhere, it is still too small compared with the whole world. The two children also want to go out and have a look.

So, after discussion, the two mothers decided to send them to New York to study in high school.

Although they are reluctant to give up, both mothers understand that only by letting go in time can they get better growth.

The reason for Choosing New York is that it is the most developed city on the earth besides vacanda. It is also the birthplace of Jason and the place where children are born.

The reconstruction of New York directly overturned the past road planning and regional construction.

The US government has invited many well-known design institutions to jointly create an epoch-making super city.

It gathers elite talents from all over the world. It is a real dream city.

As for the most concerned safety issue of studying abroad, the two mothers don't need to worry at all.

First of all, the manor on Long Island, New York is arranged with the fighting elite of the clown organization.

They will protect the safety of the two young ladies 24 hours a day.

Secondly, the two children inherited Jason's genes. They are super capable and have strong self-protection ability.

Then, Haley's space superpower has reached level 9.

She only needs a few jumps to reach any corner of the earth.

Once the two children were in danger, Harry could arrive quickly.

Finally, Stan Phil and his s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. will also provide children with various conveniences and security protection.

To tell you the truth, it's as convenient for clown organizations to go to New York as visiting their own gardens.

The brother and sister left the main hall after breakfast. A luxury customized Rolls Royce had stopped at the door early to wait.

"Young master, young lady, please get in the car!"

The bodyguard opened the door and let them in.

After the brothers and sisters sat down, he closed the door and sat in the co pilot.

The driver started the car and drove out of the manor smoothly.


The car was very quiet, only faint engine sound and breathing sound.

Angelina is reading a heavy reference book with a boundless universe on the cover.

Brian is facing the dressing room, finishing his carefully dyed and permed hair.

"I won't come back tonight. Don't wait for me!"

Hearing this, the bodyguard sitting in the co pilot immediately turned his head and said with an embarrassed face, "young master, I need to tell the master."

"Well... Feel free!" Brian answered and said indifferently.

Angelina drew her attention back from cosmic science and glanced at her brother.

Looking at her expression, it seems that she is not surprised at this kind of thing.

Relying on a good skin bag given by God and his mysterious family background, Brian will receive the attention of the opposite sex wherever he goes.

They have lived in the United States for less than two years. The number of women who have had in-depth conversations with Brian is no less than three figures.

What Angelina can't stand most is that there are many married wives and young women among these women.

She couldn't understand why Brian wanted to be with women who were one or more times older than herself.

Angelina would feel sick just thinking about it.

"I'm not going home again. Who's the girl tonight? Do I know him? "

"Should know, is..."

When the words came to his mouth, Brian suddenly forgot each other's name.

He scratched his head and said, "it's the blonde and long legs of the next class. His skin is very white. He likes to wear boots."

Hearing the speech, Angelina rolled her eyes and said, "Gwen Stacy?"

"Yes, that's her!"

Angelina nodded slightly and added, "yes, the girl you're looking for this time has made great progress than before."

Brian asked curiously, "well, what's special about her?"

Angelina said, "Gwen Stacy! My father is the director of the Queens district police station in New York. She is the eldest daughter of the family and has two younger brothers. "

"Not only does Gwen have a good family background, he is also an ace in the school debate team and an intern at Osborne industrial group in Manhattan."

"Oh, so it is. Then maybe I can talk to her tonight about her director's father. It can be regarded as going deep behind the enemy and spying for intelligence. "

Brian smiled and looked forward to the sleepless night tonight.

"Hey..." Angelina shook her head and declined to comment.

Seeing this, Brian looked serious and began to seriously educate his sister.

"Angelina, you are now a 17-year-old high school student. But you haven't even talked about a boyfriend yet. Don't you think it's a pity? "

"We have missed the time of puppy love. If you graduate from high school, you don't have your first love. Then your youth will turn gray. "

"I know some good friends. Do you want to call home another day and let you choose?"

Angelina turned her head and looked out of the window, her expression bland.

"I'm not interested in these things, and your friends can't get into my eyes. And you know, I have my dream. "

"Yes, I know!" Brian shook his head uninteresting: "defeat Gu Yi and become the strongest magician."

Angelina said, "since you know, you should understand that I can't waste my time on these boring things."

Hearing the speech, Brian retorted: "master Gu Yi is a strong man who has lived for thousands of years. It's not overnight to defeat her."

"If you give up your beautiful youth, I don't think it's worth it. You can wait until you graduate from college. "

Angelina snorted coldly, "it's not your turn to teach me a lesson. In my opinion, it is a waste of youth and life to go around among women every day. "

Brian scoffed: "all right! Since you don't listen to advice, we'll play our own game and don't interfere with each other. "

"We always do!"

That's the end of the unpleasant conversation.

Brian asked his mother for the right to stay at night, and then began to tidy up her appearance, while Angelina continued to immerse herself in the ocean of knowledge.

When the two children entered puberty, they gradually began to become rebellious.

They all have their own ideas, want to dominate their lives, and no longer listen to adults.

Not to mention the brothers and sisters who have been playing since childhood, they have long been tired of seeing each other.


Rolls Royce stopped at the gate of midtown technology high school in Queens, New York.

As soon as the valuable golden flying goddess appeared, it attracted the attention of countless students and teachers.

They can't be more familiar with this car.

Brian... Angelina... The man of the hour at Midtown High School of technology.

Many people stop to watch just to see them. Of course, they don't rule out crazy women and old color skin. They simply want to see handsome men and beautiful women.

The bodyguard opened the door and they went straight to the campus.

Brian walked ahead with a smile and greeted the passing teachers and students.

Wherever he went, he was followed by a group of mentally disabled fans. I didn't know that the superstar came to the school.

Angelina looked cold, walked gracefully on the road with a book in her hand, and was soon thrown away by Brian.

This is a tacit understanding between brother and sister.

Brian likes to be the focus of attention, while Angelina thinks these people are too noisy and likes to be quiet alone.

However, no matter where she is, beautiful women do not lack attention, not to mention fairies of her level.

On the way to class, she pretended to walk and read books everywhere, secretly looking at her boys and girls.

Angelina was disgusted, but there was nothing she could do.

Don't say peeping. I met a boy who secretly photographed her before.