Although she was wearing a white coat, she could not hide her graceful figure.

A black shiny long hair, casual drape on the shoulder, long eyelashes are not thick or thin, just right. That pair of eyes, full of wave light, as can speak, the height of the small nose is just right, coupled with that a sharp and smooth face, it is perfect. That wet lip, even if closed at this time, still seems to be sending out the charm of temptation, people want to kiss.

The woman doctor came over and took the paper from a patient with diabetes for a glance. It said Agrimonia pilosa, Astragalus membranaceus, Lycium barbarum fruit, Lycium barbarum tea... And several kinds of medicinal materials that she didn't even know.

"What is this?" Asked the woman doctor.

"It's a prescription for diabetes."

"Where did you come from?"

The patient pointed to Lu Sen: "he said he was a doctor and gave me such a prescription."

The woman doctor turned to look at Lu Sen and asked, "are you a doctor?"

"I'll correct that. I'm just a doctor, not a doctor."

The female doctor's expression sank down: "if you don't get the doctor's qualification certificate, you won't be qualified to practice medicine."

The woman doctor went over and put away all the prescriptions in the patient's hands, rubbed them together and threw them into the garbage can.

"Your doctor follows up every day. Don't listen to other people's prescriptions, so as not to aggravate the disease." After a pause, the woman doctor added, "by then, not only will the disease get worse, but also the money will be wasted."

The subtext of this sentence is actually suggesting that Lu Sen may be a liar.

Lu Sen shrugged and said nothing.

Her eyes fell on the work card in front of the woman doctor's chest. The column of her name said "Su language".

"Dr. Su, I'm ok. Can I leave the hospital?"

"You were hit by a car, you need to stay in hospital for observation..."

Lu Sen turned his pocket and said, "I don't have any money... If I stay in the hospital for observation, I'll stay for ten days and a half months. But don't ask me for money when I leave the hospital. "

This is a dilemma for Su Yu.

If Lu Sen really lives for 10 days and a half months and has no money to pay for the treatment, it is very likely that they will have to share the cost of the treatment with the whole department in the end.

Staring at Lu SEN for a long time, Su Yu solemnly said, "you were hit on the head by a car. Although you have been checked just now, it doesn't mean you have no sequelae. If you have to leave the hospital, then there will be any condition, everything has nothing to do with the hospital. "

"I understand."


For a patient who truthfully shows that he has no money to pay for treatment, it is relatively easy for Lu Sen to go through the discharge procedures.

After walking out of the hospital, Lu Sen thought that he had forgotten to ask the doctor if the owner of the white Audi R8 that hit him had ever shown up.

But think about it, he ran the red light, and the speed of R8 was not very fast at that time.

If a traffic accident is judged, he is also fully responsible.

"Well, I can't even steal some money..."

But this is just for a moment. It's against the law to steal money.

Lu Sen, who used to be a special forces soldier, has now become a medical freshman. This change of identity does not bother him. After all, being alive is the most important thing.

However, it's true that there is no worry, but there is still a little.

According to the memory left behind, the former master was a weak person.

Choosing to study medicine is not his original intention, but his father's. I don't like it at all, but I dare not resist.

I don't like to talk with people in school. Even in the dormitory, I don't communicate with my roommates very much.

Back in the dormitory, no one was there.

Lu Sen is a bit strange. Generally speaking, three lodgers at this point must be driving black. Why is there no one now? It's not like their usual style.

But before long, the door of the dormitory was kicked open, and a young man with a flat head came in angrily, covering his head.

"Qiu Ping, don't be impulsive."

"Sunspot, don't stop me, I'm going to fight for them now!"

Qiu Ping looks at the dormitory, and finally finds a table leg under Lu Sen's bed.

"Come and stop this guy

"There's nothing to stop. The woman I like is robbed by others. I can't bear it."The sunspot glared fiercely: "what kind of mess do you add at this time. Stop this guy first, or I'm afraid that someone will die later. "

"Don't stop me!"

Sunspot will hold Qiuping's waist, but he is very clear, if let him past, either he killed or he was killed. It depends on the situation. Qiu Ping has a high chance of being killed.

Lu Sen went over and asked, "what happened?"

Just a few seconds ago, Qiu Ping, who was still angry, stopped when he heard Lu Sen speak and turned to look at him.

"Sunspot, give me a punch."

"You burned your brain."

Qiu Ping pointed to Lu Sen and said, "this guy seems to have been living in the same dormitory for almost a year. He never took the initiative to talk to us."

Sunspot thought about it, as if it was such a thing.

Today, I would take the initiative to speak. The sun is rising from the West.

Lu Sen touched his nose and said, "I was hit on the head by a car a few hours ago, and I suddenly became enlightened, so maybe my personality and behavior will change a little later."

"You were hit by a car?"

"I'll talk about it later." Lu Sen looked at Qiu Ping and asked, "what happened? It's like trying to find someone."

When it comes to this, Qiu Ping's anger comes out again.

"I want to kill now!"

Sunspot continued to block Qiuping's waist and said: "Xiaoye empathizes and doesn't fall in love, just for Qiuping to see. Then Qiu Ping went up to make a theory and was beaten. "

Lu Sen thought for a moment and knew who this little leaf was. I've met twice. I'm not particularly beautiful, but I'm also a bit pretty. At the beginning of school, there was a list of freshmen beauties on the forum of Medical University. Xiaoye's candidate ranking in the Department of flowers was more than 20.

The sunspot said: "a woman is like a dress. Why does a man have no wife. Now that she's moved, it's much better to see that she's a woman of high temperament earlier than to find out later. Besides, it's Pang Da tou. You're not his opponent. "

"If you can't fight it, you have to fight it."

"Yes Lu Sen then said, "whether he's Pang Da tou or Pang Xiao tou, let's fight first. You can't have a girlfriend robbed and hurt in the head, and you have to continue to swallow it. I'll go there with you. If there's one more person, even if it's not enough to fight, at least we can make a noise. "

Originally, Qiuping's fire was strong enough. If Lu Sen added a handful of oil, the sunspot would not be able to stop it.

After Qiu Ping broke free, he rushed out with the legs of the table.

Sunspot glared at Lu Sen: "when you talk, you don't talk. When you shouldn't, you talk a lot. I don't know if you're stupid. "

Lu Sen was not angry. Instead, he said with a smile, "we have to keep up with him. Otherwise, that guy would run to find someone to fight for his life in a rage. When he was beaten and maimed, he would have to be carried back. That would be bad."

After a pause, Lu Sen added, "but it seems that it's OK to be disabled. We are medical students. We have a way to take back the broken bone for him."

The sunspot flew across a black line on his forehead.

This guy is really stupid when he's hit by a ca