Although Lu Sen wants to have thunderstorm at night, then he has an excuse to stay. Maybe he can really carry out the plan of making human beings.

It's a pity that heaven doesn't fulfill people's wishes.

It's sunny during the day, but at night, the sky is so bright that there's no possibility of rain.

Fortunately, there was no such thing.

Because he didn't have time to stay.

After dinner with Su Yu, he received a call from Jiang Jiuding, asking him to come out and talk about some details about the development of guira energy.

If there's no big change, as soon as he signs it, we can develop it.

For this project, Jiang Jiuding failed to get a good sleep for several months.

Now that the project has finally arrived, he can have a good sleep.

However, before sleeping safely, Lu Sen has to sign the last authorization contract and go through the last process.

If Lu Sen changes his mind temporarily, he won't be able to have a good sleep tonight.

"Uncle Jiang, are the contracts ready?" As soon as he entered the door, Lu Sen went straight to the subject.

"It has been drawn up. Take a look and sign on it."

Lu Sen picked it up, didn't even look at it, and signed it.

"Don't you take a look?" Jiang Jiuding asked.

After signing all the documents, Lu Sen said, "I can trust uncle Jiang. Besides, I don't think you dare to cheat me. I'm not as sophisticated as you in business, but you should have heard that medicine and drugs are inseparable. If you let me know that you lied to me, maybe you will die before you know it. "

Jiang Jiuding was stunned.

A few seconds later, Lu Sen said with a smile: "Uncle Jiang, you are scared."

"I was really scared."

Lu Sen put down his pen and said: "anyway, there is only one authorization, and it has been discussed before. Even if you want to pit, let you pit. I'm not short of money. Of course, everyone wants to make more and more money. It's just that if you want me to develop on my own, I don't have that kind of equipment, and I'm not good at business, so I don't need to be involved in it. "

Jiang Jiuding took the documents, and Lu Sen signed them.

As long as Fan Yu and Mu Qingcheng sign the agreement again, guira energy can be officially put into production. It doesn't take a month for new energy to come on the market.

"Uncle Jiang, you have to check the first batch of new energy. Whether it can be listed or not, the first batch of new energy is crucial. If the first batch has an accident, and the later ones are produced again, and want to go on the market, the procedures will be more troublesome. "

Jiang Jiuding, who has been in business for many years, naturally understands the importance of the first batch of products.

"Don't worry, I almost eat and sleep in the factory now. I haven't been back very much."

Jiang Jiuding had invested a lot of energy in this project.

Now, at the most important juncture, he certainly can't go wrong.

After signing, Lu Sen is not ready to stay.

"You're leaving now?"

"Do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"I have this idea, but I'm afraid you can't eat it."

Lu Sen felt his stomach and said, "I can't eat this. But please have a meal and keep it for the time being. When the new energy is really on the market, you can put out a few more celebrations to celebrate. "

"It's a must."

"Then I'll go first. Call me if you have something to do."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Jiuding shouts Lu Sen.

"Anything else?"

"Wanzhu has been staying here recently. She doesn't listen to the management books. If you are free, please help me to persuade her."

"All right."

After Lu Sen left, Jiang Jiuding looked at the documents in his hand and felt excited.

The development right of guira energy is something he has been dreaming of for many days.

Now I have it. I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight.

Because I'm so excited.

However, in order to be able to develop as early as possible, Jiang Jiuding had nothing to do, so he immediately went to Fan Yu to sign.


Lu Sen came to the hotel where Mu Qingcheng stayed.

The murderer of muyuanshan has not been found.

But mu Yuanli's family, as well as Mu Yuanshan's Yishuang, including her son, often come to the hotel to make trouble. Mu Qingcheng has a headache, so he asks Lu Sen to come and discuss how to deal with it."If you want them to stop making trouble, the only way is to find the killer." Lu Sen said.

Of course, Mu Qingcheng is also clear, but now there is no clue, even the police there is no, let her find the murderer, more impossible.

"Don't you have a clue?" Mu Qingcheng asked.

"I don't have time to check."

Mu Qingcheng's expression sank down, "you said you went to check, how did you become empty?"

"I'm going out with my girlfriend."

"You --"

Mu Qingcheng is short of breath.

This guy, have you ever taken this matter to heart.

For more than a week, the uncle's family and the third aunt have come to the hotel every day. She has changed several hotels, but they still find her.

If it goes on like this, even if it doesn't make them nervous, they will be exhausted.

Originally, Lu Sen was expected to be more reliable, but he only focused on dating his girlfriend. Does this guy have any conscience.

"I don't really have a conscience." Lu Sen said, "if I had let you be my girlfriend, I would have been with you every day. In this way, maybe the killer would have been hiding. Unfortunately, you don't want to

"Get out of here!"

"I can't go yet." Lu Sen ignored the angry Mu Qingcheng and sat on the bed.

When Mu Qingcheng saw Lu Sen putting his feet on it, Liu Mei immediately raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything. Because with her understanding of Lu Sen, even if she is angry and angry, there is still nothing to mend.

"Let me tell you one thing first. Your third uncle's case should be more difficult."

Mu Qingcheng didn't want to talk to him, but he couldn't help asking, "how difficult is it?"

"The man who caught your grandfather that day has a special identity."

"How special?"

"I haven't found out yet, but there will be an answer in the next two days." Lu Sen looked at Mu Qingcheng, "also, if you can recently, you try to stay in the hotel for remote management company."


Lu Sen rolled his eyes: "you woman, when do you like to ask 100000 why. It's not that you are not allowed to go out, but that you are in a more dangerous situation. The black hand of empress Mu may have made an all-round attack. And their target is you, which makes me confused. You are clearly just a businessman, why does the other side use the holy priest to pursue you

Mu Qingcheng was stunned.

Staring at Lu Sen, I wonder if he is joking. But look at his expression at this time, it doesn't seem like a joke at all.

"The holy priests are a terrible group of people. If they catch them, they will rape first and then kill. You're so beautiful, I'm afraid you're going to be turned

Mu Qingcheng was silent for a long time before he asked, "is it really so terrible?"

"There's no need to lie to you."

Although the so-called "rape first and then kill" is what Lu Sen said to frighten Mu Qingcheng, the holy priest's horror is true.

Open the gap of the curtain and take a look outside. Maybe, at this time, someone might have been watching the holy priest. Just wait for the black rose to die and the task of the green dragon list to take effect again