Jiang Jiajun just wants to die now.

However, when the knife hit the body, the river Crane quickly pulled out.


Jiang Zhonghe cuts off the silver needle from Lu Senfei.

However, because Lu Sen's silver needles are several in a row, Jiang Zhonghe has a flaw because of Jiang Jiajun's struggle.

Although cut fly a few, but still let the silver needle to cut the face, spread the hot feeling.

When Lu Sen was about to make a move, Jiang Zhonghe grabbed Jiang Jiajun's neck with one hand, "if you dare to do it again, I'll strangle her."

Lu Sen didn't do it.

I've been staring at the face of the crane in the river.

He felt very strange.

The expression of river crane gave him a distorted feeling from the beginning.

It doesn't look like a normal face.

At this time, because of the silver needle injury, it seems that it just peeled off the skin, but this skin looks very fake.

Lu Sen doesn't have the energy to study Jiang Zhonghe's face. He is thinking about how to save Jiang Jiajun.

I'm afraid even Jiang Jiajun didn't think of it.

It's ironic enough that you don't let the hunters catch you, but let your father tarnish you at all.

"Back up, back up now!"

The crane in the river roared again.

"Jiang Xiaoyan, for so many years, I didn't expect you to hide here."

The crane in the river was stunned, and a little panic flashed in his eyes.

"Who, who, get out of here!"

"Jiang Xiaoyan, ten years ago in baituoshan, you wanted to do something wrong with your teacher's mother. After being found out, you killed several of your teacher's brothers and ran away. I didn't expect that ten years later, your nature would not change. It's true that wolves eat meat and dogs eat excrement

"Jiang Xiaoyan, you dog can't eat excrement. It seems that you have to change today."

The sound drifted in slowly.

We can only hear it, but not see it.

"Who's playing tricks there, get out of here!"

Jiang Xiaoyan's eyes were red and he was very angry.

But the hand holding the knife trembled.

At this time, a man and a woman came out slowly.

"Jiang Xiaoyan, we meet again."

The man looked at the river crane and said, "ten years ago, I asked you to escape. Your master Ouyang Fu asked us to arrest you. It's just that you escaped because the notice was late. I didn't expect that this flight would last ten years. "

The man sighed: "it's also my fault that I haven't focused on this matter in recent years, which has caused great disaster."

"Who is Jiang Xiaoyan and who are you?" he said in a deep voice

The man patted the dust on his body and said in a low voice, "my name is Yang Jing, and this is my wife long Ruoxi."

Jiang Zhonghe stares at the couple in front of him. After Yang Jing gives his name, his hand holding the knife trembles even more.

"You are Xihai Xialv..."

Yang Jing said in a light voice: "that's just the name given by everyone. We are ordinary people. However, I was entrusted by your master ten years ago. Because I owed him the kindness, I took over the task. Now ten years later, I finally found you. Jiang Xiaoyan, put down the knife and go back with us to plead guilty. "

"I don't know who is Jiang Xiaoyan. I'm Jiang Zhonghe! I'm the leader of tianyimen. I don't know who Ouyang Fu is! "

Yang Jing took a look at the crane in the river.

The river crane didn't even see clearly, just felt that his face was torn.

Yes, the face of jiangzhonghe was torn.

After the skin was torn, the river crane changed its appearance.

He was a middle-aged man of forty, but he was ugly.

Looking at Jiang Zhonghe's face, Lu Sen finally understood why he thought that face was distorted just now. It turned out that Jiang Zhonghe had been wearing a human skin mask.

The river crane has not responded, then let Yang Jing clap open, from his hand will jiangjiajun to save down.

Jiang Jiajun, still in shock, turns his head and looks at the crane in the river, trying to rush through.

After all, it was my father.

However, when she was preparing for the past, she found that it was not her father's face at all."You are not my father, who are you?"

In the face of Jiang Jiajun's question, the "river Crane" who has been exposed at this time knows that he can no longer hide his identity.

"I'll kill you!"

"River Crane" want to rush over, just Yangjing a wave of hand, he flew behind.

"Jiang Xiaoyan, no matter how hard you struggle, it's in vain. We are here today to take you back. "

"I will not go back when I die."

"It's up to you."

Seeing the "river Crane" ready to jump out of the window to run, Yang Jing's figure flashed again, blocking his way, and then turned his hand, "river Crane" fell to the ground.

"That's the end of it."

Yang Jing clapped the head of the "river Crane" with one palm. The "river Crane" uttered a dull sound, and then he was unconscious.

Yang Jing has been carrying people to come, ready to leave.

Jiang Jiajun stopped them.

"What the hell is going on, and who is this man?"

Yang Jing looked at Jiang Jiajun and said, "his name is Jiang Xiaoyan. He lived in baituoshan ten years ago. Just because he wanted to commit adultery to his mother, he killed his brother and ran away. This run is ten years. When our husband and wife found Chengdu, they broke the clue. "

After a pause, Yang Jingwei sighed, "I just didn't expect that when he fled to Chengdu, he took refuge in tianyimen's jiangzhonghe, your father. He and your father are actually distant brothers. When your father took him in, he didn't know what he had done in baituoshan. "

"One day, your father found out about it, so Jiang Xiaoyan took advantage of your father's unprepared to kill him." Yang Jing took a look at the unconscious Jiang Xiaoyan in his hand, "so he let people make a human skin mask to become your father."

Speaking of this, Yang Jing took a look in the front room, where there was a coffin.

Under the coffin, there was a beautiful looking woman.

It's just that she's sleeping forever.

"Even if he disguises well, he can't hide from the pillow." Yang Jing looked back, "your mother and your father have lived for so many years, and they know a lot about their habits. Jiang Xiaoyan knew that your mother had found out, so he locked her here. And because she is the physique of Nu Wa's descendants, she uses her body to practice. "

Jiang Jiajun clenched his teeth tightly, trying not to let his tears stay.

It turned out that her parents were long gone.

Although I don't want to cry, I still can't control my tears. I'll stay after a while.

It started with sobbing and ended with sobbing.

Yang Jing took a look at it and turned to long Ruoxi next to her. She said softly, "wife, let's go back."

Long Ruoxi took Yang Jing's hand, and the two left as if they had never appeared.

Lu Sen looks at the painful Jiang Jiajun squatting on the ground and feels a sigh in his heart