For a moment, more than 50 guns were frantically fired, and the police and soldiers who were in a mess were all hit. Although the members of the dragon group shot blindly, they had many guns and a wide range of attacks, so their lethality was very objective.

The gunfire continued all the time, and because of the silencing device, there was basically no huge noise. The sound of this kind of pistol, even if you live on the first floor of a hotel, you can't hear it clearly as long as the door is closed.

And after the smoke completely dispersed, the 50 odd people stopped shooting. At this time, no one could stand in the lobby, but more than 60 people fell on the ground. These people were the policemen and soldiers guarding the hotel.

Most of the more than 60 people have died, and a few are dying because they hit their thighs or lungs.

"Ask Ye Qing's whereabouts quickly, and those who don't cooperate will be shot immediately." Longyan see this scene, is also cold face, in front of his command.


The members of the dragon group immediately took action and began to use Korean to coerce them. And once encounter disobedience, as long Yan said, immediately kill.

And those police soldiers, not everyone is a hero, there are also people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. They looked at the fate of those colleagues who were biting their teeth and never let go. They were also very scared. Facing the black muzzle of the gun, they pointed straight to the forehead. These timid people also immediately said where Ye Qing was.

"Yes, Ye Qing is in room 1428."

When the question came out, members of the dragon group immediately reported it.

"Good." A sneer appeared at the corner of Longyan's mouth. Looking at the five or six living people left on the ground, Longyan also said in a cold voice: "shoot them all."

"Yes." The members of the dragon group nodded.

"Brute, asshole."

And looking at the man who pointed the gun at him and the cold killing intention on his face, these people also realized what they were doing and yelled at each other.

But their curse could not save their lives. Under their despairing and venomous eyes, the gun rang, and their heads were shot through in an instant.

"Some people take the elevator, some people take the stairs, and the fourteenth floor meets." Long Yan looks at those dragon group members, immediately orders a way.

The reason why Longyan is like this is just in case.

And the more than 50 people quickly separated into two teams and went to the fourteenth floor together.

When the two teams meet on the 14th floor, Long Yan also orders ten people to stay in the elevator, ten people to stay in the stairs, and then with more than 30 people, rush to room 1428.

Just now, no abnormality was found in the elevator and stairs. That is to say, Ye Qing was probably still in the room, and with Long Yan's action, there was no big noise at all.

So long Yan stands before 1428 room at this time, for a long time has not had the intense beating heart, at this moment, but the intense beating.

"Ye Qing, I will tear you to pieces." Longyan looked at the door of 1428, and thought in his heart. At this time, he just needs to break the door open, and Ye Qing in it has only one end, that is, to let go.

Long Yan took a few deep breaths. In his mind, he had imagined the so-called treasure, and of course his daughter. But the treasure occupied more of his mind at this time.

In his life, maybe it is because of the treasure that he has come to this stage. Therefore, the treasure is even more important to Long Yan than his life.

So for the sake of this treasure, Longyan can do whatever it takes.

"Do it." Long Yan low drinks a way.

Suddenly, a member of the dragon group suddenly kicked towards the door, and his foot directly cracked the door.

"Ha ha, Ye Qing, you are finally planted in my hands."

See this scene, Long Yan really can't restrain the inner excitement, crazy laugh up. Long Yan quickly toward the room to go, but this into, Long Yan face of excitement suddenly stop, the whole person's expression Leng in there.

Immediately, Long Yan's face became extremely ferocious. He growled madly: "asshole, asshole." The Long Yan's facial expression, at this time already was crazy to the pole.

Because what appears in front of Long Yan at this time is an empty room with nothing. Except the chaotic sheets and used paper slippers, Ye Qing, who should have appeared in it as he expected, has disappeared.

And where is Ye Qing at this time?

At this time, he is taking Xinlei and running quickly towards the roof. Of course, they are taking the stairs. Why does Ye Qing find that Long Yan rushes in? It's because ye Qing suddenly wakes up at three or four o'clock and gets up to relieve himself.

Of course, Ye Qing's urine doesn't come all of a sudden. Generally, people who have lived in a couple's life have more or less experienced this kind of experience, that is, they fall into bed and go to sleep after finishing. Generally, at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, they will definitely feel urine, and it's hard to hold the urine. They have to get up and release it to be comfortable.

And Ye Qing, this time, did not do many times, not the kind of exhaustion. He did it with Xinlei only once, so Ye Qing didn't sleep until dawn, so at three or four o'clock, he felt urinating and got up to relieve himself.

After Ye Qing gets up to relieve himself, his drowsiness will be reduced. In general, Ye Qing will choose to smoke a cigarette, which is his habit. And Ye Qing also knows that Xinlei doesn't like to smell smoke, so Ye Qing opens the door and goes to the corridor to smoke. As soon as he went out, Ye Qing heard the chaotic movement coming from below. Although the movement was very subtle, Ye Qing's keen hearing could still feel it clearly. That is, there is an accident outside, and according to this situation, there is still a big accident below.

So Ye Qing quickly went to the corridor and looked down with his head on his side. At this moment, Ye Qing was shocked because he saw many policemen and soldiers fall on the ground. They were all covered with blood. Some were killed on the spot, while others were shot in the viscera or thigh and then fell to the ground.

Moreover, with such a large number of guns, the other side also added silencers. At first glance, they came prepared.

Since they are prepared and dare to attack the police and the army, almost no one dares to do so in this city except Long Yan.

So Ye Qing didn't even think about it, so she rushed back to the room immediately, and then woke up her sleeping heart bud. They also dressed quickly and rushed out of the room.

Generally, it's safest to leave this hotel at this time, but ye Qing knows that if you take the elevator to get down now, it's an act of seeking death. If you take the stairs, you can't rule out that Long Yan will arrange people to go up the stairs. After all, Long Yan is not an idiot, his mind is also very careful. So when ye Qing thought about it, he chose to go up directly. In this way, the hotel has 36 floors. In addition, Longyan will definitely go to room 1428 to check. For this, for someone will tell Longyan room number, Ye Qing will not blame him, after all, in the face of death, everyone is selfish. Some people are heroes, while others want to save their lives.