Ye CuO looks at Su Ya's eyes sincerely and nods slowly.

They were silent for several seconds. Suya looked at Ye CuO and said, "why don't you explain?"

Ye CuO touched his nose and said, "can you tell me how to see it?"

Suya said: "it's very simple. When the butterfly comes back this time, the mood of the whole person is very different. I noticed that she had been preparing. This kind of preparation is like a person who wants to die generously, making the final farewell.

But in her eyes, there are always very happy eyes.

What's more, I noticed that she added a very small habitual action, that is, reaching for the ring finger of her left hand.

This finger is for wearing a wedding ring. She's thinking about getting married. Who else is there besides you? "

Suya tried to make her voice calm, but she still felt sad.

However, she knew in her heart that ye CuO must have done so because the situation at that time was extremely urgent. Moreover, Su Ya has always felt that ye CuO's attitude towards butterflies is very different, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Now, Suya is waiting for ye CuO's explanation.

Ye CuO sat there, struggling for a few minutes. In the end, he could not say that he was reborn.

After all, this is really amazing. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Ye mistakenly thought for a long time and said to Suya, "let me organize the language. Today, I will tell you most of my secrets, because I may face an extremely dangerous trap every step in the future, and I may die at any time.

Originally, I didn't want to tell you that I was afraid to drag you in, because in this war, there can be no casualties.

Even if I die 10000 times, I don't want to hurt you.

Unfortunately, if Yan Xie is more reliable, he can be given the position of military adviser, but he is too unreliable.

No matter how simple it is, he may have a problem, and it's the kind I didn't expect at all. Sometimes he is like a savior, sometimes it makes people vomit blood.

So now, I think I should tell you, because I need your brain very much. My force value, even if it can be the best in the world, is just a hundred enemies.

But your brain is the enemy of ten thousand people!

I'm good at assassinations and things like that; But to manage a force and let it grow up step by step in countless dangerous situations, you are actually 100 times better than me.

Xiaoya, here I want to say to you first, although I proposed to butterfly, I will never fail you in the future. You are always the first in my heart, and I will give you a lifetime of company to make you the happiest woman in the world. "

Suya stayed for a few seconds. Her eyes were red gradually. She bit her lips and said, "I'm enough with you."

Ye CuO reached out to hold her hand, and they didn't speak for a long time.

More than ten minutes later, ye CuO said, "it's a bit complicated. I'll start with an organization.

This organization, called xuesha, Langya and Junci, is also known as the world's top three killer organizations.

In fact, there is a Western assassination organization, the Holy See, which is also very powerful, but the number is very small, so it is not ranked.

Butterfly, it was in the bloodbath.

Her parents and family were killed by the blood killers when she was very young. All this is just because the blood killers saw her potential and wanted to train her to be a killer. "

Suya was surprised. Although she knew that the butterfly background might be extraordinary, she didn't expect that it was so terrible.

Ye CuO continued: "in fact, my relationship with butterfly is very complicated. You can understand that I knew her a long time ago, and she saved my life, but she doesn't remember.

This time, she came to the school and the target of the assassination was me.

When she went to Beijing, she got the order to kill me. She had to kill me, but she didn't do it several times.

After she disobeyed the order of killing, she became the one who had to be killed.

It can be said that she completely took her own life in exchange for mine. I proposed to her just to give her an account and reassure her that I would never let anyone hurt her. "

Suya nodded and said, "you've done the right thing. She may still feel that she will be killed by blood, so she's always making preparations. But even so, she doesn't betray you. It's really worth your life to protect her. Don't worry. I will enlighten her in the future and let her understand that blood killing may not be irresistible when we are together. "

Ye CuO gave a bitter smile: "you can think so, but you can't persuade her, because blood killing is really terrible.

I also have a blood feud with blood killing. Every step I do now is to increase my strength and fight against blood killing.

But today I know that the establishment of an organization can not be completed by one person.

I already have the evil words around me, and I can draw the wind to the dust immediately, but all this, in front of the blood killing, is like a child without resistance.

So, I need you. "

Ye CuO said, reaching for Su Ya's hand and saying: "Xiaoya, you are smarter than me. You should think about it carefully. Are you safe if you are involved in it. If it's not safe, you must tell me that I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to be hurt. "

Ye CuO's face is full of worry.

Suya smiles, leans her head on his shoulder and says, "don't worry, nothing is absolutely safe, even if you eat, you will bite your tongue. But you are my man, I must help you. If there is a Dao mountain in front of us, we will embrace on it; If there is a sea of fire in front of us, we will laugh in the sea of fire. As long as we are by your side, I am not afraid of anything. "

Ye CuO chokes a little and suddenly reaches out his hand and hugs Su Ya tightly.

After hugging each other for a long time, Su Yacai said softly, "don't worry, silly brother. Although I have no power to bind a chicken, even if some bad people catch me, I will have a way to make them not kill me and escape.

Now that you have told me everything today, I will sort out all the resources in your hands, at least let the people killed by blood dare not act rashly. "

"Good." Ye CuO decided to hand over the whole company to Su Ya from today on.

Two hugged for a while, quietly enjoying the time together, but at this time, ye CuO's phone rang, there came the voice of brother long: "Hello, boss, Bai Yanhe's birthday is coming, over there in the 13th hall, come to the next invitation, how to do?"

Ye CuO and Su Ya look at each other. Su Ya smiles and says to him, "look at me this time."