"According to Beibei, Yunbing's partner snow girl has a way to let the emperor's auspicious beast survive in another way. It seems that snow girl has seen through DILIN's identity. She should want the auspicious beast to become the soul of Yunbing." Mu Lao continued.

"This is not the way to revive the auspicious beast after all, otherwise the emperor must have retreated." Xuanlao sighed slightly.

Mu nodded and said softly, "look at the speed of the soul beast army. I'm afraid it will arrive tomorrow. Since this is our mistake, let's bear it. "

Xuanlao's body trembled slightly and looked up and said, "no, old mu, you are the pillar of Shrek. I can't do anything. It's up to me."

"Xuanzi, my life is running out... Even without this animal tide, it will only be two or three years. But just because we two can't calm emperor Tian's anger, we need to hold on until Yunbing comes back. "

Old Mu's turbid eyes showed inexplicable melancholy.

"Cloud ice?" Xuanlao asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it's up to Yunbing to quell the animal tide this time. The auspicious beast is only afraid to become a soul, but also alive. It must be able to extinguish the emperor's anger. With the soul, it must be able to retreat from this animal tide. " Mu Lao closed his eyes and said.

Xuanlao nodded slightly, and Mu Lao was very reasonable.

"I don't know what happened to Yuhao."

"I don't worry about him. The teacher in Yuhao's spiritual sea is a good teacher. With this teacher, Yuhao won't have anything." Mu Laodao.

"It took a long time for the injury to recover." Xuanlao nodded and sighed.

"Isn't this just right? It also avoids the danger of Yuhao in the animal tide."

"You said the same."

"If emperor Tian doesn't agree in the end, we two try our best to protect Yunbing." The fine light in Mu Lao's eyes flashed.

Xuanlao nodded slightly, "don't worry too much, old mu. The old poison monster is already coming to Shrek. But the young generation of the three imperial schools and colleges lost too much this time... "

"No one is to blame. The layout of the sun moon empire is too meticulous, and the ports are arranged clearly. If it weren't for the snow girl this time, the terrorist losses would be even heavier. " Old Mu sighed.

"Speaking of snow girl, I've never heard of such a strong man on the mainland, so young." Xuanlao frowned.

Mu Lao smiled and said, "let's leave it alone. Yunbing is going to be a father. My teacher can't let him have something to do."

Xuanlao: "

"Being a father? Mr. mu, did you say something wrong? "

"Xuanzi, you're right. Snow girl is pregnant with the child of Yunbing." Mu Lao smiled and shook his head.

"... if I remember correctly, Yun Bing is only twelve."

"Age doesn't mean anything."



In the Sun Moon Palace, Xu natural's face was full of ferocity.

The Royal soul mentor group, the evil king soul guide group and the Huofeng guoe division suffered heavy losses, and three level-9 soul mentors died! The contestants also ran away, how can this make him not angry!

Kneeling orange in front of him, her head was slightly lower. She was claiming the wrong punishment. This layout was basically arranged by her, but she failed

After a long time, Xu naturally calmed down a little and went forward to pick up the orange and said, "empress, get up. This time it's not your fault. Your guess is correct. It's our wrong estimation of their ability. This time we are not a failure. At least we have lost a lot of the young generation of the three empires. This time, I'm afraid the war will really start. I want the queen to fight for me. Don't hurt your body for some guilt. "

"Thank you for your concern and understanding. My concubines must bow to the ground and live up to your Majesty's expectations." The orange said in a steady voice.

Time goes by, five days later.

In these five days, the war between Shrek and the soul beast broke out, and the ontology had arrived on the day when the soul beast arrived.

Combined with the power of Shrek college and ontology, it finally blocked the attack.

At this time, Mu Lao's face has become a little older and looks like an old man in the twilight.

In front of the east gate of Shrek City, dark clouds covered the sky. The ground was full of dead souls and animals, and there was a river of blood below. There was almost no bare ground in front of the whole city, but there were signs of burning. The terrible 100 meter or even 1000 meter cracks on the ground and huge pits showed the fluctuation of fighting in recent days.

In fact, the bodies of those dead soul beasts have been brought back by high-level soul beasts for food.

On the wall of Shrek City, Shrek army, Tang clan disciples, ontology disciples, Shrek outer courtyard and inner courtyard disciples are already exhausted.

Tang menxuan Ziwen collected a large number of soul rings from the all terrain self-propelled fort, then erased the breath with a special soul guide, and sold them to humans in need for absorption.

However, they did not know that it was the collection and sale of soul rings that caused them heavy losses. Fortunately, no one bothered them because of Shrek.

Not only the east gate of Shrek college, but also before the other three gates.

This time, Emperor Tian launched a total of about 400000 soul beasts, of which ten-year and hundred year soul beasts account for the majority, nearly 300000. There are millions of giant soul beasts in the whole star forest, but most of them are only ten or hundred years.

In five days, about 400000 souls lost 60%! Most of the casualties are caused by human fixed mounted soul guided shells!

Who will win? No one knows. No one knows until the end.

Brigitte looked at the corpse of the soul beast in that place. Her eyes were full of fatigue. She didn't want to fight anymore

On the other hand, the loss on the human side is far less than that on the soul beast.

The other side.

The seven colored light masks on Yunbing dissipated, and he also opened his eyes.

Until then, the soul Saint magic array under him slowly disappeared.

A golden light appeared from the center of Yunbing's eyebrows, turned into a three eyed Golden Dragon and fell to the ground. It was still not human, but its size did not shrink. When his spiritual power reaches tangible and qualitative, it must be that DILIN can form in his spirit.

After DILIN's promotion, Yunbing's spiritual power has been the same as Huo Yuhao, reaching the level of tangible and intangible, and the short board of spiritual power has been solved at once.

DILIN stared at Yunbing and said, "your life vortex is really overbearing, but don't say this first. Go back. I can feel that there are a lot of casualties in our soul animals. I'm afraid emperor Tian has launched a wave of animals."

Yunbing looked at Shrek's direction, nodded and said seriously, "OK, I'll go back to stop the war immediately, but it's too late... Unexpectedly, it took seven days to integrate with you..."

Di Lin with three eyes of Golden Dragon nodded. Sadness flashed in her golden eyes, and then she returned to the spiritual sea of Yunbing.

"Xueer, take me back as soon as possible." Yunbing looks at the snow emperor beside him.

The snow Emperor didn't speak, grabbed Yunbing's hand and disappeared into a white streamer on the island.