There is no shortage of people in this world who like to dig deep into the inside. There is no way. In this sometimes crazy era of boredom, some people always like to do things that are too idle.

Li Lina is the editor in chief of a stall literature magazine. The contents of this stall literature magazine are mostly stories of supernatural beings.

In this era when the network is more and more developed, the sales of this stall magazine is naturally more and more depressed. Powerful supernatural novelists have also gone to the network to make money. Which famous writer will contribute to this doomed magazine?

Li Lina still can't give up this increasingly depressed magazine. Maybe it's also related to her inheriting such a family business from her father. Even if the sales are more and more depressed, she can still make a living.

Since there is no contribution from a well-known writer, Li Lina naturally tries to make it up by herself. Anyway, it is stall literature. How to make it up is shocking

Now the network is also relatively developed, and there are so many materials. Of course, she wants to process it according to the materials.

It's not just the Internet. Li Lina sometimes has very real dreams about "ghosts", which can always give her a lot of inspiration.

Ironically, in her dream, she was a well-known journalist. She was also responsible for the "approaching science" column of national television, refuting rumors about various supernatural events, and forcing science to explain everything.

However, in reality, she is the editor in chief of an unknown stall magazine. She does the most things, that is, making things up, making things out of nothing, and talking about supernatural events. For example, why do you hear children playing marbles at night?

In fact, is this a kid?

For example, why is the high incidence of old people's death in the days of ghost day? Yes, it's the ghost!

In a word, Li Lina felt nonsense when she saw her nonsense, but to her surprise, her "nonsense" even renewed the life of the stall magazine, which was like playing the spell of the boy in red - well, this is also a very fascinating ghost story she made up.

Many readers have praised the stall magazine called "walking into the supernatural" and think that the story in it is serious nonsense. It just can justify itself. The realistic feeling makes people look very creepy!

When a supernatural story can bring that kind of horror to readers, it is naturally a successful story.

Although Li Lina has a dream about "ghosts", she has never been a nightmare, because she feels that she is very strong in her dream, not physically, but mentally. She feels that nothing can affect her judgment. She is always cold and rational. Even in the face of fierce ghosts, she can communicate rationally and establish contacts

In this way, when she can be lifted by the fierce ghost, what else should she worry about? She just needs to observe everything lightly, and then carry out a wave of "rumor refutation".

In reality, Li Lina wrote those "rumor refuting" supernatural stories. She didn't think it was true. After all, it was just her dream.

Sometimes Li Lina also feels confused. Why does her dream always appear in the world full of ghosts?

She can only explain it with "thinking every day and dreaming at night", because she is always thinking about how to make up ghost stories, so she naturally dreams

Li Lina doesn't just make it up based on dreams. She thinks dreams are all big meals and can be used as the main work of stall magazines. However, appetizers are also needed. Naturally, she goes to the Internet to find materials.

As it happens, a horror film called "strange smell of black cat" is very popular on the Internet recently. She watched it in broad daylight.

Of course, horror films should be watched during the day. In reality, Li Lina is still very timid. Sometimes she really hopes to become herself in her dream. She simply doesn't know what fear is

When Li Lina saw half of it, she just felt more familiar. When she saw "herself" appear in the film, although she had only a few lines, she was stunned!

Isn't this her in the dream?

But although they are similar, their temperament is really too different

It's like raising a pair of twins separately. One is treated with dignity since childhood, the other has grown up in poverty, and then in his twenties, when we get together again, we will find that the twins are completely different.

Therefore, if Li Lina really appears on the street, she will not be recognized. Now the people who want to find out the most on the Internet are actually the actor of the fat Liu Kang and the actor of the fierce ghost Chu Renmei. In addition to these two, others feel that they are background boards.

The more Li Lina watched the film, the more she recalled the contents of more "Dreams", and then she began to panic

For the first time, she doubted that her dream was really a dream?

She began to recall the feeling of dreaming and found that she could not act by herself in her dream. She seemed to be completely attached to Li Lina in the "dream", and she could only let her act. Sometimes when the dream woke up, she would completely forget it, unless she met something that shocked her, such as a real ghost.

She never thought there was anything wrong with this. After all, most of the time, many people dream without the consciousness of dreaming. They can't control their behavior at all. They will take action only when they realize that they dream.

In fact, people who can know that they are dreaming are very happy, because dreams are really fun. They can play as much as they want. They can create and destroy at will. When they meet a beautiful girl, they can go up recklessly, and then wake up embarrassed to find that they want to change their underwear

Li Lina now feels that, based on her discovery, she can make up a new major work. Why is her dream made into a movie?

Or is the film actually from another parallel world?

Just when Li Lina was deep in thought, another news exploded on the Internet, that is, the guy who dug the inside pointed out that the detective in the donkey group seemed to be played by teacher Ouyang!

Is this film written by Mr. Ouyang and guest starred in a detective role that is not very much?

Ouyang sat at home and was thinking of a murder case in the secret room of the closed door village. In the twinkling of an eye, he turned out to be an actor!


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